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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Kansas Geological Society


Transactions of the 1999 AAPG Midcontinent Section Meeting (Geoscience for the 21st Century), 1999
Pages 89-89

ABSTRACT: Characterizing a Morrow Sandstone Reservoir through Stratigraphic Interpretation of 3-D Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Data, Sorrento Field, Colorado

Sandra Mark1, Roger M. Slatt2, David C. Rampton3

Sorrento field, southeastern Colorado, contains an estimated 21 million bbls of original oil in place in the Pennsylvanian Morrow sandstone. The reservoir consists of a complex of stacked channel sequences within an incised valley. Interpretation of 3-D compressional Previous HitseismicNext Hit data has outlined the configuration of the incised valley and provided essential information about the characteristics of the rocks that fill it. This Previous HitseismicNext Hit interpretation provides stratigraphic details on the compartmentalization of the four flow units which explain the multiple fluid contacts and variable performance of wells in this field.

The petroleum industry has been challenged to characterize Morrow reservoirs because the sandstone reservoir is encased in marine mudstone; normal compressional Previous HitseismicNext Hit data are not capable of imaging reservoir rock because the acoustic impedance is not sufficient to distinguish the two lithologies. Rather, Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitmodelingNext Hit shows that the compressional Previous HitseismicTop character of the Morrow interval is the result primarily of high-velocity/high-density nonreservoir rocks. The distribution of these nonreservoir rocks is critical in delineating the reservoir because the channel sandstone is bordered by reflective rocks such as floodplain deposits or high-density facies which lie outside of the valley wall. Nonreservoir rocks that are barriers to flow within the reservoir, such as carbonate-cemented zones, define the compartmentalization.

Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado

2 Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado

3 Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado

Copyright © 2006 by the Kansas Geological Society