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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
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2D Modelling of Secondary Petroleum Migration in the Sakala Timur PSC, Indonesia
Alwyn Vear, Duncan Macgregor
Analysis of the Dampier Basin Petroleum Systems Using Integrated 2D Modelling Techniques
Alwyn Vear
The Application of Fluorescence Alteration of Multiple Macerals (FAMM) for Petroleum Exploration in SE Asia and Australasia
R. W. T. Wilkins, N. Sherwood, M. Faiz, S. C. Teerman, C. P. Buckingham
Application of the Petroleum System Concept to Reconnaissance Assessments of Mature and Emerging Producing Basins, with Examples from Indonesia
L. Rogers Hardy, Sukanda Muchsin, La Ode Ichram, Luki Samuel, Eddy Pumomo
An Atlas of Sealing Faults in SE Asia
J. Lawson Brown, Jean E. McCallum
Australian and Eastern Indonesian Petroleum Systems
Marita Bradshaw, Dianne Edwards, John Bradshaw, Clinton Foster, Tom Loutit, Bruce McConachie, Aidan Moore, Andrew Murray, Roger Summons
Basin Analysis and Petroleum System of the Cuu Long Basin on the Continental Shelf of Vietnam
Phan Trung Dien, Phung Si Tai, Nguyen Van Dung
The Birkhead-Hutton(!) Petroleum System of the Gidgealpa Area, Eromanga Basin, Australia
Peter J. Boult, Melanie J. Ryan, Bernd H. Michaelsen, David M. McKirdy, Peter R. Tingate, Elio Lanzilli, Meshack L. N. Kagya
The Business Side of Petroleum Systems
Marlan W. Downey
Cenozoic Tectonics of SE Asia and Australasia
Robert Hall
Characteristics of Overpressured Basins and Influence of Overpressure on the Petroleum System
Richard E. Swarbrick
Charge Constraints on the Hydrocarbon Habitat and Development of Hydrocarbon Systems in Southeast Asia Tertiary Basins
Harry Doust, Gerard Lijmbach
A Comparison of Source Rock Facies and Hydrocarbon Types of the Middle Miocene Sequence, Offshore NW Sabah Basin, Malaysia
Azlina Anuar, Abdul Jalil Muhamad
A Computer Simulation Model for the Reconstruction of the Carbonate Sedimentary Process
Fumiaki Matsuda, Yoshinori Matsuda, Michinori Saito, Ryotaro Iwahashi
Controls on the Reservoir Quality of Lower Miocene Sandstones, Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Iwan Busono, Harry Alam, Steve Corbin
The Cooper-Eromanga Petroleum System, Australia: Investigation of Essential Elements and Processes
B. S. Lowe-Young, S. I. Mackie, R. S. Heath
The Destruction and Preservation of Giant Light Oilfields
Duncan S. Macgregor
Differentiation of Oils from the NW Java Basin into Three Oil Types Based on Biomarker Composition
Haposan Napitupulu, Richard M. Mitterer, J. A. Morelos-Garcia
Distribution and Origin of Carbon Dioxide in the Song Hong Basin of Offshore Vietnam
Ngo Van Dinh
Dual Petroleum Systems Governing the Prolific Pattani Basin, Offshore Thailand
Eric Jardine
Evaluation of Reservoirs and Seals: Short Course 3
John G. Kaldi
Exploration in the Savannakhet Basin, Peoples Democratic Republic of Laos
P. J. Cullen, P. L. Birch, S. C. Wright, C. J. Keamey, A. T. Pink
Fluid Pressure Studies of SE Asia Mudrocks Using Wireline Logs
Toby W. D. Harrold, Richard E. Swarbrick, Neil R. Goulty
Geochemical and Petrological Techniques for Quantification of Petroleum Systems
P. Joseph Hamilton
Geological Modelling and Reservoir Properties of Basement Rocks of the South Vietnam Continental Shelf
Tran Khac Tan, Nguyen Quang Bo
Geologic Evolution and Petroleum System of the Thailand Andaman Sea Basins
Mark W. Andreason, Brett Mudford, James E. St. Onge
How Overpressure and Diagenesis Interact in Sedimentary Basins – Consequences for Porosity Preservation in HPHT Reservoir Sandstones
Mark J. Osborne, Richard E. Swarbrick
Hydrocarbon Habitat of the N.W. Palawan Basin, Philippines
D. M. Branson, P. J. Newman, M. Scherer, P. J. Stalder, R. G. Villafuerte
Hydrocarbon Potential and Development of Miocene Knoll-Reefs, South Sulawesi
N. Alit Ascaria, Neil A. Harbury, Moyra E. J. Wilson
Hydrocarbon Trap Styles of South Eastern Vietnam Offshore Basins
Nguyen Trong Tin
Integration of 2D Modeling, Drainage Polygon Analysis and Geochemistry as Petroleum Systems Analysis Tools; West Block B PSC, S. Natuna Sea
Eric Michael, David Bond
