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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society

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3-D High-Resolution Reservoir Characterization from Crosswell Seismic Data

John Washbourne, Kenneth Bube

Abstract: Reservoir Heterogeneity of Turbite Channel/Levee and Submarine Fan Facies in a Lower Devonian Chert and Siliceous Carbonate Reservoir: University Waddell Field, West Texas

Roger J. Barnaby, Jubal G. Grubb, Isolda Barros-Griffiths, Larry W. Lake

Abstract: Reservoir Modeling - Methodology and Case Studies

James J. Reeves, W. Hoxie Smith

Abstract: Slope and Basin Depositional Systems, Ozona Sandstone, Val Verde Basin, Southwest Texas

H. Scott Hamlin

Abstract: The Tannehill Sandstone of Northwest Texas: Depositional Environments and Hydrocarbon Migration from the Basin to the Shelf

Gregg A. Norman

Abstract: Using Petrophysics and Cross-Section Balancing to Interpret Complex Structure in a Limited-Quality 3-D Seismic Image

Bob A. Hardage, Virginia M. Pendleton, Richard P. Major, George B. Asquith, Dan Schultz-Ela, David E. Lancaster

Approaches to Defining Reservoir Physical Properties from 3-D Seismic Attributes with Limited Well Control: an Example from the Jurassic Smackover Formation, Alabama

Bruce S. Hart, Robert S. Balch

Correlating Seismic Attributes to Reservoir Properties using Multi-variate Non-linear Regression

Robert S. Balch, William W. Weiss, Shaochang Wo

Correlative Study of the Sonora Canyon Sandstones, a Basinal Turbidite Sandstone Complex, Sutton County, Texas

Ronald R. Schmidt, James J. Reeves, W. Hoxie Smith

Depositional Model and Exploration Strategies for the Cisco-Canyon (Upper Pennsylvanian) on the Northwest Shelf, Southeastern New Mexico

Louis J. Mazzullo

Detection of Bypassed Pay Using Time-Lapse Log Analysis, San Andres Formation, Central Vacuum Unit, New Mexico

Max Scuta, Neil Hurley

Early Silica Mobilization and Chertification in the Thirtyone Formation, Bryant G Devonian Unit, Midland Co., TX

Frank H. Wind

Environmental Isotopes as Indicators of the Residence Time of Ground Waters in the Eagle Flat and Red Light Draw Basins of Trans-Pecos, Texas

Bruce K. Darling, Barry J. Hibbs, John M. Sharp, Jr.

Formation and Evolution of Steep Marginal Slope Deposits in the Bahamas: Insight into the Reservoir Potential and Distribution of Slope Deposits in the Permian Basin

G. Michael Grammer

Front Matter: The Search Continues into the 21st Century: West Texas Geological Society Fall Symposium

W. D. DeMis, M. K. Nelis

Fusulinids – A High-Resolution Biostratigraphic Tool Well-Suited to Permian Basin Strata

Robert S. Nail

Geology, Facies, and Stratigraphy of Kingdom and Kingdom North (Abo) Fields, Terry and Hockley Counties, Texas

J. Michael Party, Anthony E. D’Agostino, J. P. F. (Pat) Welch, Robert F. Lindsay

Incorporating Seismic Attribute Porosity into a Flow Model of the Grayburg Reservoir in the Foster - South Cowden Field

Richard M. Weinbrandt, Robert C. Trentham, William Robinson

Integrating Sample, Seismic, Petrophysical, and Engineering Data to Revitalize an Old Field; Ropes Canyon Reef Unit, Hockley County, Texas

Hughbert Collier, Ron Shaw, Michael McCracken

Landsat Interpretation of Devil’s River – Marathon Uplift; Val Verde Basin, Southwest Texas

Patrick J. Shannon

Meteoric Recharge, Displacement of Oil Columns and the Development of Residual Oil Intervals in the Permian Basin

Robert F. Lindsay

New Insights on the Stratigraphy and Production Characteristics of the Bone Spring Formation

Bruce S. Hart

Patterns of Sponge Diversity in the Middle Capitan Reef of the Guadalupe Mountains, Texas

Ronald A. Johns, Brenda L. Kirkland

Percentile Log Normalization: Example from Bar-Mar Field, Crane County, Texas

Mark R. Vining

Permian Clear Fork, North Robertson Unit: New Insights into Old Problems

Scott L. Montgomery

Petrophysics of the Mississippian Limestones in the Waha/West Waha Area Reeves and Pecos Counties, Texas

G. B. Asquith, B. A. Hardage, D. E. Lancaster, V. M. Pendleton

Porosity Quantification in Vuggy Carbonate Reservoirs

Neil Hurley, Robert Zimmermann, David Pantoja

Reservoir Characteristics of Precambrian Basement Rocks: Fort Stockton High, Pecos Co. Texas

James A. Bucci, Mary K. Nelis

Reservoir Characterization and the State of Texas Advanced Oil and Gas Resource Recovery Program

Roger Tyler, H. Scott Hamlin, S. J. Clift, Mark H. Holtz, S. P. Dutton, Wan Yang

Rubble In The Hole: Much Ado About Nothing

Frank H. Wind

Second-Order Accommodation Cycles and Points of “Stratigraphic Turnaround”: Implications for Carbonate Buildup Reservoirs in Mesozoic Carbonate Systems of the East Texas Salt Basin and South Texas

R. K. Goldhammer

Seismic Description of a Complex Carbonate Porosity System; Welch Field, Permian Basin, Texas

George P. Watts, Gregory D. Hinterlong, Archie R. Taylor

Siltstone Facies of the Upper Brushy Canyon and Lower Cherry Canyon Formations (Guadalupian), Delaware Basin, West Texas: Depositional Processes and Stratigraphic Distribution

MaryBeth Wegner, Kevin M. Bohacs, J. A. (Toni) Simo, Alan R. Carroll, David Pevear

Stratigraphy and Seismic-guided Estimation of Log Properties of the Second Sand Member of the Bone Spring Formation, Delaware Basin, New Mexico

R. A. Pearson, B. S. Hart

Styles of Dolomitization along a Lower Permian Platform-to-Basin Profile, Midland Basin, Texas

S. J. Mazzullo

Subsurface Study of the Permian Ozona Canyon Sandstone in the Val Verde Basin, Block MM, Southwest Crockett County, Texas

Melissa Kelly Harrell

Surface-Measured Resistivity May Be Key to Successful Stratigraphic Trap Exploration - A Recent Discovery Using Electromagnetic Imaging

M. Tahsin Tasci, John M. Zordan