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AAPG Bulletin
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Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy, Rocky Mountain Area
Robert J. Weimer
Structural Development and Paleozoic Stratigraphy of Black Mesa Basin, Northeastern Arizona, and Surrounding Areas
Wolfgang E. Elston
Origin, Varves, and Cycles of Jurassic Todilto Formation, New Mexico
Roger Y. Anderson , Douglas W. Kirkland
Air-Photo Lineaments in Mpanda Area, Western Province, Tanganyika, Africa
G. Henderson
Possibility of Hydrocarbon Accumulations along Northern Flank of Marietta Syncline, Love County, Oklahoma
C. C. Reeves, Jr. , J. Russell Mount
Review and Classification of Quantitative Mapping Techniques
James M. Forgotson, Jr.
Relationship Between Pressure and Moisture Content of Kaolinite, Illite, and Montmorillonite Clays
George V. Chilingar , Larry Knight
Strike-Slip Fault of Continental Importance in Bolivia: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Emile Rod
Geology of Pajarito Mountain Area, Otero County, New Mexico: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Ward S. Motts , Robert A. Gaal
Structural Pattern of Caribbean, Comparison With Flow of Glacier: DISCUSSION
Herbert Alberding
Electronic Computers Aid in Exploration Decisions and Interpretations: ABSTRACT
Edward J. Assiter
Isopachous and Paleogeologic Studies in Eastern Oklahoma North of Choctaw Fault: ABSTRACT
Henry Bercutt
Present and Future Oil and Gas Possibilities in Pennsylvanian and Permian Rocks of Southeastern Colorado: ABSTRACT
Richard S. Buchanan
Prospecting for Stratigraphic Traps: ABSTRACT
Daniel A. Busch
Geology of Natural Gas in Arkansas Valley, Arkansas: ABSTRACT
William M. Caplan
History of Petroleum Development of Mississippian Oil and Gas: ABSTRACT
Rick P. Clinton
Southwestern Nebraska (Cambridge Arch Area): ABSTRACT
Graham R. Curtis
Government's Helium Conservation Program: ABSTRACT
W. M. Deaton
Application of Palynology to Geology: ABSTRACT
John F. Grayson
Marine Bank Development in Plattsburg Limestone (Upper Pennsylvanian) in Neodesha-Fredonia Area, Southeastern Kansas: ABSTRACT
John W. Harbaugh
Pre-Desmoinesian Isopachous and Paleogeologic Studies in Central Mid-Continent Region: ABSTRACT
George G. Huffman
Beattie Limestone Facies and Their Bearing on Cyclic Sedimentation Theory: ABSTRACT
John Imbrie
Mississippian Rocks in Northern Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Louise Jordan
Western Limits of Oil Creek Sand in Southern Oklahoma and Northern Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert C. Lang
Preservation of Early Paleozoic Oil and Gas: ABSTRACT
A. I. Levorsen
Stratigraphic Frontiers in Petroleum Geology: ABSTRACT
Raymond C. Moore
Relating Seismic Time to Geological Datum: ABSTRACT
James L. Porter
Pennsylvanian and Permian Regional Stratigraphy of Western Mid-Continent: ABSTRACT
Bailey Rascoe, Jr.
Stratigraphic Oil Production in Wil Pool Area, Edwards County, Kansas: ABSTRACT
H. W. Stevens
Mississippian Production in Southwest Kansas: ABSTRACT
Victor J. Veroda
Energy in 2059: ABSTRACT
Lewis G. Weeks
Simpson Group of South-Central Kansas: ABSTRACT
Lester L. Wynn