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AAPG Bulletin
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Middle East: Stratigraphic Evolution and Oil Habitat
R. J. Murris
Seasat Radar Image of San Andreas Fault, California
Floyd F. Sabins, Jr. , Ronald Blom , Charles Elachi
Niagaran Bioherms and Interbioherm Deposits of Western West Virginia
Richard Smosna , Douglas Patchen
Painter Reservoir Field--Giant in Wyoming Thrust Belt
Charles F. Lamb
Petroleum Geology of Senonian Sediments in Anambra Syncline, Southeastern Nigeria: ABSTRACT
O. K. Agagu, C. M. Ekweozor
Petroleum Accumulation Trends in East Texas Salt Dome Area: ABSTRACT
O.K. Agagu, A. B. Giles, D. H. Wood
Early Cretaceous Arc Sedimentation and Volcanism in Coastal Ranges, Central Peru: ABSTRACT
Antenor Aleman
Evaluation of Temperate Zone Coastal-Marsh Sediments as Hydrocarbon Source Beds: ABSTRACT
Elizabeth A. Allen
Deep Basin, Alberta: ABSTRACT
Fraser H. Allen
Tectonic Significance of Microstructures in Idaho-Wyoming Thrust Belt and Hinterland: ABSTRACT
Richard W. Allmendinger
Permian Trace Fossils of Western Wyoming and Adjacent Areas: ABSTRACT
Knut A. Anderson
Thermal Evolution of Sedimentary Basins Along Atlantic Continental Margins of United States: ABSTRACT
Charles Angevine, D. I. Turcotte
Fresh Look at Some Ouachita Problems: ABSTRACT
J. Kaspar Arbenz
Ophiomorpha From Upper Bathyal Eocene Subsea Fan Facies, Northwestern Washington: ABSTRACT
John M. Armentrout
Late Neogene Depositional and Climatic Cycles in Yakataga Formation, Gulf of Alaska: ABSTRACT
John M. Armentrout
Hydrocarbon Potential of Sitkalidak Formation, Eocene Submarine Fan Complex, Kodiak Island Archipelago, Alaska: ABSTRACT
John M. Armentrout, George A. Anderson
The Mississippian System of New Mexico and Southern Arizona: ABSTRACT
Augustus K. Armstrong, Bernard L. Mamet, John E. Repetski
Oxic-Anoxic and Carbonate Cycles in Cretaceous Organic Carbon-Rich Marine Strata: ABSTRACT
Michael A. Arthur, Walter E. Dean, Richard Pollastro
New Exploration and Evaluation of Coal Resources in Complexly Faulted Area Containing Old Petroleum Production: ABSTRACT
Curtis H. Ault, Donald D. Carr
Petroleum Prospects of Anambra Basin, Southern Nigeria: ABSTRACT
A. A. Avbovbo, E. O. Ayoola
Promising Morrow Sandstone Discoveries in Southeastern Colorado: ABSTRACT
Loren E. Avis, D. R. Booth
Exploration in Classic Thrust Belt and Its Foreland--Bavarian Alps, Germany: ABSTRACT
G. H. Bachmann, G. Dohr, M. Mueller
Geophysical Exploration is Just Beginning: ABSTRACT
Milo M. Backus
Geophysical Case History of Two Hills Colony Gas Field of Alberta: ABSTRACT
F. E. Baker, G. W. Focht
Vertical and Surface Seismic Profiles Map Aquifers in Madison Group and Red River Formation, Powder River Basin, Wyoming-Montana: ABSTRACT
A. H. Balch, M. W. Lee, J. J. Miller
Explorable Structures in Old Bahama Channel, North of Cuba: ABSTRACT
Mahlon M. Ball, Faisal M. Idris, Wayne D. Bock
Graded Beds as Paleogravimetric Cameras: ABSTRACT
Steven S. Barrell
Retrogradational Shelf Sedimentation: Viking Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous), Central Alberta: ABSTRACT
E. A. Beaumont
Depositional Facies, Geometry, and Genesis of Upper Cretaceous Mid-Shelf Sand Complex--Sussex Sandstone at House Creek Field, Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
E. A. Beaumont, J. P. Hobson, Jr., M. L. Fowler
Fractional Preservation of Transgressive Coastal Lithosomes on Atlantic Continental Shelf: ABSTRACT
Daniel F. Belknap, John C. Kraft
Drilling for Methane Gas in Fishers Peak Area, Las Animas County, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Bernard M. Bench
Devonian Reefs Exposed Along Central Cantabric Coast, Northern Spain: ABSTRACT
S. R. Bereskin, S. A. Fry
Hydrodynamic Flow in Lower Cretaceous Muddy Formation, Northeast Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana: ABSTRACT
R. R. Berg, G. M. Larberg, J. T. Lin
Early Paleozoic Conodont Biostratigraphy, Biogeography, and Paleoecology: ABSTRACT
Stig M. Bergstrom
Devonian Paleogeography and Paleoenvironments in Northern Arizona: ABSTRACT
Stanley S. Beus
Pennsylvanian and Early Permian Paleogeography, Southern Colorado Plateau and Vicinity: ABSTRACT
Ronald C. Blakey
Applications of Probable Range Concept to Biostratigraphy: ABSTRACT
Richard G. Blank, C. Howard Ellis
Distribution and Alteration of Ogallala Volcanic-Ash Deposits and Their Possible Relation to Uranium Mineralization in Western Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
S. Bloch, Kenneth S. Johnson
Triassic Paleocaliche in Red Beds of Dolores Formation, Southwestern Colorado: ABSTRACT
Robert H. Blodgett
Miocene Spumellarian Radiolaria from South Pacific: ABSTRACT
Joyce R. Blueford
Calcium Budget in Frio Sandstones, Southwest Texas: ABSTRACT
James R. Boles
Signature Processing of North Sea Air-Gun Data: ABSTRACT
E. A. Booth, A. P. Stacey
Indian Creek Field, Fall River County, South Dakota: ABSTRACT
Louis C. Bortz, Edward J. Ackman
Exploration in Great Salt Lake: ABSTRACT
Louis C. Bortz, Donald B. Nixon, Steve C. West
Paleoenvironmental Analysis of Disconformity and Condensed Bed at Contact of Austin and Taylor Groups (Upper Cretaceous), East-Central and Northeastern Texas: ABSTRACT
David J. Bottjer, W. Anthony Bryant
Uranium Exploration Systems Case Study--Copper Mountain, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Larry B. Bramlett, David A. Emilia, John F. Holden
Biogenic Structures as Indicators of Depositional Rate: ABSTRACT
Danita S. Brandt
Permeability of Clay and Shale: ABSTRACT
John D. Bredehoeft
Lower Cretaceous Lacustrine Source Beds from Early Rifting Phases of South Atlantic: ABSTRACT
Suzan E. Brice, Kerry R. Kelts, Michael A. Arthur
Hydrocarbon Occurrences in Nonmarine, Pre-Salt Sequence of Cabinda, Angola: ABSTRACT
Suzan E. Brice, Georges Pardo
Tidal-Current Sand Waves in Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts: ABSTRACT
S. R. Briggs, J. B. Southard
Rb-Sr Dating of Diagenesis--Epigenesis in Mesozoic Rocks, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
D. G. Brookins, R. S. Della Valle, J. K. Register
