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Utah Geological Association
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Characterization of the Davis Canyon Site, San Juan County, Utah, as a Potential Repository for the Disposal of High Level Nuclear Waste and Spent Fuel
Jeff McCleary
Chemical and Isotopic Investigation of the Cause of Acid and Neutral Mine Discharges in the Central Wasatch Range, Utah
Peter J. Nielsen, Alan L. Mayo
Coal Refuse Weathering Under Cold Desert Conditions
James Leatherwood, Lynn Kunzler
Comparison of Volatile Organic Compound Concentrations Detected in Soil Gas with Those Detected in Ground-Water Samples, Operable Unit 3, Hill Air Force Base, Utah
Sue Ann Spencer
Dipole-Dipole Electrical Resistivity Surveys of Waste Disposal Study Sites at Hill Air Force Base, Utah
Howard P. Ross, Phillip M. Wright, Claron E. Mackleprang
Gasoline Contamination in Moab, Utah - the Nations First LUST1 Trust Fund Site
William E. Moore Jr., Jim Olsen
Geohydrology and Water Quality in the Vicinity of the Silver Creek Tailings Site, Summit County, Utah
James L. Mason
Geologic and Hydrologic Considerations for Construction of Cyanide Heap Leach Facilities
Brian W. Buck, Robert J. Bayer
Geologic Considerations Related to the Selection of Sanitary Landfill Sites in Sevier County, Utah
Barry J. Solomon, Robert H. Klauk
Geologic Issues Involved in Siting a High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository: Utah, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, Texas, and Washington
Sandra N. Eldredge, Genevieve Atwood
Geology and Hydrology of Hazardous-Waste, Mining-Waste, Waste-Water, and Repository Sites in Utah; Frontmatter
Gail E. Cordy
Ground-Water-Quality Assessment of the West Bountiful Municipal Landfill
David L. Shank Jr.
Ground-Water Quality Assessment and Closure of the Industrial Waste Lagoon at Tooele Army Depot, Utah
Steven B. Johnson
Hydrogeological Characterization and Disposal Cell Design for the Stabilization of Uranium Mill Tailings at the Green River UMTRA Project Site, Utah
L. M. Coons, R. E. Rager
Implications of Haline Convection for Waste Disposal in Closed Basins
Kim McCleary-Hanagan, Christopher J. Duffy
Optimizing Short-Term Plume Containment: Comparison of Well Arrangements
Herminio H. Suguino, Richard C. Peralta
Overview of Contaminated Sites at Hill Air Force Base Utah, and Case History of Actions Taken at Landfills No. 3 and 4, Chem Pits 1 and 2
E. Allan Dalpias, Edward Heyse, W. Robert James
Reclamation of the Carr Fork Property Tooele, Utah
Lowell P. Braxton, Brian W. Buck
The Relation of Geohydrologic Setting to the Potential for Ground-Water Contamination in Utah
Joseph S. Gates, Geoffrey W. Freethey
Remediation of Waste Sites Using in Situ Treatment
Ronald C. Sims, Judith L. Sims, Darwin L. Sorensen, R. Ryan Dupont
Selenium Contamination from Irrigation Drainage in the Western United States With Emphasis on Utah
Doyle W. Stephens, Bruce Waddell
UGA-AEG Hazardous Waste Conference Field Trip Road Logs: 7 October, 1989.
George W. Condrat, William F. Case, Heidi Schatmeier
Utah Ground-Water Quality: Status and Design for Protection
Robert P. Barnes, William E. Damery