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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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Abstract: A New (Computer Based) Petrographic Method for Accurately Describing Lithology in Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoirs
Imelda Gorman, H. M. Corinne Danielli, George B. Asquith
Abstract: The Use of Core and Core Analyses in an Integrated Study of the Grayburg/San Andres Reservoir, Foster Field, Ector County, Texas
Robert C. Trentham, Richard Weinbrandt
Access to Technology by Independents or is There Really a Game Below the Major League Level?
Arlen L. Edgar
Accommodation Cycles in Peritidal Carbonate and Continental to Shoreface Siliciclastic Facies, San Andres-Grayburg Formations, Eddy County, New Mexico
C. Robertson Handford, Magell P. Candelaria, Steve Lafollette
Borehole Imaging Applications Examples from the Permian Basin
Lee Sanders, Kevan Fuchs
Depositional History and Reservoir Properties of the Simpson Group in the Salina Basin of Central Kansas
Jim Mazzullo, Martha McRae
Development of a Multiphase Cave System: Ellenburger Formation, Lower Ordovician, West Texas
U. Hammes, C. Kerans, F. J. Lucia
Diagenetic Control of Permeability Development in a Highly Cyclic, Shallow-Water Carbonate Reservoir: South Cowden Grayburg Field, Ector County, Texas
Stephen C. Ruppel, F. Jerry Lucia
Dolostone Reservoir Texture and Fluid Flow
H. M. C. Danielli, Scott M. Frailey, George B. Asquith
Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Late Permian Yates Formation on the Western Margin of the Central Basin Platform of the Permian Basin, North Ward-Estes and South Ward Fields, Ward County, Texas
Jim Mazzullo, Sharma Dronamraju, Ron Johnson, Wayne Ahr
Front Matter: Permian Basin Oil and Gas Fields: Keys to Success That Unlock Future Reserves
Robert L. Martin
High Frequency Sequence Framework and Effects of Exposure Events on Porosity Evolution and Reservoir Heterogeneity: Maljamar Field, Lea County, Southeast New Mexico
Christopher J. Modica, Steven L. Dorobek
Horse Canyon Sponge Bafflestone: A Downdip Grayburg Formation Buildup Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico
Robert F. Lindsay
Imaging a San Andres Reservoir with Interwell Seismic
James H. Justice, J. Craig Woerpel
Improved Reservoir Modeling Using Gridded Seismic Attributes: North Concho Bluff Field, West Texas
Peter Lufholm, George Watts, Larry Lofton
Microfacies Analysis of the Tansill Outer Shelf, Permian Capitan Reef Complex
Brenda L. Kirkland, Clyde H. Moore
Properties of Permian Basin Gas Reservoirs by Age
Frederick R. Haeberle
Recognition of an Oil-Wet Carbonate Reservoir in the Mississippian Chester B-Zone, Major County, Oklahoma
G. B. Asquith
Use of Multiple Log Curves to Predict Permeability in a Dolomite Reservoir, San Andres of Welch Field, Dawson County, Texas
Gregory D. Hinterlong
War-Wink Cherry Canyon Trend “Serendipity in Spades”
Dean Hamilton, Tim Hunt