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AAPG Bulletin
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Influence of Geological Factors on Longitudinal Seismic Velocities
B. B. Weatherby , L. Y. Faust
Effect of Moisture Upon Velocity of Elastic Waves in Amherst Sandstone
W. T. Born, J. E. Owen
Recent Developments in Gravity Prospecting on Gulf Coast
Olaf F. Sundt
Prediction of Overhang at Barbers Hill, Chambers County, Texas: A Study in Quantitative Calculations from Torsion-Balance Data
Donald C. Barton
Effect of Anisotropy on Apparent Resistivity Curves
Sylvain J. Pirson
Study of Structure of Suwa Basin Near Kyoto, Japan, by Torsion Balance
M. Matsuyama, Y. Fujita, H. Higashinaka
Deep Electrical Prospecting
J. C. Karcher , Eugene McDermott
Normal Geothermal Gradient in United States
C. E. Van Orstrand
Roy E. Dickerson, W. H. Butt
The Geology of the Edison Oil Field: ABSTRACT
E. B. Noble, W. D. Kleinpell
The Geology of the Mountain View Oil Field: ABSTRACT
Kenneth L. Gow
The Vertebrate Paleontology of the Sespe Formation: ABSTRACT
Chester Stock
The Origin of Glauconite: ABSTRACT
Wayne Galliher
A Trip Across Arabia: ABSTRACT
J. O. Nomland
The Organic Content of Some Tertiary Formations in California: ABSTRACT
Parker D. Trask
Progress of the State Geologic Map of California: ABSTRACT
Olaf P. Jenkins
The Oligocene Problem: ABSTRACT
Hubert G. Schenck
The Geology of Santa Rosa Island: ABSTRACT
Graham B. Moody
Geology of the Transverse Ranges: ABSTRACT
R. D. Reed, J. S. Hollister
Discussion of Miocene History and Faunas: ABSTRACT
Robert M. Kleinpell
Comparison between the Structure of Intrusive Igneous Domes and Oil Domes: ABSTRACT
Robert Balk
The Vaqueros in the Temblor Range: ABSTRACT
L. M. Clark, Alex Clark
What is the Vaqueros Formation of California and is it Oligocene?: ABSTRACT
Hubert G. Schenck
Discussion of Correlation Chart, Southwest Texas: ABSTRACT
Ed. W. Owen
The Relationship of the Vicksburg Group to the Formations which overlie it in Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Henry V. Howe
The Corpus Christi Structural Basin as Mapped by Salinity Data: ABSTRACT
W. Armstrong Price
Symposium on the Government Wells Field, Duval County: ABSTRACT
J. B. Whisenant, John Trenchard, Kenneth H. Crandall, E. C. Rach
Geology of a Portion of the Tertiary of Northeastern Mexico: ABSTRACT
J. Laird Warner
Claiborne Possibilities of the Laredo Area: ABSTRACT
Frith C. Owens, Wm. F. Calohan
The Cole Field, Webb County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Richard T. Short