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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Kansas Geological Society


Transactions of the 1999 AAPG Midcontinent Section Meeting (Geoscience for the 21st Century), 1999
Pages 170-180

Constraining Permeability Field to Engineering Data: an Innovative Approach in Reservoir Characterization

Hisham Al-Qassab


Reservoir characterization can yield major improvements in reservoir management and hence in reservoir forecasting. The use of engineering data in reservoir characterization has become increasingly important particularly when it comes to permeability modeling. This paper presents a new technique in integrating engineering data such as pressure-buildup tests and Previous HitflowNext Hit-meter surveys in conditioning core permeability data to capture high Previous HitflowNext Hit zones in stratified reservoirs.

Previous HitFlowNext Hit-meter data are used to allocate total permeability from pressure-buildup test. Through this technique a permeability log is produced that has the same vertical resolution as the Previous HitflowNext Hit meter. Series of cross validations are performed between core permeability and permeability derived from engineering data. Such validations provide statistical comparison between the two sources of permeability for each facies. A comparison of the porosity relationship also is made between both sources of permeability. Upon completetion of the cross validation phase, an integration phase is accomplished. Subsequently, the permeability obtained from engineering data is used to sample the cumulative density function of the core-permeability cloud transform.

Finally, the spatial correlation of permeability is obtained from the radial diameter of the pressure buildup test to construct a permeability model. Such a model then is compared with a conventionally built permeability model. This approach was applied to one of the Saudi Arabian oil fields. The results of this case study show that a model conditioned to engineering data produces better results of capturing the high Previous HitflowTop zones in a highly stratified Saudi Arabian reservoir.

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