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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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Abstract: Fluvial and Deltaic Facies in the Queen Formation, Permian Basin of Texas and New Mexico: An Overview
J. Mazzullo
Assessment of Hydrocarbon Resources on University of Texas Lands: Future Reserve Growth Potential
Mark H. Holtz, Noel Tyler, Chester M. Garrett, Jr.
Calculated Specific Gravity Entrained Mud Gas Versus Gas-Oil-Ratio from Drill Stem and Production Tests
Joe M. Nichols
Calibration of Porosity Logs and Delineation of Flow Units in a San Andres Reservoir: Keystone Field, West Texas
R. P. Major, Mark H. Holtz, Robin D. Dommisse
Cementation Exponent and Porosity Correlation - A Useful Petrophysical Tool in the Glorieta-Clearfork Dolomite
Souvick Saha, George B. Asquith
Changes in Latitude Bring About Changes in Attitude Concerning Carbonate Sedimentation
D. A. Walker, J. Golonka, A. Reid, S. Thumlinson Reid
Core-To-Log and Reservoir Flow Characteristics of the Devonian Thirtyone Formation, Pegasus Field, Midland and Upton Counties, Texas
L. P. Harman, J. L. Olmos
Did Laramide Compressional Stresses Fracture the Spraberry Sandstones of the Midland Basin?
K. E. Winfree
Facies, Depositional Enviornments, and Reservoir Properties of the Upper Queen Formation, Concho Bluff and Concho Bluff North Fields, Texas
J. Mazzullo, A. Malicse, D. Newsom, J. Harper, C. McKone, B. Price
Front Matter: Permian Basin Exploration and Production Strategies: Applications of Sequence Stratrigraphic and Reservoir Characterization Concepts
D. H. Mruk, B. C. Curran
In Search of the Holy Grail: Predicting Producing Rates in the C. S. Dean “A” Unit, Slaughter Field, Cochran County, Texas
Kent A. Watson
Lateral and Vertical Reservoir Heterogeneity in Siliciclastic Peritidal Facies, Keystone (Colby) Reservoir, West Texas
R. P. Major, Q. Ye
Mechanisms for Late Paleozoic Synorogenic Subsidence of the Midland and Delaware Basins, Permian Basin, Texas and New Mexico
Kenn-Ming Yang, Steven L. Dorobek
Petrophysical Analysis of the Brushy Canyon Formation, Hat MESA Delaware Field, Lea County, New Mexico
Markus D. Thomerson, G. B. Asquith
Petrophysical Study of the Permain Tannehill Sandstone, Knox County, Texas
G. B. Asquith, M. D. Thomerson, Souvick Saha
Role of Sequence Stratigraphy in Reservoir Characterization: An Example from the Grayburg Formation, Permian Basin
Robert F. Lindsay, Dennis L. Hendrix, Richard H. Jones, Charles M. Keefer, Don L. Lindsey, Steven P. McDonald, David J. Rittersbacher
Sequence Stratigraphy Improves Definition of Reservoir Architecture at Avalon (Delaware) Field, Eddy County, New Mexico
Thomas V. Kane
Sequence Stratigraphy of Eolian-Derived Turbidites: Deep Water Sedimentation Patterns along an Arid Carbonate Platform and Their Impact on Hydrocarbon Recovery in Delaware Mountain Group Reservoirs, West Texas
Michael H. Gardner
Shelf Edges, Reefs and Associated Stratigraphic Traps on the Eastern Shelf
Al Reid, Michael A. Mosley, S. A. Tomlinson Reid
Styles of Sequence Development within Uppermost Leonardian through Guadalupian Strata of the Guadalupe Mountains, Texas and New Mexico
C. Kerans, W. M. Fitchen, M. H. Gardner, M. D. Sonnenfeld, S. W. Tinker, B. R. Wardlaw
Wolfcampian Sequence Stratigraphy of the Eastern Central Basin Platform
Magell P. Candelaria, J. F. “Rick” Sarg, Garner L. Wilde