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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society

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Abstract: Application of Advanced Reservoir Characterization to Ramsey Sandstone Reservoirs, Ford Geraldine Unit, West Texas (Delaware Basin)

Shirley P. Dutton, Mark D. Barton, Sigrid J. Clift, Jose I. Guzman, George B. Asquith, Andrew G. Cole

Abstract: Conodont Biostratigraphy and Karst Fabric Synthesis Document Reservoir Heterogeneity and Geologic Framework, Ellenburger Group (Lower Ordovician, Ibexian), Elkhorn Field, Crockett County, Texas

Fred H. Behnken

Abstract: Genetic Appraisal of Petroleum of the Permian Basin

Paul Comet

Abstract: How an Independant Operator Can Integrate Engineering, Geophysics, and Geology in a Reservoir Study: Grayburg/San Andres of Foster and South Cowden Fields, Ector County, Texas

Robert C. Trentham, William C. Robinson, Richard E. Weinbrandt

Abstract: Identification Of Bypassed Pay Through Log/Core Integration

David K. Davies, Charles C. Segrest

Abstract: Practical Mapping of Lithology and Rock Properties using Analyses of Seismic Inversion Models

W.C. Robinson, R.C. Trentham

Abstract: Predicting Fracture Cementation in Permian Sandstone, Pakenham (Wolfcamp) Field, Terrell County, Texas

Sigrid J. Clift, F. E. Abegg, Kerby S. Aslesen, T. Matthew Laroche, Rod G. Stanley, Stephen E. Laubach

Abstract: Steps for Creating a Digital Well Log Database

Hubert Collier, Michael McCracken

Abstract: The Downhole Video Service: Current Open Hole Applications in the Permian Basin

Lee Sanders, Cary Joe Burkhart

Abstract: Using the Internet for Accessing Petroleum Technology in the Life Cycle of a Well

Damian Barrett

Acquisition Due Diligence and the Oil and Gas Manager

Bruce W. Blake

Depositional History of Ramsey Sandstone Channel-Levee and Lobe Deposits, Bell Canyon Formation, Ford Geraldine Unit, West Texas (Delaware Basin)

Shirley P. Dutton, Mark D. Barton, Sigrid J. Clift, Jose I. Guzman, Andrew G. Cole

Front Matter: Permian Basin Oil and Gas Fields: Turning Ideas into Production: WTGS Fall Symposium 1997

W. D. DeMis

Integrated Exploration Technology (IET) as a Cost Saving Tool for Energy Companies

Arthur J. Pyron

Modern Carbonate Sediment Facies Heterogeneity at the Development Scale—An Example from Joulters Cays, Bahamas

R. P. Major, Don G. Bebout, Paul M. Harris

Petrophysics of the Ramsey Sandstone, Ford Geraldine Unit, Reeves and Culberson Counties, Texas

G. B. Asquith, S. P. Dutton, A. G. Cole, Muhammad Razi, Jose I. Guzman

Stratigraphic Exploration Plays in Ordovician to Lower Permian Strata in the Midland Basin and on the Eastern Shelf

S. J. Mazzullo

Using Sinusoidal Drilling Techniques in a Diagenetically Complex Carbonate Reservoir: West Dollarhide Drinkard Unit (Mid-Leonardian), Lea County, Southeast New Mexico

Imelda G. Johnson, James L. Brown, George B. Asquith

Utilization of Old Cased-Hole Logs for Characterization of the Naturally Fractured Spraberry Formation, Midland Basin, Texas

Ashish K. Banik, David S. Schechter

“Delaware Effect” and the Ramsey Sandstone Ford Geraldine Unit Reeves and Culberson Counties, Texas

G. B. Asquith, S. P. Dutton, A. G. Cole