Geochronologic Evidence for Paleozoic Plutonic Activity in Florida Mountains, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
D. G. Brookins
Unusual Ponding of Sediments on Deep-Water Reef: ABSTRACT
Gregg R. Brooks, Douglas M. Parker, John C. Steinmetz
Entrada Oil Fields of Southern San Juan Basin, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
A. C. Bryant
Diagenesis of Lower Coralline Limestone (Chattian), Maltese Islands: ABSTRACT
Joyce M. Budai, James L. Wilson
Geologic History of Deep Southeastern Gulf of Mexico Basin--Seismic Stratigraphic Interpretation Ahead of Drill: ABSTRACT
Richard T. Buffler, F. Jeanneshaub
Assessment of Potential for Fluid Hydrocarbons in Iowa: ABSTRACT
Billy J. Bunker, Raymond R. Anderson
Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt of Carpathians and Its Relation to Pannonian and Related Basins: ABSTRACT
B. C. Burchfiel, J. G. Sclater, L. Royden
Foreland Fold and Thrust Belts--Review: ABSTRACT
B. C. Burchfiel
Coal Resource Data Processing, Old and New Techniques: ABSTRACT
P. A. Burgess
Unconformities--Key to Major Oil Accumulations, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Hugh P. Bushnell
Future Exploration for Geothermal Resources: ABSTRACT
David R. Butler
Depositional Environments in Upper Cambrian Jordan Sandstone in Wisconsin: ABSTRACT
Charles W. Byers, Robert H. Dott, Jr.
Bioturbation as Factor in Hydrocarbon Generation--Example from Mowry Shale: ABSTRACT
Charles W. Byers
Microbial and Invertebrate Endolithic Assemblages from Late Cretaceous Belemnite Rostra: ABSTRACT
Barry Cameron, E. Hoffman, S. Golubic
Carbonate Mineral Reactions During Combustion Retorting of Oil Shale: ABSTRACT
Jack H. Campbell
Major Petroleum-Impregnated Rock Deposits of Western Colorado Plateau: ABSTRACT
Jock A. Campbell
Lower Permian Depositional Systems, "Uncompahgre" Basin, Eastern Utah and Southwestern Colorado: ABSTRACT
John A. Campbell
Trapping and Accretion of Aeolian Sediment by Cyanophytes: ABSTRACT
S. E. Campbell
Sacha Field of Ecuadorian Oriente: ABSTRACT
Robert W. Canfield, Guido Bonilla, Raymond K. Robbins
Microfacies and Depositional-Diagenetic Model of Amapa Carbonate Rocks (Paleogene) of Foz do Amazonas Basin, Offshore NE Brazil: ABSTRACT
Albert V. Carozzi, Joel C. Castro, Carlos V. Beltrami
Geologic and Geophysical Investigation of Part of Outer Continental Shelf and Upper Continental Slope, Northwest Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Susan Casby
Paleogeographic Evolution of Late Paleozoic Taos Trough, Northern New Mexico: ABSTRACT
J. Michael Casey
Spectrum of Deltaic Systems in Pennsylvania Tectonically Active Cratonic Basin, North-Central New Mexico: ABSTRACT
J. Michael Casey, Alan J. Scott
Radiolarian Characteristics of Major Oceanographic Environments: ABSTRACT
Richard E. Casey, Joan Mussler Spaw
Genetic Stratigraphy and Provenance of Baca Formation of New Mexico and Eagar Formation and Mogollon Rim Gravels of Arizona: ABSTRACT
Steven M. Cather, Bruce D. Johnson
Variations in Cretaceous Coal-Bearing Strata, Gallup Coal Field, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Victor V. Cavaroc, Jr., Romeo M. Flores
Geologic Controls on Mineral-Matter Content of Coal in Central Appalachian Basin: ABSTRACT
C. B. Cecil, R. W. Stanton, F. T. Dulong
Geologic Controls on Sulfur Content in Coal: ABSTRACT
C. B. Cecil, R. W. Stanton, F. T. Dulong
Burrow Patterns of Ghost Crab Ocypode ceratophthalma (Pallas) as Possible Indicators of Foreshore Slopes: ABSTRACT
A. Chakrabarti
Synonymy, Ethology, and Environmental Implications of Nereites Group of Trace Fossils: ABSTRACT
C. Kent Chamberlain
Decompaction Technique Helps Correlation: ABSTRACT
Yi-Maw Chang, James Helwig
Trace Fossils From Proterozoic Sediments of Godavari Valley, South India: ABSTRACT
Asru K. Chaudhuri
Early Diagenetic Glauconitization of Feldspar Grains in a Middle Proterozoic Tidal-Flat Complex: ABSTRACT
Asru K. Chaudhuri
Rise and Fall of Triassic Conodonts: ABSTRACT
David L. Clark
Appalachian Basin Devonian Shales--Regional Organic Geochemistry and Hydrocarbon Genesis: ABSTRACT
George E. Claypool
Geochemical Effects of Early Diagenesis of Organic Matter, Sulfur, and Trace Elements in Devonian Black Shales, Appalachian Basin: ABSTRACT
George E. Claypool, Joel S. Leventhal, Martin B. Goldhaber
Stratification Types in Intertidal Sediment, Willapa Bay, Washington: ABSTRACT
H. Edward Clifton, R. Lawrence Phillips
Relation of Depositional Facies and History to Hydrocarbon Generation in New Albany Shale Group (Devonian-Mississippian) of Illinois: ABSTRACT
R. M. Cluff, M. H. Barrows, M. L. Reinbold
Uranium Solution Mining--Integration of Exploration and Production Development: ABSTRACT
B. W. Conroy, J. D. Eisel
Crystalline Overthrusting of Paleozoic Shelf in Southern Appalachians Mapped by COCORP Reflection Data: ABSTRACT
Frederick A. Cook, Dennis S. Albaugh, Jack E. Oliver
Prospective and Future Hydrocarbon Provinces of Bering Sea, South of St. Lawrence Island: ABSTRACT
Alan K. Cooper, Michael S. Marlow, David W. Scholl
Multifold Seismic Data Across Outer Bering Sea Continental Margin: ABSTRACT
Alan K. Cooper, Michael S. Marlow, Davis W. Scholl
Paleoenvironmental Control of Biogenic Structures in Upper Devonian Prodeltaic Turbidite Deposit: ABSTRACT
Salvatore Corbo
Introduction (to SEPM Research Symposium): Source Beds--Depositional Environments and Early Diagenesis: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Cordell
Trace Fossil Assemblages of Upper Cretaceous Sand Units, Delaware and New Jersey: ABSTRACT
H. Allen Curran, Ronald L. Martino
Advances in Radon Exploration Techniques for Uranium: ABSTRACT
Robert F. Czarnecki, John C. Pacer, Robert W. Freeman
Application of Regional Geochemical Data to Uranium Exploration: ABSTRACT
Ralph D. D'Andrea, Jr., Don L. Shettel, Jr., Richard J. Zinkl
Internal Structures of Shallow-Marine Tidal Sand Waves: ABSTRACT
Robert W. Dalrymple
Shallow Oil Shale Deposits of Southern Uinta Basin, Utah: ABSTRACT
G. F. (Pete) Dana, J. Ward Smith, Laurence G. Trudell
Dineh-Bi-Keyah Field, Apache County, Arizona: ABSTRACT
T. C. Danie
Graphic Representation of Subsurface Data by Computer: ABSTRACT
Gerald J. Daub, Roger K. Greenall, Jr.
