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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 12 (1964), No. 2. (June), Pages 318-318

Some Devonian Brachiopods Reported from Western Canada [Abstract]

John A. C. Fortescue

The aim of this study was to compile a list of descriptions of genera and species of brachiopod fossils which have been reported by various authors from the Devonian rocks of Canada, West of the 110th meridian.

This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is essentially bibliographical. The second part contains descriptions of genera and species of brachiopods.

The bibliography in Part I contains forty references from which brachiopod faunal lists were compiled. Part I also contains an index map showing the geographical location of outcrop areas from which the fossils were collected, and a chart showing the stratigraphic range of brachiopod genera in a typical Devonian section of the Southern Rocky Mountains.

In Part II, the brachiopod faunal lists have been arranged in a systematic manner. They are supplemented by detailed descriptions of fifty-one genera and ninety-eight species. The descriptions are prefaced by a short discussion of biological classification; a note on the modern concept of species; a glossary of brachiopod terminology, and a short list of important references on this group of fossils. All the descriptions are taken from the literature on the subject because none of the type material is presently at the University of British Columbia. The brachiopod descriptions are arranged by superfamilies.

Conclusions are drawn regarding the scope and limitations of this study. Some suggestions are offered for the further study of this group of fossils.

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1954, M.Sc., University of British Columbia

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