The Interaction of Tectonics and Depositional Systems on the Stratigraphy of the Active Tertiary Deltaic Shelf Margin of Brunei Darussalam: Abstract
Paul Crevello, Chris Morley, Joseph Lambiase, Mike Simmons
Key to Successful Petroleum System Analysis: Understanding of Input Parameters in 2D Basin Modeling
Akihiko Okui
Krakatau Events and Geology
The Lingan Fan: Late Miocene/Early Pliocene Turbidite Fan Complex, North-West Sabah
Marzuki Mohamad, Jeffrey J. Lobao
Lithofacies and Depositional Environments of the Oligocene Sediments of the Cuu Long Basin, and Their Relationship to Hydrocarbon Potential
Ly Truong Phuong
Locating Effective Source Rocks in Deltaic Petroleum Systems: Making Better Use of Land-Plant Biomarkers
A. P. Murray, I. B. Sosrowidjojo, R. Alexander, R. E. Summons
Making the Most of Subsurface Pressure Data
Richard E. Swarbrick, Neville A. Hallam, Derek A. Teasdale
Mesozoic to Recent Thermal History and Basement Tectonics of the Irian Jaya Fold Belt and Arafura Platform, Irian Jaya, Indonesia
Richard D. Kendrick, Kevin C. Hill, Paul B. O'Sullivan, Kaspar Lumbanbatu, Ijep Saefudin
The Northern Nam Con Son Basin Petroleum System, Based on Exploration Data from Block 04-2 Vietnam
K. J. Watts
Offshore Seepage Mapped from Space High-Grades Unexplored Parts of Southeast Asia Basins
G. Lawrence, A. Fleming, M. Broadley, N. A. Press
Origin and Geological Controls on Subsurface CO2 Distribution with Examples from Western Indonesia
B. A. Cooper, M. J. Raven, L. Samuel, Hardjono, W. Satoto
Palaeozoic Source Rock Facies and Maturation History of the Southern Merlinleigh Sub-Basin, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
K. A. R. Ghori
Paleogene Basin Development in Sundaland and It's Role to the Petroleum Systems in Western Indonesia
Sudarmono, Suherman T., Benny Eza
Pematang-Sihapas Petroleum System of Central Sumatra
Barry J. Katz, William C. Dawson
The Petroleum Geology of Negara Brunei Darussalam; An Update
J. Schreurs
Petroleum Geology of Offshore Da Nang, Central Vietnam
Hoang Ngoc Dang, Chris Sladen
Petroleum Resources and Petroleum Systems of SE Asia, Australia, Papua New Guinea, and New Zealand
J. V. C. Howes
Petroleum System in the Khmer Trough, Cambodia
Akihiko Okui, Akinori Imayoshi, Kohsuke Tsuji
Petroleum System of the Kutei Basin, Kalimantan, Indonesia
David W. Paterson, Andang Bachtiar, John A. Bates, Jerry A. Moon, Ron C. Surdam
Petroleum Systems Analysis of the Sepik and Ramu Basins of Papua New Guinea: Implications for Irian Jaya
Ramsay A. Barrett
Petroleum Systems and the Role of Multi-Dimensional Basin Modeling
D. H. Welte, T. Hantschel, B. Wygrala
Petroleum Systems in the Far East
C. F. Schiefelbein, J. E. Zumberge, S. W. Brown
Petroleum Systems of Northwest Java, Indonesia
Ron A. Noble, Kakung H. Pratomo, Kuntadi Nugrahanto, Anditya M. T. Ibrahim, Indra Prasetya, Nizar Mujahidin, C. H. Wu, J. V. C. Howes
The Petroleum Systems of South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Moyra E. J. Wilson, N. Alit Ascaria, Dana Q. Coffield, Nusatriyo Guritno
Petroleum Systems of South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Dana Coffield, Nusatriyo Guritno, Moyra Wilson, Alit Ascaria
Petroleum Systems of South Sulawesi, Indonesia: Field Trip Summary
Dana Coffield, Nusatriyo Guritno, Moyra Wilson, N. Alit Ascaria
Petroleum Systems of the Papuan Basin, Papua New Guinea
R. L. Kaufman, J. C. Phelps, K. J. Kveton
Petroleum Systems of the Sandakan Basin, Philippines
John E. Graves, David A. Swauger
The Petroleum Systems of the South Con Son Basin, Offshore South Vietnam
B. Simon, H. L. ten Haven, C. Cramez
Petroleum Systems of the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand: A Review
P. R. King, R. H. Funnell
The Petroleum System – An Exploratory Tool to Find Oil and Gas and to Assist in Risk Management
L. B. Magoon
The Petroleum System — An Investigative Technique to Evaluate the Complementary Prospect: Short Course 1
Leslie B. Magoon
Pre-Tertiary Basement – The New Objective for Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in the Continental Shelf of South Vietnam
Ngo Thuong San, Nguyen Giao, Tran Le Dong, Hoang Phuoc Son
