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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 54,729 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Phanerozoic Cycles of Sea-Level Change from Indian Plate: From Overview with a Base Chart, by D. S. N. Raju; #90081 (2008)
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Seismic Stratigraphy and Global Changes of Sea Level: Part 4. Global Cycles of Relative Changes of Sea Level.: Section 2. Application of Seismic Reflection Configuration to Stratigraphic Interpretation
P. R. Vail, R. M. Mitchum Jr. , S. Thompson III
AAPG Special Volumes
... patterns of distribution of many depositional sequences. Geotectonic and glacial phenomena are the most likely causes of the sea-level cycles. Major...
Does Sequence Stratigraphy Need Biostratigraphy?: Abstract
R. W. Scott
Tulsa Geological Society
.... The timing of sea level changes and their correlation within and between basins is essential for distinguishing the relative effects of basinal...
Abstract: Interpreting the Origins of Early Triassic (Smithian) 3rd-Order (My-scale) Sea-Level Changes: Coupling δ18O Analyses with Sequence Stratigraphy, by Stephanie Yurchyk; #90083 (2008)
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Relation of Eustasy to Stacking Patterns of Meter-Scale Carbonate Cycles, Late Cambrian, U.S.A.
David Osleger, J. Fred Read
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of peritidal and subtidal cycles on Late Cambrian carbonate platforms. Evidence for Milankovitch forcing of glacio-eustatic sea-level oscillations...
Depositional Sequence Analysis, Controls on Lithofacies Distribution, and High-Frequency Cyclicity within Pennsylvanian Cyclothems, Midcontinent, U.S.A.
J. A. French, W. L. Watney
CSPG Special Publications
... high positions. In basinward positions each of them displays additional cycles and/or surfaces, suggesting relatively complex sea-level and/or climatic...
Depositional Sequences, Parasequences and Systems Tracts
J.F. Read
Special Publications of SEPM
... structures truncated by erosion; limited resolution of biostratigraphy and dating, whether or not depositional sequences and inferred sea level cycles...
Integrating Outcrops and Cores to Differentiate Meter-Scale Cycles and Depositional Sequences in Ordovician of Kentucky During the Transition from Greenhouse to Glacial Conditions, by M. C. Pope and J. F. Read; #90986 (1994).
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Abstract: Regional Seismic Interpretation Using Sequences and Eustatic Cycles, by R. M. Mitchum, Jr., P. R. Vail, R. G. Todd, J. B. Sangree; #90972 (1976).
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ABSTRACT: Depositional Model for Carbonate-Evaporite Cyclicity: Middle Pennsylvanian of Paradox Basin, by Alan C. Kendall; #91038 (2010)
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Abstract: Outcrop Based Analog for Shallow-Water, High Frequency Carbonate Cycles from the Chesterian from Southwestern New Mexico, by David J. Sivils; #90914(2000)
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ABSTRACT: Cyclic Platform Dolomites of Devonian Jefferson Formation, Montana and Idaho, by S. L. Dorobek; #91043 (2011)
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ABSTRACT: Early-Mid-Cretaceous Evolution in Tethyan Reef Communities and Sea Level, by R. W. Scott; #91030 (2010)
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Chaos in El Paso?
R. K. Goldhammer, Daniel J. Lehrmann
West Texas Geological Society
... geometry, and early diagenetic attributes) of high-frequency, shallow-water carbonate cycles dictated by low frequency, relative sea level effects...
Abstract: A Depositional Model for the Mississippian Frobisher Carbonate-Evaporite Cycles within the Steelman Field in Southeastern Saskatchewan; #90225 (2015)
Arden Marsh and Hairuo Qing
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...Abstract: A Depositional Model for the Mississippian Frobisher Carbonate-Evaporite Cycles within the Steelman Field in Southeastern Saskatchewan...
Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts
Charles Kerans, Scott W. Tinker
Special Publications of SEPM
...-frequency Sequences, Cycle Sets, Cycles) Sea-level cycles in the 20-400 ky duration range are the "bread and butter" of carbonate reservoir characterization...
Abstract: Uncertainties of Extracting Amplitude and Frequency of Orbitally Driven Sea-Level Fluctuations from Shallow-Water Carbonate Cycles, by Eberli, Gregor P.; #90163 (2013)
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Field and Modelling Studies of Cambrian Carbonate Cycles, Virginia Appalachians: DISCUSSION
Michael G. Kozar, Lawrence J. Weber, Kenneth R. Walker
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in sea level, part 4: Global cycles of relative sea level: A.A.P.G. Mem. 26, p. 83-98. VAN WAGONER, J. C., POSAMENTIER, H. H., MITCHUM, R. M., VAIL, P...
ABSTRACT: Depositional Sequences in the Leonardian Portion of the Transpecos Supercycle, Glass Mountains, West Texas, by Charles A. Ross, June R. P. Ross; #91020 (1995).
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High-Frequency Carbonate-Siliciclastic Interactions in Siliciclastic-Dominated Systems: Distinguishing Between Coeval and Reciprocal Sedimentation in a Lower Cretaceous Epeiric Sea
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Abstract: Carbonate Bypass Ramps Controlled by Substrate Paleoslope, Late Miocene of Southeastern Spain: General Implications for Sequence Stratigraphy, by E. K. Franseen and R. H. Goldstein; #90956 (1995).
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Mixed Carbonate - Terrigenous Clastic Sedimentation on a Ramp-Topped Shelf (Distally-Steepened Ramp), The Eastern Shelf of the Midland Basin
Thomas E. Yancey
West Texas Geological Society
... different depth zones, but the locations of these zones migrated across the shelf in response to changes in sea level. Cycles are lithologically...