Submarine Diagenesis (Aragonite Dissolution, Cementation by Calcite, and Dolomitization) in Ordovician Galena Group, Upper Mississippi Valley: ABSTRACT
David J. Delgado
Anoxic Environments and Oil Source Beds: ABSTRACT
G. J. Demaison, G. T. Moore
Use of Trace Fossils for Interpretation of Triassic Depositional Environments, Northeast Border of French Massif, Central France: ABSTRACT
Georges R. Demathieu
How Geologic Objectives Should Determine Seismic Field Design: ABSTRACT
L. R. Denham, H. Neal Reeves, R. E. Sheriff
Uranium in Tertiary Sediments in Alaska: ABSTRACT
Kendell A. Dickinson
Paleogene Depositional Systems, Western Transverse Ranges, Southern California: ABSTRACT
William R. Dickinson
Paleoecology in Basin Analysis--Humboldt Basin of California as Example: ABSTRACT
J. Robert Dodd, Robert J. Stanton, Jr., David G. Kersey
Evaluation of Volume of Entrained Methane in Deep, Tertiary Sandstone Reservoirs Along Onshore Texas Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
M. M. Dodge, A. R. Gregory, J. S. Posey
SEG Delegation Visit to People's Republic of China: ABSTRACT
S. N. Domenico
Potential Contribution of Oil Shale to Energy Needs of United States and Other Parts of the World: ABSTRACT
John R. Donnell
Deep-Sea Benthic Foraminifera and Their Biostratigraphic Potential: ABSTRACT
R. G. Douglas, F. Woodruff, John Quinn
Status of Antler Orogeny in Central Idaho--Clarifications and Constraints from Pioneer Mountains: ABSTRACT
James H. Dover
Sands and Sand Transport on Palimpsest Carbonate Shelf: ABSTRACT
Larry J. Doyle, Thomas W. Neurauter, Thomas E. Pyle
Shallow-Marine Trace Assemblages in a Cambrian Tidal Sand Body: ABSTRACT
Steven G. Driese
Paleotopography's Influence on Porosity Distribution in Lansing-Kansas City "E" Zone, Hitchcock County, Nebraska: ABSTRACT
Martin K. Dubois
Trap Spring Oil Field, Nye County, Nevada: ABSTRACT
Herbert D. Duey
X-Ray Mineralogy of Upper Freeport Coal: ABSTRACT
F. T. Dulong, C. B. Cecil, R. W. Stanton
Source-Rock Quality and Thermal Maturity, Palo Duro Basin, Texas: ABSTRACT
Shirley P. Dutton
Bivalve Trace Fossils in British Silesian: ABSTRACT
R. M. C. Eagar
Deep Drilling and Current Models of Cenozoic Crustal Deformation in Western United States: ABSTRACT
Gordon P. Eaton
Lebensspuren of Dysaerobic, Bathyal Basin, California Borderland: ABSTRACT
Brian D. Edwards
Growth Faulting and Sedimentation in Upper Wilcox Delta System, South Texas: ABSTRACT
Marc B. Edwards
Tertiary Structural Development of Selected Valleys Based on Seismic Data--Basin and Range Province, Northeast Nevada: ABSTRACT
I. Effimoff, A. R. Pinezich
Trace Fossils and Stagnation of Deep-Sea Basins: ABSTRACT
A. A. Ekdale
How do Thrust Belts Form?: ABSTRACT
David Elliott
A Test of the Melanoidin Hypothesis: ABSTRACT
John R. Ertel, John Hedges
Carbon Flux from Ocean to Biosphere--Chemical Evidence from Deep-Sea Cores: ABSTRACT
Richard G. Fairbanks, Jean Claude Duplessy, Joseph T. Durazzi
Geostatistical Approach in Coal Resource Estimation: ABSTRACT
J. H. Fang, T. H. Starks, Joe Mattern
Subsidence and Thermal History of Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen--Implication for Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT
Shimon Feinstein, William E. Harrison, Thomas L. Thompson
Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil--Source-Rock Characterization and Evaluation: ABSTRACT
Justo Camejo Ferreira, Paulo Cesar Gaglianone
Geothermal Resources Evaluated by Well Logs: ABSTRACT
W. H. Fertl
Global Occurrence of Abnormal Formation Pressures: ABSTRACT
Walter H. Fertl
Modification of Linear Sand Ridges by Bed-Form Migration--Bering Sea and United States Atlantic Shelf: ABSTRACT
Michael E. Field, Donald J. P. Swift, C. Hans Nelson
Diapir-Like Ridges and Possible Hydrocarbon Occurrence, Northern California Continental Margin: ABSTRACT
Michael E. Field, Samuel H. Clarke, Jr., Keith Kvenvolden
Structure and Hydrocarbon Potential of Kodiak Shelf, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Michael A. Fisher
Dipmeter Validity in Deviated Bore Holes: ABSTRACT
Don D. Fitzgerald, J. C. Theriot, P. L. York
Ebb-Tidal Delta Stratification and Its Relation to Tidal Inlet Processes: ABSTRACT
Duncan M. Fitzgerald, Dag Nummedal
Petroleum Potential of Basin and Range Province, Western United States: ABSTRACT
Norman H. Foster, Edward D. Dolly
Smectite-Illite Transformation--Role in Generating and Maintaining Geopressure: ABSTRACT
W. R. Foster, H. C. Custard
Application of Inversion Processing to Exploration for Point-Bar Sandstones: ABSTRACT
Donald E. Foulkes, John A. Ward
Controls of Zeolite Cementation in Upper Jurassic Sandstones, Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Stephen G. Franks, David M. Hite
Shale Mineralogy of General Crude Oil and Department of Energy 1 Pleasant Bayou Geopressured-Geothermal Test Well, Brazoria County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Freed
Uniformitarianism and Tertiary Reef Paleoecology: ABSTRACT
Stanley H. Frost
Eolian-Fluviatile (Continental) Origin of Ancient Stratigraphic Trap for Petroleum in Weber Formation, Rangely Oil Field, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Steven G. Fryberger
