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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Volcanic Contribution To Ordovician Pelagic Sediments
Maurits Lindstrom
Petrology of the Cutler Formation (Pennsylvanian-Permian) Near Gateway, Colorado, and Fisher Towers, Utah
William G. Werner
Facies Types and Depositional Environment of the Sokoman Iron Formation, Central Labrador Trough, Quebec, Canada
Jean-Jacques Chauvel, Erich Dimroth
Distribution and Extent of Beds in Flysch Deposits, Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas and Oklahoma
Frantisek Picha , Alan R. Niem
New Red Sandstone Floodplain and Piedmont Sedimentation in the Hebridean Province, Scotland
Ron J. Steel
Multiple Overgrowths on Detrital Quartz Sand Grains in the Shakopee Formation (Lower Ordovician) of Minnesota
George S. Austin
Post-Depositional Subaerial Weathering Effects on the Mineralogy of an Upper Cretaceous Sand in Southeastern United States
Norman C. Hester
Sedimentation on Gravel Outwash Fans, Malaspina Glacier Foreland, Alaska
Thomas C. Gustavson
Chemical, Mineralogic, and Palynologic Character of the Upper Wisconsinan-Lower Holocene Fill in Parts of Hudson, Delaware, and Chesapeake Estuaries
James P. Owens, Karl Stefansson, Leslie A. Sirkin
Strudel Scour: A Unique Arctic Marine Geologic Phenomenon
Erk Reimnitz, Craig A. Rodeick, Stephen C. Wolf
Replacement of Fossils by Length-Slow Chalcedony and Associated Dolomitization
Alonzo D. Jacka
Fabric and Chemistry of Pore Filling Calcite in Septarian Veins: Models for Limestone Cementation
R. C. Lindholm
Early Diagenesis: Expansible Soil Clay-sea Water Reactions
Herman E. Roberson
Relationships Among Insoluble Residue, Dolostone and Limestone Facies
David N. Lumsden
The Origin of a Late Pleistocene and Holocene Marl Deposit
P. Michael Terlecky, Jr.
Bulk Volume Reduction and Pressure-Solution Derived Cement
Ronald W. Manus, Alan H. Coogan
Morphology and Hydraulic Significance of Climbing Ripples with Superimposed Micro-Ripple-Drift Cross-lamination in Lower Quaternary Lake Silts, Nebraska
K. O. Stanley
The Characteristics and Origins of Dish and Pillar Structures
Donald R. Lowe, Robert D. LoPiccolo
Dynamic Relationship Between Hydraulics and Sedimentation in the Altamaha Estuary
Glenn S. Visher, James D. Howard
Coastal Processes and Depositional Patterns on Cape Ann, Massachusetts
Robert W. Cunningham , William T. Fox
Subtidal Algal Stromatolites from the Florida Backreef Environment
Jack G. Frost
Biogenic Sedimentary Structures Produced by Crabs in Lagoon Margin and Salt Marsh Environments Near Beaufort, North Carolina
Elizabeth A. Allen , H. Allen Curran
Time-lapse Photography of the Biological Reworking of Sediments in Hudson Submarine Canyon
Gilbert T. Rowe, George Keller, Harold Edgerton, Nick Staresinic, Joe MacIlvaine
Heavy Minerals of the East-Central Bering Sea Continental Shelf
Harley J. Knebel, Joe S. Creager
The Occurrence of Glauconite in Monterey Bay, California, Diversity, Origins, and Sedimentary Environmental Significance
James R. Hein (), Alan O. Allwardt, Gary B. Griggs
Measures of Particle Roundness: A NOTE
Bernard Swan
Determination of Average Grain Sphericity in Granular Porous Media
Basanta K. Sahu
A Settling Tube For Sand-size Analysis
Ronald J. Gibbs
A Rapid And Accurate Method For The Analysis Of Calcium Carbonate In Small Samples
Bruce F. Molnia
Mixed Depositional Environments In The Franciscan Geosynclinal Assemblage: By Vincent Matthews III And Daniel Wachs, Jour. Sed. Petrology, V. 43, p. 516-517: DISCUSSION
David W. Scholl, Michael S. Marlow
Citation Patterns of Papers Published in the Journal of Sedimentary Petrology: ERRATUM
G. V. Middleton
Reliability of Cross-Stratification Types as Paleocurrent Indicators in Fluvial Rocks: ERRATUM
Lee R. High, Jr.