Introduction: Relevance of Sand Injectites to Hydrocarbon
Exploration and Production
Andrew Hurst and Joseph Cartwright
Chapter 1: Seismic Characterization of Large-scale Sandstone Intrusions
Mads Huuse, Joe Cartwright, Andrew Hurst, and Noralf Steinsland
Chapter 2: The Geometry, Distribution, and Development of Clastic Injections in Slope Systems: Seismic Examples from the Upper Cretaceous Kyrre Formation, Mly Slope, Norwegian Margin
Christopher A.-L. Jackson
Chapter 3: Clastic Intrusion at the Base of Deep-water Sands: A Trap-forming Mechanism in the Eastern Mediterranean
Jose Frey-Martnez, Joe Cartwright, Ben Hall, and Mads Huuse
Chapter 4: Successful Exploration of a Sand Injectite Complex: Hamsun Prospect, Norway Block 24/9
Wytze de Boer, Peter B. Rawlinson, and Andrew Hurst
Chapter 5: Mounded Structures of Injected Sandstones in Deep-marine Paleocene Reservoirs, Cecilie Field, Denmark
L. Hamberg, A.-M. Jepsen, N. Ter Borch, G. Dam, M. K. Engkilde, and J. B. Svendsen
Chapter 6: Sandstone Injections at Jotun Oil Field, Norwegian North Sea--Modeling Their Possible Effect on Hydrocarbon Recovery
Claudia G. Guargena, Guy B. Smith, Jonathan Wardell, Tor H. Nilsen, and Tor M. Hegre
Chapter 7: Recognition Criteria, Significance to Field Performance, and Reservoir Modeling of Sand Injections in the Balder Field, North Sea
Nowell A. Briedis, Dag Bergslien, Andor Hjellbakk, Rob E. Hill, and Gordon J. Moir
Chapter 8: The Three-dimensional Geometry of Sandstone Injection Complexes in the Gryphon Field, United Kingdom North Sea
Lidia Lonergan, Claudio Borlandelli, Ashley Taylor, Mark Quine, and Kevin Flanagan
Chapter 9: Sand-injection Structures in Deep-water Sandstones from the Ty Formation (Paleocene), Sleipner st Field, Norwegian North Sea
Nicholas Satur and Andrew Hurst
Chapter 10: A New Approach to 3-D Geological Modeling of Complex Sand Injectite Reservoirs: The Alba Field, United Kingdom Central North Sea
P. N. Fretwell, W. Gordon Canning, J. Hegre, R. Labourdette, and M. Sweatman
Chapter 11: Large-scale Sand Injection in the Paleogene of the North Sea: Modeling of Energy and Flow Velocities
Davide Duranti
Chapter 12: The Upper Jurassic Hareelv Formation of East Greenland: A Giant Sedimentary Injection Complex
Finn Surlyk, John Gjelberg, and Nanna Noe-Nygaard
Chapter 13: A Reservoir-scale Miocene Injectite near Santa Cruz, California
Brian J. Thompson, Robert E. Garrison, and J. Casey Moore
Chapter 14: The Vocontian Aptian and Albian Syndepositional Clastic Sills and Dikes: A Field-based Mechanical Approach to Predict and Model the Early Fracturing of Marly-limy Sediments
Olivier Parize, Bernard Beaudoin, Sylvain Eckert, Faouzi Hadj-Hassen, Michel Tijani, Chantal de Fouquet, Rosalie Vandromme Grard Fris, Frdric Schneider, Kun Su, and Alain Trouiller
Chapter 15: A Methodological Approach to Clastic Injectites: From Field Analysis to Seismic ModelingExamples of the Vocontian Aptian and Albian Injectites (Southeast France)
Olivier Parize, Bernard Beaudoin, Jean-Michel Champanhet, Grard Fris, Patrice Imbert, Richard Labourdette, Benot Paternoster, Jean-Loup Rubino, and Fredric Schneider
Chapter 16: An Early Paleocene Cold Seep System in the Panoche and Tumey Hills, Central California (United States)
Daniel Minisini and Hilde Schwartz
Chapter 17: An Outcrop Example of Large-scale Conglomeratic Intrusions Sourced from Deep-water Channel Deposits, Cerro Toro Formation, Magallanes Basin, Southern Chile
Stephen M. Hubbard, Brian W. Romans, and Stephan A. Graham
Chapter 18: An Outcrop Study of Clastic Injection Structures in the Carboniferous Tesnus Formation, Marathon Basin, Trans-Pecos Texas
Timothy N. Diggs
Chapter 19: Variations in Sediment Extrusion in Basin-floor, Slope, and Delta-front Settings: Sand Volcanoes and Extruded Sand Sheets from the Namurian of County Clare, Ireland
R. Jonk, B. T. Cronin, and A. Hurst
Chapter 20: Sand Volcanoes of the Carboniferous Ross Formation, County Clare, Western Ireland: 3-D Internal Sedimentary Structure and Formation
J. K. Pringle, A. R. Westerman, D. A. Stanbrook, D. I. Tatum, and A. R. Gardiner
Chapter 21: Clastic-injection Pipes and Syndepositional Deformation Structures in Jurassic Eolian Deposits: Examples from the Colorado Plateau
Marjorie Chan, Dennis Netoff, Ronald Blakey, Gary Kocurek, and Walter Alvarez
Chapter 22: Fluidization and Associated Soft-sediment Deformation in Eolian Sandstones: Hopeman Sandstone (Permian), Scotland, and Rotliegend, North Sea
Ken Glennie and Andrew Hurst
Chapter 23: Injected Sand Sills in a Strike-slip Fault Zone: A Case Study from the Pil'sk Suite (Miocene), Southeast Schmidt Peninsula, Sakhalin
David Macdonald and Rachel Flecker
Chapter 24: Aqueous and Petroleum Fluids Associated with Sand Injectites Hosted by Lacustrine Shales from the Oil-Shale Group (Dinantian), Midland Valley, Scotland
R. Jonk, D. Duranti, A. Hurst, J. Parnell, and A. E. Fallick