Deep Tuscaloosa Gas Trend of South Louisiana: ABSTRACT
L. W. Funkhouser, F. X. Bland, C. C. Humphris, Jr.
Early Transformation Reaction of Steroids in Marine Environment: ABSTRACT
Robert B. Gagosian
Basement Tectonics of China--Continental-Scale Cataclastic Flow: ABSTRACT
J. J. Gallagher, Martha O. Withjack
Hydrostratigraphic Framework and Flow Dynamics of Uraniferous Aquifer-Oakville Sandstone of South Texas Coastal Plain: ABSTRACT
William E. Galloway, Christopher D. Henry, Gary E. Smith
New Dimensions in Seismic Exploration: ABSTRACT
G. H. F. Gardner
Hydraulic Piston Coring in Equatorial Pacific--Preliminary Results from DSDP Site 503 (Leg 68) Indicate Continuous Section of Undisturbed Late Noegene and Quaternary Sediment: ABSTRACT
J. V. Gardner
Physical Characteristics of Shallow Methane Reservoirs of Northern Great Plains: ABSTRACT
Donald L. Gautier
Diagenesis in Shallow Conventional and Low-Permeability Biogenic Methane Reservoirs of Eagle Sandstone, Montana: ABSTRACT
Donald L. Gautier
Facies and Depositional Tectonics of Middle Jurassic Carmel Formation, Southern Utah: ABSTRACT
Richard C. Geesaman, Brent J. Voorhees
Carbonate Facies of Penas Altas Formation, Venezuela--Case Study of Cretaceous Shallow-Marine Shelf: ABSTRACT
Santosh Kumar Ghosh
Morphometry of Late Ordovician Microbial Borings: ABSTRACT
S. Golubic, A. H. Knoll, W. Ran
Deposition of Enewetak Atoll Reef, Middle Pleistocene to Holocene: ABSTRACT
Edwin R. Goter, Gerald M. Friedman
Calcification Model and Secondary Calcification Effects on Fossil Bolivina seminuda: ABSTRACT
Frances M. Govean
Application of Statistical Models in Continental Margin Biostratigraphy: ABSTRACT
Felix Gradstein, Fritz Agterberg
Implications of Geologic Structure and Regional Sedimentation Patterns for Rifting Geometry of Arctic Basin: ABSTRACT
Arthur Grantz, David A. Dinter
Oil and Gas Potential of San Luis Basin, South-Central Colorado: ABSTRACT
R. R. Gries
Siderite Textures in Cardium Formation, Ferrier Field, Alberta: ABSTRACT
L. A. Griffith
Filament-Producing Hydrocarbons in Palynology Preparations: ABSTRACT
Peter K. H. Groth
Cement Types and Cementation Patterns of Middle Ordovician Ramp-to-Basin Carbonate Rocks, Virginia: ABSTRACT
George Grover, Jr.
Deep Stratigraphy and Evolution of Baltimore Canyon Trough Based on Multifold Seismic Reflection, Refraction, Gravity, and Magnetic Data: ABSTRACT
John A. Grow, Kim Klitgord, John S. Schlee
Petroleum Exploration of National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA): ABSTRACT
George Gryc, Arthur L. Bowsher
Mississippian Shelf Margin and Carbonate Platform from Montana to Nevada: ABSTRACT
Raymond C. Gutschick, Charles A. Sandberg, William J. Sando
Petroleum Possibilities in Altar Desert, Sonora, Mexico: ABSTRACT
A. E. Guzman
Foreign Frontiers--An Overview: ABSTRACT
Michel T. Halbouty
Application of Ecologic Studies of Living, Algal Symbiont-Bearing Foraminifera to Paleoecologic Interpretation: ABSTRACT
Pamela Hallock
Deltaic Systems and Associated Growth Faulting of Vicksburg Formation (Oligocene), South Texas: ABSTRACT
John Hwan Han
Depositional and Tectonic Evolution of a Basement-Bounded, Intracratonic Basin, Palo Duro Basin, Texas: ABSTRACT
C. Robertson Handford, Mark W. Presley, Shirley P. Dutton
Utah-Arizona Hinge Line-Thrust Belt--Potential New Hydrocarbon Province: ABSTRACT
Alan R. Hansen, Floyd C. Moulton, B. Frank Owings
Depositional Setting of Middle Dolomite Unit in Metaline Formation, Metaline District, Washington: ABSTRACT
Jerry L. Harbour
Wamsutter Arch Tight Gas Play, Southern Wyoming--New Look at Old Area: ABSTRACT
Constance B. Harbridge
Brae Field Area, North Sea: ABSTRACT
J. C. Harms, T. Tackenberg, E. Pickles
Conodonts--Models of Pragmatic Paleontology: ABSTRACT
Anita G. Harris, Bruce R. Wardlaw
Conodont-Based Assessment of Thermal Maturity in Paleozoic and Triassic Rocks, Central Great Basin: ABSTRACT
Anita G. Harris, Bruce R. Wardlaw, Claude C. Rust
Cretaceous Sea Level and Stratigraphy, Eastern Arabian Peninsula: ABSTRACT
P. M. Harris, S. H. Frost, C. Kendall
Freshwater Cementation of Holocene and Jurassic Grainstones: ABSTRACT
Paul M. Harris
False River Field: ABSTRACT
Frank W. Harrison, Jr.
