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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 999 Results. Searched 196,431 documents.

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West of Shetland: SHarp Broadband 2D Regional Well Tie Survey

Ian T. Edwards, Global Multi-Client Surveys and New Ventures

GEO ExPro Magazine

.... In addition, towing deep boosts the low frequency response of the receiver ghost and hence increases the signal strength at ultra-low frequencies...


Ivory Coast Exploration in the Transform Margin

Patrick Coole, Matthew Tyrrell, Christine Roche, Petroleum Geo-Services

GEO ExPro Magazine

... ghost), PGS have been able to image the deeper syn-transform and early post-transform sections with much greater fidelity. In addition, PGS has two...


Filling the Inversion GapŽ Without Well Data: Multi Level Sources and Streamers Help Improve Inversion

Martin Bayly, Dominic Lowden, Bruce Webb, Ed Kragh

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... frequency range from zero to approximately 6-12 Hertz. This is due to the free surface “ghost” effect of towing sources and streamers beneath the sea surface...


Interaction of Biological and Geological Processes in the Beach And Nearshore Environments, Northern Padre Island, Texas

Gary W. Hill, Ralph E. Hunter

Special Publications of SEPM

... and the northern of moderate quadrata ghost crab is concentrated in the beach and Callianassa islagrande ghost shrimp and Mellita quinquiesperforata...


Bahamian Limestone Crusts

Louis S. Kornicker

GCAGS Transactions

... in the underlying lithifield shell detritus. Some of the grains are indistinctly defined ("ghost structures") and difficult to distinguish from the matrix...


Illuminating Resolution

Paul Wood

GEO ExPro Magazine

... signal reflected from the subsurface, but also, slightly later, the same signal that has bounced back from the sea surface – the ghost. The ghost...


The Devonian of Jasper Park

A. M. Patterson

CSPG Special Publications

... rest on beds of undetermined age. These beds, dolomites, silty dolomites, and siltstones, are similar lithologically to the Ghost River formation...


The Tectonically Controlled San Gabriel Channel–Lobe Transition Zone, Catalina Basin, Southern California Borderland

Katherine L. Maier,, Emily C. Roland, Maureen A.L. Walton, James E. Conrad, Daniel S. Brothers, Peter Dartnell, Jared W. Kluesner

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...: patterns and predictions: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 728–743. Moore, D.G., 1969, Reflection profiling studies of the California...


Cenozoic Migration of Alaskan Terranes Indicated by Paleontologic Study

R. von Huene, G. Keller, T. R. Bruns, K. McDougall

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... Ma Late Cretaceous ±5 ° N 42° N paleomagnetic position of the Ghost Rocks Fm. 40 ±9 ° N . Table 2—Comparison of absolute paleolatitude positions...


Exploration for Oil Accumulations in Entrada Sandstone, San Juan Basin, New Mexico

Richard R. Vincelette , William E. Chittum

AAPG Bulletin

... in interpreting crude-oil analyses: U.S. Bur. Mines Tech. Paper 610, 34 p. Stapor, F. W., Jr., 1972, Origin of the Todilto gypsum mounds in the Ghost Ranch area...


The Bow Drainage Basin: Power, Water, and Some Geology

Karl A. Mygdal

CSPG Special Publications

... (22,000 h.p.), Ghost (67,450 h.p.), Horseshoe (20,000 h.p.), and Kananaskis (24,000 h.p.). Of these only the Ghost is visible from the highway; its...


Widespread Beartooth Butte Formation of Early Devonian Age in Montana and Wyoming and its Paleogeographic Significance

Charles A. Sandberg

AAPG Bulletin

..., and the upper part of the Ghost River Formation of west-central Alberta are suggested. A belt of discontinuous deposits of Early Devonian and probable Early...


Seismic Facies of Incised-Valley Fills, New Jersey Continental Shelf: Implications for Erosion and Preservation Processes Acting During Latest Pleistocene–Holocene Transgression

S. Nordfjord, J.A. Goff, J.A. Austin Jr., S.P.S. Gulick

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., P.R., and Sangree, J.B., 1977, Seismic stratigraphy and global changes of sea level, part 6: stratigraphic interpretation of seismic reflection patterns...




