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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,382 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.
Sedimentary Processes and the Distribution of Tsunami Deposits On a Narrow Coastal Lowland Backed By a Cliff in Flume Experiments
Naofumi Yamaguchi, Tomohiro Sekiguchi
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., An experimental study of changes of beach profile and mean grain size caused by tsunami-like waves: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 28, p. 1303–1312. Choowong...
Groundwater Modeling
Uriel Oko
Special Publications of SEPM
..., Neumann and head dependent boundary conditions in each layer cannot exceed 80. Upper bands cannot exceed 25. Number of wells in any aquifer layer cannot...
Palo Duro Canyon
Floyd V. Studer
Panhandle (Texas) Geological Society
... or ice action, nor by volcanic action. Its strata are built up like a giant layer cake, each layer telling its story. The irregular succession of sands...
Logging Cost Efficiency
Firmansjah Kartawidjaja, William Coates
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and minor carbonate. The sediment any sequence was deposited in the delta plane to pro-delta environment, resulting in thick to thin layer reservoir sand...
The Apparent Growth of Gulf Beach, Exgreme West Florida
Dennis J. Price
GCAGS Transactions
... and a gentle slope toward the lagoon. The bay head in the lagoon half appears more stable, and has changed according to the amount of sand dumped on it when...
Subaqueous Grain Flows at the Head of Carmel Submarine Canyon, California
John R. Dingler, Roberto J. Anima
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... the influence of waves. Sand movement from the head into the lower part of a canyon is primarily an episodic event triggered by unusual combinations...
Effects of the 1964 Alaskan Earthquake on Some Shallow-water Sediments in Prince William Sound, Southeast Alaska
Peter J. Barrett
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... be attributed to the large waves associated with the earthquake. Limited mass movement of pre-quake silt on the Rude River delta front has resulted...
Experimental and Field Studies on the Genesis of Sandstones
Gerard V. Middleton
Wyoming Geological Association
... sublayer which completely encloses the sediment grains. Thus the sediment can have no effect on the nature of the flow in the turbulent boundary layer...
Rational Theory of Delta Formation
Charles C. Bates
AAPG Bulletin
.... The effect of this head is to cause a more rapid spreading of the jet than would otherwise occur, as well as to maintain a forward velocity above...
The Crustal Structure and Evolution of the Area Underlying the Magnetic Quiet Zone on the Margin South of Australia: Rifted Margins
Manik Talwani , John Mutter , Robert Houtz , Michael Konig
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Widespread occurrence of a high-velocity basal crustal layer in the Pacific crust found with repetitive sources sonobuoys, in Heacock, J. G., ed...
Field Trip B3: Geology of the Island of Grand Manan, New Brunswick: Precambrian to Early Cambrian and Triassic Formations
J. Gregory McHone, Leslie R. Fyffe
Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications
.... ........................... 14 Quartzite of The Thoroughfare Formation at the north end of Ross Island. ........... 14 Schistose andesitic tuff, Ingalls Head...
Variability of a River Clay Suite: NOTES
Charles E. Weaver
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... been made to determine the factors that effect the mineral composition of clay suites carried by rivers. The extent to which the clay suite of a river...
Possible Mechanism for Concentration of Brines in Subsurface Formations
J. D. Bredehoeft , C. R. Blyth , W. A. White , G. B. Maxey
AAPG Bulletin
... enters aquifers near the outcrop area and is discharged slowly through confining layers in areas where the hydraulic head in the aquifer exceeds...
Possibilities for Seismic Refraction Surveys in Oil-Gas Exploration on Northeast Shelf of Sakhalin Island
V. E. Konov, K. F. Sergeyev, V. V. Argentov, S. K. Bikkenina, V. V. Zhigulev, E. G. Zhil’tsov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... portions of the profiles. With distances of 25-30 km the waves were quasi-head or weakly refracted types. “Stepped” hodographs indicate interbedded high...
Turbulence Modulation in Clay-Rich Sediment-Laden Flows and Some Implications for Sediment Deposition
Jaco H. Baas, James L. Best
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... a lower region of reduced velocity that is separated from the overlying flow by a distinct shear layer. Large-scale Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities...
Falling Water Level Ripple Marks
William F. Tanner
GCAGS Transactions
... ridges, and other long down-current ridges are produced primarily by direct current flow, or by a vector combination of waves and currents, in shallow...
Depth of Disturbance of Sand on Sea Beaches by Waves
C. A. M. King
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Depth of Disturbance of Sand on Sea Beaches by Waves C. A. M. King 1951 Vol. 21 No. 3. (September), Experiments which were made to determine...
Stratigraphy and Holocene Evolution of Mobile Bay in Southwestern Alabama
John C. Mars , Albert W. Shultz , William W. Schroeder
GCAGS Transactions
... covered by open-bay muds. Local progradation of the bay-head delta and the Dauphin Island-Morgan Peninsula barrier complex has produced the second...
Occurrence of Bitumen in Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia
Robert M. Kleinpell
AAPG Bulletin
... Head, on the west coast of Graham Island (about latitude 53° 45^prime N., longitude 133° W.), tar and thick black oil exude from white crystalline...
Turbidity-Current Observations and Eperimental Studies
C. Hans Nelson
Special Publications of SEPM
.... The synergistic effect of rapid deposition of organic-rich, gas-charged deposits agitated by cyclic loading from storm waves or seismicity results in common...
The Role of Subaqueous Debris Flow in Generating Turbidity Currents
Monty A. Hampton
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... is interrupted only when the interface becomes unstable and breaking of waves occurs. The laminar boundary layer does not allow turbulent eddies within...
Toward a Better Understanding of Bedload Transport
Ian Reid, Lynne E. Frostick
Special Publications of SEPM
... different and independent instruments; the pulses are not explained by changes in hydraulic parameters. We suggest that they are kinematic waves of mobile...
Quarternary Depositional History and Potential Sand and Gravel Resources of the Alaskan Continental Margins
Peter H. Stauffer
Circum Pacific Council Publications
.... Carlson, 1982, Large sand waves in Navarinsky Canyon head, Bering Sea: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 2, p. 157-162. Karl, H. A., and P. R. Carlson, 1984...
A Textural Study of the Outer Beach of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Marshall Schalk
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... the hope of tracing this heterogeneously sized material as the waves distributed it along the coast. Furthermore, the exposures vary from the full...
Seismic Characterization of the Fiordland Gas-hydrate Province, New Zealand
Miko Fohrmann, Andrew R. Gorman, Ingo A. Pecher
AAPG Special Volumes
..., and S. Stein, 1994, Effect of recent revisions to the geomagnetic reversal time-scale on estimates of current plate motions: Geophysical Research Letters, v...