Authigenic Quartz in Devonian Black Shale: ABSTRACT
Chris Hathon, Duncan F. Sibley
Petroleum Geology in 1980s: ABSTRACT
John D. Haun
Paleogeography of Eustatic Model for Deposition of Mid-Continent Upper Pennsylvanian Cyclothems: ABSTRACT
Philip H. Heckel
Stratigraphy and Depositional History of Powell Formation (Uppermost Canadian) in Northern Arkansas: ABSTRACT
William J. Hedden
Scientific Ocean Drilling near United States: ABSTRACT
J. R. Heirtzler
Stratigraphy and Structure of Early Tertiary Orca Group, Prince William Sound, Alaska: ABSTRACT
James Helwig
Oxidation-Reduction in Oakville Sandstone of South Texas--Implications for Uranium Mineralization: ABSTRACT
Christopher D. Henry, William E. Galloway, Gary E. Smith
Marine Petroleum Prospecting with Airborne Fraunhofer Line Discriminator: ABSTRACT
Mitchell E. Henry
Possible Geometries of Sandstone Bodies as Reflected by Geomorphic Features on Modern Submarine Fans: ABSTRACT
Gordon R. Hess, William R. Normark
Lower Cretaceous Shelf Storm Deposits, North Texas: ABSTRACT
David K. Hobday, Robert A. Morton
Williston Basin--Reawakening of Giant Petroleum Province: ABSTRACT
David R. Hoffman
Intertidal Zonation of Recent Microbial Endoliths, Bermuda: ABSTRACT
E. Hoffman
Impact of Holocene Transgression on Depositional Environment of Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Margin: ABSTRACT
Charles W. Holmes, James S. Booth
Cretaceous-Tertiary Versus Carboniferous Depositional Settings--Factors Affecting Coal Parameters: ABSTRACT
J. C. Horne, J. K. Balsey, R. A. Evey
Oil Exploration in Southeast Turkey Thrust Belt: ABSTRACT
J. Horstink
Anticipating Coal Mining Problems in Hartshorne Formation, East-Central Oklahoma, Using Sedimentary Facies Analysis: ABSTRACT
David W. Houseknecht, Anthony T. Iannacchione
Sedimentation Rates and Illite-Smectite Diagenesis: ABSTRACT
James J. Howard
Delineation of Jacksonian-Vicksburgian Boundary in East-Central Gulf Coast Using Evolutionary Series in Ostracods: ABSTRACT
Herbert J. Howe
Petrographic Variation in Western Kentucky # 11 Coal Seam: ABSTRACT
James C. Hower, Garry D. Wild
High-Resolution Landsat for Geophysical Studies: ABSTRACT
Clyde Hubbard, Brian Fine
Seismic, Stratigraphic, and Structural Analysis of Northeast Campeche Escarpment, Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Raul Huerta, Richard T. Buffler
Petroleum Source-Rock Evaluation by Thermal Distillation and Pyrolysis: ABSTRACT
John M. Hunt, Alain Y. Huc
Water-Rock Interaction During Clastic Diagenesis in Both Open and Closed Systems: ABSTRACT
Ian Hutcheon
Temporal Changes in Depositional Facies in Great Valley Forearc Basin of California--Influence of Basin Evolution and Tectonics: ABSTRACT
Raymond V. Ingersoll
Basins of East India: Tectono-Stratigraphic Facies: ABSTRACT
S. N. Murty Inkollu, Martha O. Withjack, J. J Gallagher
Geologic Framework for Development, Production, and Reclamation of Coal Properties: ABSTRACT
John B. Ivey
Application of Cingulum Index to Dinogymnium in Hilliard Shale, Southwestern Wyoming: ABSTRACT
S. R. Jacobsen, D. J. Nichols
Stratigraphic Relations of Permian Formations in Parts of Colorado and Utah: ABSTRACT
Abdul Raof Jado
Sedimentology of Lower Cretaceous Subtidal Sand Complex, Woburn Sands, Southern England: ABSTRACT
Howard D. Johnson, Bruce K. Levell
Understanding Field Development History Using 3-D Seismic Survey: ABSTRACT
J. P. Johnson, M. R. Bone
Trace-Makers as Historians in Large-Scale Cycles of Western Interior Cretaceous Strata: ABSTRACT
Marcus W. Johnson, Allen W. Archer, Donald E. Hattin
Organic Facies--Stratigraphic Concept and Exploration Tool: ABSTRACT
R. W. Jones, G. J. Demaison
Trace Fossils and Stratigraphy of Devonian Black Shale in East-Central Kentucky: ABSTRACT
Douglas W. Jordan
Paleogeography and Structural Development of Late Pennsylvanian-Early Permian Oquirrh Basin, Northwest Utah: ABSTRACT
Teresa E. Jordan, Raymond C. Douglass
Whitney Canyon Field--Potential Gas Giant in Wyoming Thrust Belt: ABSTRACT
James B. Judd, William R. Sacrison, Robert A. Bishop
Sedimentologic Description of Part of Coal-Bearing Carboniferous Sequence Exposed Near Joggins, Nova Scotia: ABSTRACT
Sanford S. Kaplan, J. Donahue
Sedimentary Processes on Continental Shelf Off Southern California: ABSTRACT
H. A. Karl, D. A. Cacchione, D. E. Drake
Paleobiologic Evidence for Cretaceous Tides, Western Interior Basin, North America: ABSTRACT
Erle G. Kauffman, Thomas A Ryer
Rock Properties--Influence on Hydrocarbon Accumulation, Production, and Residual Oil Shows: ABSTRACT
Dare K. Keelan
Some Relations Between Diagenesis and Porosity (Real and Imagined), Sandstones of Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Utah: ABSTRACT
C. W. Keighin
Integrated Geologic and Geophysical Studies as Exploration Tool in Rift-Related Basins: ABSTRACT
G. R. Keller
Patterns of Thick Coal Deposition Across Powder River Basin in Northeastern Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Bion H. Kent
Department of Energy Drilling Programs and the Geosciences: ABSTRACT
Donald M. Kerr
Source-Rock Potential of Evaporitic Environment: ABSTRACT
Douglas W. Kirkland, Robert Evans
Patterns of Shallow-Marine Deposition, Upper Cretaceous of Northern Colorado: ABSTRACT
L. W. Kiteley, M. E. Field
Processes Controlling Characteristics of Surficial Sand Sheet, U.S. Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf: ABSTRACT
Harley J. Knebel
Environmental Control of Trace Fossil Morphology: ABSTRACT
Larry W. Knox, Molly F. Miller
Early Cementation by High-Magnesium Calcite from Gulf Coast of Louisiana: ABSTRACT
M. John Kocurko
Lithology and Structures of Quaternary Sediments of Indus Fan: ABSTRACT
John A. Kostecki, Venkatarathnam Kolla, Pulak K. Ray
USCHEM, Geochemical Data File of National Coal Resources Data System (NCRDS), Applied to Study of Appalachian Coal Bed: ABSTRACT
Kathleen M. Kozey, Charles L. Oman, A. L. Medlin
Diagenetic Features of Grand Rapids Formation, North-Central Alberta, Canada: ABSTRACT
John W. Kramers
Investigation of Measurements of Heat Flow Regime in Oceans as Related to Hydrocarbon Generation: ABSTRACT
Wm. C. Krueger, Jr.