Montana Geological Society

... of stratigraphic position and lithologic similarity, the Basal Devonian and D-C units of Montana and the Ghost River formation of Alberta may...


Carbonate Buildups of the Gays River Formation, Lower Carboniferous Windsor Group, Nova Scotia

R. C. Boehner, P. S. Giles, D. A. Murray, R. J. Ryan

CSPG Special Publications

... recrystallized shelly, Koninckopora (?) wackestone (microsparite) with radial fibrous calcite defining ghost shell fragments and blocky calcite pore fill...


Oil and Gas Activities in Canada in 1973

J. R. Ower

CSPG Bulletin

... of the West Jumping Pound field, Phillips made a gas discovery at their Ghost 4-36 well, and subsequently two successful stepouts have been drilled...


From Chaos to Caves … An Evolution of Seismic Karst Interpretation at the Vorwata Field

Riangguna Eloni, M.R. Husni Sahidu, Ilham Panggeleng, Christopher S. Birt, Ted Manning

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... velocity. Placing multicomponent sensors on the sea-floor also allows the receiver ghost to be removed and provide broader band data to be imaged...


Workshop: Distribution of Rare Earth Elements (REE) in coals and fly ash: Examples from Kentucky mines and power plants and from pilot-scale beneficiation and extraction

James Hower

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... sites Tonstein chemistry dominated by SiO2 and Al2O3 with low K2O –- reflection of kaolinite dominance Zr can be high, up to 1830 ppm (whole rock...


Wherry Pool, Rice County, Kansas

Harold E. McNeil

AAPG Special Volumes

... edge of the pool throughout its length. Saxman is a station in the immediate vicinity of the pool. The pool received its name from the abandoned ghost...


Correlations Within The Mississippian of The Front Ranges of The Rocky Mountains

D. H. Oswald

CSPG Bulletin

... of the Front Range between the Ghost River and the Highwood River. Formational thicknesses and lithologies exhibit a considerable degree of uniformity...


Radiographic Examination of Variations in Barrier Island Facies; Sapelo Island, Georgia (1)

James D. Howard

GCAGS Transactions

... are represented by bioturbation produced by amphipod reworking and burrow systems of insects and ghost crabs. Heavy mineral lamination is more obvious here than...


Utilizing Short Offset Data from a 3D Exploration Survey for Regional Seabed Morphology and Geohazard Mapping in Makassar Straits, Indonesia

Mazin Farouki, Francesco Paone, Andrea Marceglia, Francesca Felappi, Claudia Monti, Davide Della Moretta, Nikolay Nenov

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... surveys has historically been limited by the source and receiver ghost recordings, which introduce notches in the frequency spectrum of the recorded data...


It's the Fluids That Matter: Solutions to Reservoir Property Prediction

Andrew Long, Folke Engelmark

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... be excel lent reservoirs. a further complication, hydrocarbon saturation completely removes the receiver ghost effects at the very first stage...


A Holistic Approach to Model-Building in and Around Injectites: A Case-Study Offshore Norway, , #42193 (2018).

Victoria Valler, Nathan Payne, Thomas Hallett, Marcin Kobylarski, Girish Venkatraman, Jochen Rappke, Dirk Fairclough

Search and

... tomographic update, pre-processing focused on three key areas including: 1. Deghosting to remove the variable ghost notches for each survey respectively, 2...


Reduciendo el Efecto del Estrato Somero en Datos Sísmicos de Reflexión: Un Ejemplo de la Cuenca del Catatumbo. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Reducing the Effect of the Stratum Somero in the Reflection of Seismic Data: An Example of the Catatumbo Basin.

Dany Rueda, William Agudelo, Germán Ojeda

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... of the Stratum Somero in the Reflection of Seismic Data: An Example of the Catatumbo Basin. Dany Rueda, William Agudelo, Germán Ojeda Reduciendo el...


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