A Preliminary Report on the Use of Isogons in the Analysis of Inversion Structures
Charles F. Kluth, James C. Phelps
The Relationship Between Late Tertiary Basins, Thrust Belts and Major Transcurrent Faults in Irian Jaya: Implications for Petroleum Systems Throughout New Guinea
D. M. Hobson, A. Adnan, L. Samuel
The Role of Depositional Sequences in Creating and Controling Petroleum Systems – Basic Principles and Examples
Fred F. Meissner
The Role of Mud Volcanoes in Petroleum Systems: Examples from Timor, the South Caspian and the Caribbean
Paul Ware, La Ode Ichram
The Sagaing Fault in Myanmar: Preliminary Field Observations and Relevance to the Gulf of Martaban Cenozoic Petroleum System
C. Torres, D. A. Swauger, S. Bergman, P. Tapponnier, R. Lacassin, A. Replumaz
Seal Capacity in Dynamic Petroleum Systems: Example from Pagerungan Gas Field, East Java Sea, Indonesia
John G. Kaldi, Duncan Macgregor, Greg P. O'Donnell
Sedimentary Architecture in Relation to Gas Migration; Late Permian Blackwater Group, Bowen Basin, Australia
Per Michaelsen, Peter J. Crosdale, Robert A. Henderson
Sedimentology, Structure and Petroleum Systems of the Baram Delta Province, Brunei Darussalam and Sarawak: Field Trip Summary
J. J. Lambiase, P. D. Crevello, B. Bait, A. H. Rahman, C. K. Morley, A. Hussin, M. D. Simmons
Sequence Stratigraphy of Tertiary Petroleum Systems in the West Natuna Basin, Indonesia
Sandra Phillips, Laird Little, Eric Michael, Van Odell
Some Implications of Eurasian and Indo-Australian Plate Collision on the Petroleum Potential of Tertiary, Intra-Cratonic Basins of Southeast Asia
R. D. Shaw
Structural Control on Source Rock Development and Thermal Maturity in the Ardjuna Basin, Offshore Northwest Java, Indonesia
Kuntadi Nugrahanto, Ron A. Noble
The Structural Development of the Honje High, Bayah High and Adjacent Offshore Areas, West Java, Indonesia
J. T. Keetley, G. T. Cooper, K. C. Hill, Y. Kusumabrata, P. B. O'Sullivan, I. Saefudin
Structural Evolution, Maturation History, and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Penyu Basin, Offshore Peninsular Malaysia
Mazlan B. Hj. Madon, Azlina Anuar, Robert Wong
Structural Modeling Within the Sanga Sanga PSC, Kutei Basin, Kalimantan: Its Application to Paleochannel Orientation Studies and Timing of Hydrocarbon Entrapment
Angus Ferguson, Ken McClay
Substantial Contribution of Petroleum Systems to Increase Exploration Success in Indonesia
F. X. Sujanto
Subsurface Pressures and Petroleum Systems: Pressure Relationships to the Generation, Migration and Accumulation of Hydrocarbons: Short Course 2
Fred F. Meissner
The Syn-Rift Petroleum System of Central Sumatra: Field Trip Summary
Andrew Carnell, Peter Butterworth
Tectonic and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Tertiary Aure Trough, Papua New Guinea: Foreland Basin Over Microplate-Craton Suture
R. D. Winn Jr., R. C. H. Perembo, H. L. Davies, P. Pousai
Tectonic Setting and Hydrocarbon Occurrence in the Central Myanmar Tertiary Belt
Maung Nyunt, Sann Lwin
Thermal History of the Western Indonesian Basins (Sunda-Asri, Northwest Java, and Southwest Java): Evidence from Fission Track Geochronology of Apatite
Hardjo Basuki Soenandar
Thermal Regimes in Two Vietnamese Basins, Cuu Long and Nam Con Son, and Implications for Hydrocarbon Generation
Rob Funnell, Rick Allis, Tran Huyen
Thermochronology and Tectonics of the Bird's Head Region, Irian Jaya: Apatite Fission Track Constraints
Edy Sutriyono, Paul B. O'Sullivan, Kevin C. Hill
Timing as a Vital Element of the Petroleum System: Use of Thermal History Reconstruction Using AFTA® and VR as a Route to More Efficient Exploration
Paul F. Green, Kerry A. Hegarty, Ian R. Duddy
Transgressive Talang Akar Sands of the Kuang Area, South Sumatra Basin: Origin, Distribution and Implication for Exploration Play Concept
Budi Tamtomo, Irzan Yuswar, Eko Widianto
A Two Phase Extensional Model for the Penola Trough, Otway Basin, Southern Australia
M. Bowyer, C. F. Elders, K. R. McClay
Unorthodox Deep-Basin Accumulations – A Neglected Exploration Target Within Many Active Petroleum Systems
Fred F. Meissner
Use of Petroleum Systems in Risk Assessment of Plays and Prospects
Nahum Schneidermann, Robert M. Otis