Early Porosity and Permeability Reduction in Deep-Sea Fan Sandstone and Shale By Authigenic Smectite and Carbonate Cement: ABSTRACT
Lee F. Krystinik
Thermogenic Hydrocarbon Gases in Unconsolidated Seafloor Deposits, Northern California Continental Margin: ABSTRACT
Keith A. Kvenvolden, Michael E. Field, Samuel H. Clarke
Exploring for Niagaran Pinnacle Reefs in Southern Michigan Basin: ABSTRACT
J. Labo, John Cousins
Stewart Peak Culmination, Idaho-Wyoming Thrust Belt, as Compared with Other Fold-and-Thrust Belt Culminations: ABSTRACT
David R. Lageson
Carboniferous Conodonts: ABSTRACT
H. Richard Lane
Barrow Gas Fields, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Lantz
Development of Secondary Porosity in Reservoir Sandstones by Dissolution of Silicate Mineral Constituents: ABSTRACT
Richard E. Larese, John B. Thomas, Edward D. Pittman
Tectonics and Sedimentation Along Antler Orogenic Belt of Central Nevada: ABSTRACT
Susan Wunderlich Laule
Evaluation of Organic Matter and Subsurface Temperature and Pressure with Regard to Gas Generation in Low-Permeability Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Sandstones in Pacific Creek Area, Sublette County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
B. E. Law, C. W. Spencer, N. H. Bostick
Opal-Cristobalite-Cemented Sands in Catahoula Formation--Implications on Source of Silica Cementation of Quartzose Sandstones: ABSTRACT
Ernest B. Ledger, Thomas T. Tieh
Application of Conodont and Palynomorph Color Alteration Studies to Thermal Maturation History, Southern Ontario: ABSTRACT
Franklyn D. Legall, Christopher R Barnes
Porosity Evolution of Niagaran Pipe Creek Jr. Reef, Grant County, Indiana: ABSTRACT
Patrick J. Lehmann
Lofreco Process--Tailoring Shale Oil Extraction Method to Available Geology: ABSTRACT
Mitchell A. Lekas
Wave-Dominated Deltas--Important Economic Depositional Setting in Upper Cretaceous of Western Interior: ABSTRACT
R. A. Levey, J. C. Horne, J. K. Balsley
Hydrocarbon Exploration in Western Approaches, Offshore England: ABSTRACT
David M. Levin
Hydrocarbon Potential of Matilija Sandstone, an Eocene Sand-Rich, Deep-Sea Fan and Shallow-Marine Complex, California: ABSTRACT
Martin H. Link, Joann E. Welton
Nearshore Lithofacies of Mannville Group, Lloydminster Heavy Oil Area, Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT
J. A. Lorsong
Synsedimentary Deformation in Fossil Accretionary Prism, Greece: ABSTRACT
J. A. Lorsong
Sandstone Diagenesis in Geopressured Tertiary Gulf Coast Basin: ABSTRACT
R. G. Loucks, M. M. Dodge
Properties of Water in Clay Mineral Systems: ABSTRACT
Philip F. Low
Multi-Parameter Regional Mapping and Interpretations: ABSTRACT
Allen Lowrie, William P. Searcy, III
Seismic Stratigraphy and Structure of Falkland Plateau: ABSTRACT
William J. Ludwig, Phillip D. Rabinowitz
Geology of Syncrude Canada Limited Mine Site, Athabasca Oil Sand Area: ABSTRACT
P.S. Lulman, G. D. Lobb, W. E. Flewitt
Depth Migration and Interpretation of Cocorp Wind River, Wyoming, Seismic Reflection Data: ABSTRACT
Heloise Bloxsom Lynn, George A. Thompson, Lisa R. Kanter
Resin Rods and Woody Rod-Like Structures in Pennsylvanian Coal Beds of Appalachian and Illinois Basins: ABSTRACT
Paul C. Lyons, Robert B. Finkelman, Orrin G. Oftendahl
Comparison of Shallow-Marine Shelf Carbonate Mounds of Fort Payne Formation (Lower Mississippian) of Tennessee with Waulsortian Mounds of Western Europe: ABSTRACT
William C. MacQuown, J. Hunt Perkins
Conveyer-Belt Tectonics and Geologic Evolution of Alaska's Eastern Interior: ABSTRACT
Esther R. Magathan
Two Oil Types on North Slope of Alaska--Implications for Future Exploration: ABSTRACT
Leslie B. Magoon, George E. Claypool
Depositional Environment of Lower Cincinnatian Kope Formation and Some Paleoecologic Implications: ABSTRACT
Thomas K. Mahan, William B. Harrison, III
Environmental and Diagenetic Controls of Carbonate Source Rocks: ABSTRACT
M. Malek-Aslani
Recent Activities in United States Tar Sand: ABSTRACT
L. C. Marchant, J. J. Stosur, C. Q. Cupps
Hydrocarbon Prospects of Bering Sea Shelf South of St. Lawrence Island, Alaska: ABSTRACT
M. S. Marlow, A. K. Cooper, D. W. Scholl
Development of Conceptual Model to Characterize Uncertainty in Coal Resource Estimates: ABSTRACT
David Mathew, M. A. Bauer, S. J. Tewalt
Geologic Setting and Oil and Gas Potential of Eastern United States Continental Margin North of Cape Hatteras: ABSTRACT
Robert E. Mattick
Definition and Development of Mackerel Field, Gippsland Basin, Australia: ABSTRACT
David M. Maughan
Phosphorite, Organic Carbon, and Hydrocarbons in Permian Phosphoria Formation, Western United States: ABSTRACT
Edwin K. Maughan
Radiolarian Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Eastern Part of Southern Peninsula of Haiti: ABSTRACT
Florentin Maurrasse, Robert Visconti
Importance of Secondary Porosity in Sandstones to Hydrocarbon Exploration: ABSTRACT
Earle F. McBride
Terrestrial Sedimentation Associated with Strike-Slip Fault Movement in Middle Carboniferous of Nova Scotia, Canada: ABSTRACT
Peter J. McCabe, Kevin L. McCarty, Scott B. Pluim
Preliminary Molluscan Biostratigraphy of Gulf of Alaska Tertiary Province: ABSTRACT
S. McCoy, Jr., L. N. Marincovich, Jr.
Porosity Evolution of Niagaran Thornton Reef, Northeastern Illinois: ABSTRACT
James E. McGovney
Eastern Green River Basin--A Developing Giant Gas Supply from Deep Overpressured Upper Cretaceous Sandstones: ABSTRACT
L. A. McPeek
Examples of Abnormal Fluid Pressure Produced by Hydrocarbon Generation: ABSTRACT
Fred F. Meissner
Stable Isotope Evidence for Modern Freshwater Diagenesis of Cretaceous Edwards Limestone, San Antonio Area, Texas: ABSTRACT
Patricia A. Mench, F. J. Pearson, Jr., Ruth G. Deike
Organophosphorites in Carboniferous Rocks of Central United States: ABSTRACT
Glen K. Merrill, David T. Long, W. Fred Falls
Geochemistry of Regionally Extensive Calcite Cement Zones in Mississippian Skeletal Limestones, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
William J. Meyers, Kyger C. Lohmann
Sedimentology and Paleogeography of Cambrian Transgression in Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Larry Middleton, James R. Steidtmann
New Precision in Biostratigraphy Through Graphic Correlations: ABSTRACT
F. X. Miller, R. W. Pierce, F. R. Sullivan
Depositional Environments and Biogenic Structures, Uppermost Crab Orchard Group (Pennsylvanian), North-Central Tennessee: ABSTRACT
Molly Fritz Miller, Larry W. Knox
Origin of Biogenic Carbonate Sands of Southern Shelf of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands: ABSTRACT
Ronald J. Miller, George N. Wiley
Geometry and Mechanisms of Transverse Faulting, Rocky Mountain Front Ranges, Canmore, Alberta: ABSTRACT
I. W. Moffat, J. H. Spang
Cretaceous Stratigraphy, Chignik Area, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska: ABSTRACT
C. M. Molenaar
Stratigraphic Relations of Nanushuk Group (Middle Cretaceous) and Associated Strata, North Slope of Alaska: ABSTRACT
C. M. Molenaar, K. J. Bird
Depositional Environment of Clay Minerals from Northeast Gulf of Alaska: ABSTRACT
Bruce F. Molnia
Generation of Abnormal Pressures Through Organic Matter Transformations: ABSTRACT
James A. Momper
Post-Compaction, Subsurface Secondary Porosity Generation, and Occlusion in Upper Jurassic Smackover in Southern Arkansas: ABSTRACT
Clyde H. Moore, Yehezkeel Druckman
Powder River Basin "High" and its Implications for Future Exploration: ABSTRACT
W. Richard Moore
Oil Production from Fractured Cherts of Woodford and Arkansas Novaculite Formations, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Lawrence S. Morrison
Getting the Most Out of Radon Geochemistry: ABSTRACT
Robert H. Morse
Cementation, Diagenesis, and Paragenetic Sequence in Biyad-Wasi Sandstones (Lower-Middle Cretaceous) of Central Saudi Arabia: ABSTRACT
Mohamed A. Moshrif
Evolution of Brooks Range Thrust Belt and Arctic Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Charles G. Mull
Nodular Submarine Cementation on Bahamian Slopes--Possible Model for Origin of Some Nodular Limestones: ABSTRACT
Henry T. Mullins, A. C. Neumann, R. J. Wilber
Origin of Subsurface Fracture Systems--Example from Altamont Field, Uinta Basin, Utah: ABSTRACT
Wayne Narr, John B. Currie
Uranium Occurrence in Leadville Dolomite at Pitch Mine, Saguache County, Colorado: ABSTRACT
J. Thomas Nash
Coal Characterization for Optimum Utilization: ABSTRACT
Richard C. Neavel
Carbon Isotopic Signature as Criterion for Interpreting Origin of Synsedimentary Cements, Patch Reef Facies, Enewetak Atoll: ABSTRACT
Douglas G. Neese, Burr A. Silver, Bernie B. Bernard
Sedimentary Characteristics and Processes of Current-Dominated Epicontinental Shelf, Northern Bering Sea, Alaska: ABSTRACT
C. Hans Nelson, D. A. Cacchione, D. E. Drake
Paleocene Time Scale for Rocky Mountain Region: ABSTRACT
Karl R. Newman
Distribution, Diagenesis, and Depositional History of Porous Dolomitized Grainstones at Top of Madison Group, Disturbed Belt, Montana: ABSTRACT
K. M. Nichols
Depositional Environmental Analysis of Kaibab and Toroweap Formations in Southwestern Utah: ABSTRACT
R. Larell Nielson
Sedimentology of Fluvial Upper Devonian Kanayut Conglomerate, Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Tor H. Nilsen, Thomas E. Moore, J. T. Dutro, Jr.
Geometry and Dispersal Patterns of Deep-Sea Fans from Various Tectonic Settings: ABSTRACT
Tor H. Nilsen
Structural and Sedimentologic Study of Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field, Baja California, Mexico: ABSTRACT
John E. Noble
Study of Diagenetic Processes in Sandstone from Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field, Baja California, Mexico: ABSTRACT
John E. Noble, Stephen Van Der Har
Eastern Cordilleran Foldbelt and Foreland of Northern Canada: ABSTRACT
D. K. Norris
Sand Dispersal at Norderneyer Seegat, West Germany: ABSTRACT
Dag Nummedal, P. Shea Penland, Amy Maynard
Thermal Contraction and Petroleum Maturation in Michigan Basin: ABSTRACT
Jeffrey A. Nunn, Norman H. Sleep
Cross-Bedded Sandstone Reservoirs--Geologic Modeling of Geometry of Reservoir Units and Permeability Anisotropy Using Well Logs: ABSTRACT
R. D. Nurmi, Rusty Frisinger
Bowdoin Dome Area, North-Central Montana--Example of Shallow Biogenic Gas Production from Lower-Permeability Reservoirs: ABSTRACT
Gary L. Nydegger, Dudley D. Rice, Charles A. Brown
Trace-Element Content of Bituminous Coal from Appalachian and Eastern Interior Regions and Rocky Mountain Coal Province--Data as of 1979: ABSTRACT
Charles L. Oman, Peter Zubovic, A. L. Medlin
Overview of Geothermal Energy Developments: ABSTRACT
Carel Otte
San Juan Basin of New Mexico and Colorado, Classic Area of Stratigraphic Exploration: ABSTRACT
Donald E. Owen
Rock-Eval Pyrolysis as Source Rock Screening Technique: ABSTRACT
Mary M. Page, Clarence Kuhnel
Future Trends in Coal Resource and Reserve Evaluations in United States: ABSTRACT
James E. Palmer
MonDak Mississippian Oil Field, Williston Basin: ABSTRACT
John M. Parker, Paul D. Hess
Climate Asymmetry and Biogeographic Distributions: ABSTRACT
Judith Totman Parrish, A. M. Ziegler
Geochemistry of Artificially Heated Humic and Sapropelic Sediments: Protokerogen: ABSTRACT
K. E. Peters, B. G. Rohrback, I. R. Kaplan
Mudstones as Exploration Guides to Tabular Sandstone-Type Uranium Deposits in Salt Wash Member, Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic), Henry Basin, Utah: ABSTRACT
Fred Peterson, R. H. Tschudy, S. D. Van Loenen
Lineament Analysis for Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Rex M. Peterson
Petroleum Occurrences in Nonmarine Rocks: ABSTRACT
M. Dane Picard
Seismic Modeling of Pennsylvanian Carbonate Mounds in Paradox Basin, Utah: ABSTRACT
George R. Pickett, Frances G. Sherrill
Phanerozoic Carbonate Diagenesis--A New Model: ABSTRACT
John Pigott, Jane Schoonmaker, Fred T. MacKenzie
Differential Diffusion During Carbonate Diagenesis: ABSTRACT
Nicholas E. Pingitore, Jr.
Diagenetic Mobilization of Uranium and Iron from Red Beds of Catskill Formation in Eastern Pennsylvania: ABSTRACT
Simon Pirc, Arthur W. Rose
Effect of Cementation on Physical Properties of Sandstones: ABSTRACT
Edward D. Pittman
Geology of Continental Slope Adjacent to OCS Lease Sale 55, near Yakutat, Eastern Gulf of Alaska: ABSTRACT
George Plafker, Gary Winkler, George Claypool
Effective Stress and Abnormally High Fluid Pressure: ABSTRACT
William J. Plumley
Helium Surveying for Deeply Buried Uranium Deposits: ABSTRACT
Louis A. Pogorski, G. Stewart Quirt
Oil and Metals in Ordovician and Devonian Kerogenous Marine Strata of Central Nevada: ABSTRACT
Forrest G. Poole, George A. Desborough
Oil and Gas Potential of Wyoming-Utah-Idaho Overthrust Belt--Relation to Canadian Foothills Province Analog: ABSTRACT
Richard B. Powers
Algal-Metazoan Bioherms of Lower Ordovician Age--St. George Group, Western Newfoundland: ABSTRACT
Brian R. Pratt
Early Guadalupian (Permian) Bank Margin Erosion Surfaces, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas: ABSTRACT
L. C. Pray, G. A. Crawford, M. T. Harris
Hydrocarbon-Trapping Structures in Southern Canadian Rockies Segment of Cordilleran Foreland Thrust Belt: ABSTRACT
Raymond A. Price
Petroleum Exploration and Wrenching Model, Michigan Basin: ABSTRACT
C. E. Prouty
Shale--an Overview: ABSTRACT
Wayne A. Pryor, Paul Edwin Potter, J. Barry Maynard
Drilling in San Andreas Fault: ABSTRACT
C. Barry Raleigh
Paleogeography of Northern Arizona During Deposition of Permian Toroweap Formation: ABSTRACT
Richard R. Rawson, Christine E. Turner-Peterson
Carbonate Depocenters and Facies Distribution on Passive Cambrian Shelf and Middle Ordovician Foreland Basin, Appalachian Orogene, Virginia: ABSTRACT
J. F. Read, J.R. Markello
Fluorescence of Acritarchs in Study of Marine Kerogen: ABSTRACT
A. B. Reaugh, G. S. Bayliss
Depositional Environments and Kerogen Types: ABSTRACT
A. B. Reaugh, G. S. Bayliss
Hypothesis Involving Dilation and Natural Hydraulic Fracturing to Explain Petroleum Reservoirs in Monterey Shale, Santa Maria Area, California: ABSTRACT
Lowell Redwine
Lower and Middle Paleozoic Potential of Paradox Basin: ABSTRACT
Fred S. Reid, Claude E. Berghorn
Recent Advances in Helium Analysis as Exploration Tool for Energy "Deposits": ABSTRACT
G. M. Reimer, A. A. Roberts, M. E. Hinkle
Seabed Characteristics and Sand Dispersal on Bedrock-Dominated Inner Shelf of Southern Labrador: ABSTRACT
Gerald E. Reinson, Gustav Vilks
Deep Terrestrial Heat-Flow Studies in Southwestern United States: ABSTRACT
Marshall Reiter, Charles Shearer
Conodont Animal--Hypotheses and Speculations: ABSTRACT
John E. Repetski, Simon Conway Morris
History of Sulfidization of South Texas Roll-Type Uranium Deposit: ABSTRACT
R. L. Reynolds, M. B. Goldhaber, K. R. Ludwig
Upper Cretaceous Mosby Sandstone, Central Montana--Example of Thin, Widespread Storm-Generated Sandstone Cycles: ABSTRACT
Dudley D. Rice
Development of Biogenic Gas from Shallow, Low-Permeability Reservoirs--Examples from Southeastern Alberta and Bowdoin Dome Area, North-Central Montana: ABSTRACT
Dudley D. Rice, Donald L. Gautier
Low-Cost Microprocessor System for Paleontologic Information, Including Images: ABSTRACT
W. Riedel, Alexis Budai
Location of Littoral Energy Fence and Resolution of Relict Features on Atlantic Shelf, United States--Fourier Grain Shape Analysis: ABSTRACT
Debra Riester, Robert Ehrlich
Resource Evaluation of Gas-Bearing Coal Beds: ABSTRACT
C. T. Rightmire, H. H. Rieke, W. H. Fertl
Migration and Entrapment of Petroleum--Examples from Utah Oil-Impregnated Sandstone Deposits: ABSTRACT
Howard R. Ritzma
Common Factors Among Atypical Fields: ABSTRACT
W. H. