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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 15,675 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Seal failure assessment of a major gas field via integration of seal properties and leakage phenomena
M. Foschi, and J. A. Cartwright
AAPG Bulletin
... increase in aquifer overpressure leading to membrane seal failure and a model dominated by high aquifer overpressure leading to leakage through...
Calibrating Seal Risk against Global Analogues and Observations: Where Does the Middle East Fit?; #41825 (2016)
Duncan Macgregor, Roger Davies
Search and Discovery.com
...’ in this article. 2) Excess pressure due to the development of a hydrocarbon column exceeding membrane capacity of the seal, termed ‘Seal Capacity...
The Determination of Seal Capacities for Highly Pressured HP/HT Traps: A Best-Practice Workflow
Stephen O'Connor, Richard Swarbrick, Richard Lahann, Alexander Edwards, David Scott, Sam Green
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... is a function of two main processes, either: Membrane leakage where petroleum buoyancy pressure exceeds the capillary entry pressure of the seal...
Proposed Origin of Subsurface Thermal Brines, Imperial Valley, California: ABSTRACT
F. A. F. Berry
AAPG Bulletin
... waters. Meteoric interstitial water of the sedimentary fill would mix with the membrane-effluent and leakage waters on the borders of this hydrochemical...
Abstract: Analog-based Seal Classification and its Potential Application in Prospect Evaluation; #90251 (2016)
Shengyu Wu, Shaoqing Sun, José I. Guzmán
Search and Discovery.com
... by top seal failure, and the most common cause of failure is by tectonic (fault) breaching. Capillary leakage is more common in fields with large...
Application of Overburden Amplitude Variations to Constrain Hydrocarbon Column Heights in the Hammerfest Basin, Norwegian Barents Sea
Lidia Georgescu, Christian Hermanrud, Roar Heggland, Trine Helle Simmenes
AAPG Special Volumes
... in the Norwegian North Sea: Petroleum Geoscience, v. 10, no. 1, p. 35–42. Teige, G. M. G., C. Hermanrud, and H. Rueslåtten, 2011, Membrane seal leakage...
Experimental Investigation into Fracture Closure in Caprocks in CO2 Storage Reservoirs, #80626 (2018).
T.O. Lynch, H. Al-Hajri, Q.J. Fisher
Search and Discovery.com
... reduction and sub-surface stress changes, and fracture geometry will control CO2 leakage rates in storage reservoirs where the seal has been compromised...
Evaluation of Late Cap Rock Failure and Hydrocarbon Trapping Using a Linked Pressure and Stress Simulator
A. E. Lothe, H. Borge, . Sylta
AAPG Special Volumes
... of hydraulic fracturing and leakage has been limited by a lack of good field exposures and also a lack of cores from fractured cap rocks (Cosgrove, 1998...
Geologic and Hydrologic Considerations for Construction of Cyanide Heap Leach Facilities
Brian W. Buck, Robert J. Bayer
Utah Geological Association
... to provide a smooth, hard surface to support the membrane. This surface provides protection against leakage in two ways: 1) it uniformly supports the membrane...
Experimental Investigation Into Fracture Closure in Caprocks in CO2 Storage Reservoirs
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Energy, at What Cost: Is $15 Billion per Year Enough to Bury Albertas Carbon Footprint?; #90172 (2014)
C. Willem Langenberg
Search and Discovery.com
... Figure 2): Seal Leakage This type of leakage is related to cap rock integrity. Work is underway in Alberta to assess the cap rock integrity of potential...
A Framework for Inclusion of Faults in Coal Seam Gas Risk Assessments
Titus A. Murray, William L. Power
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... are likely to self-heal. Membrane seal (occlusion of flow across faultcore materials) should only be considered with extreme care. Recent work by Murray...
Geological Input to Selection and Evaluation of CO2 Geosequestration Sites
John G. Kaldi, Catherine M. Gibson-Poole, Tobias H. D. Payenberg
AAPG Special Volumes
... result in the chemical erosion of some seal lithologies leading to leakage needs to be addressed. In most instances, because of their low...
Basin Screening for Seal Rock Quality New Zealand Region
B. D. Field, D. P. Strogen, H. D. Zhu, T. R. Sahoo, A. G. Griffin, M. J. F. Lawrence, C. Martin, R. McDonnell, K. Jones, R. Daniel
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
.... Taranaki Basin, where relationships between membrane entry Seal rock quality has been assessed using key petroleum wells, pressures and key...
Detecting Fault-Related Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways in Seismic Data: Implications for Fault-Seal, Pressure, and Charge Prediction
David L. Connolly, Friso Brouwer, and David Walraven
GCAGS Transactions
... of a lack of charge or seal. Dry holes, which had suspected lateral fault leakage, were excluded so that only top seal risk is being evaluated...
Probabilistic risk and resource evaluation of CCS assets using PVT, fluid and seal properties
Martin Neumaier, Ben Kurtenbach
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... resource ranges. It explicitly includes the likelihood of failure due to fracturing, leakage through the top or fault seal, or structural spill based...
Naturally Fractured Reservoirs and Compartments: A Predictive Basin Modeling Approach
P. Ortoleva, J.M. Maxwell, D. Payne, W. Sibo, J. Comer
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... induced breakthrough typically occurs at seal high-points, as noted in Section 11.82. mechanical processes needed to predict fractured reservoir location...
PoroChemoElastic Modeling of Wellbore Drilling in Fractured Shale with Solute Transport
Younane Abousleiman, Vinh Nguyen
Special Publications of SEPM
...PoroChemoElastic Modeling of Wellbore Drilling in Fractured Shale with Solute Transport Younane Abousleiman, Vinh Nguyen Copyright © 2012 Society...
Quantitative analysis of slip-induced dilation with application to fault seal
Scott J. Wilkins, Stephen J. Naruk
AAPG Bulletin
..., the fault is an effective membrane seal. In our mechanical model for leakage, hydrocarbons may enter the adjacent fault zone anywhere within the membrane...
Fault-Zone Seals in Siliciclastic Strata of the Columbus Basin, Offshore Trinidad
Richard G. Gibson
AAPG Bulletin
... entering hydrocarbons will be compensated for by leakage through the pore throats of the seal at the point of greatest buoyancy pressure (i.e., highest...
A new model for assessing trap integrity and oil preservation risks associated with postrift fault reactivation in the Timor Sea
Anthony Gartrell, Wayne R. Bailey, Mark Brincat
AAPG Bulletin
...). The presence of thick, effective top seals and favorable fault-juxtaposition seal and fault membrane seal relationships suggests that vertical leakage...
Abstract: Development and Application of Rapid Filtration and Consolidation Lost Circulation Material ZYSD; #130000 (2018)
Jun Tian, Wentang Liu, Xudong Li, Yunfei Liu, Jianhua Guo
Search and Discovery.com
... in fractured leakage are complex and sensitive to induction.If conventional bridge plug lost circulation material is used,its particle size is hard...
Effects of Exhumation on Gas Saturation in Tight Gas Sandstones
Alton Brown
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... sides so that water can move through the seal but gas cannot, and 3) the pore volume is membrane sealed on the top and sides but open on the bottom...
The Sedimentology, Reservoir Potential and Seal Integrity of the Pale Sandstone at the Aure Scarp, Papua New Guinea
Peter Boult, George J. Carman
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... in traverse 7 at 35 m {Figure 3.4). The ‘wavy bedded’ limestone near the base of the Mendi Formation is the best membrane seal measured in the area (Table 1...
Coupling Geomechanics and Petrophysical Measurements for Production Enhancement in Organic-Rich Shales
Azra N. Tutuncu, Daisuke Katsuki, Binh T. Bui, Anton Padin, Bryan McDowell
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... on the quantitative estimation of the membrane efficiency in shales. Their studies were mostly on seal shale formations and presence of organic matter...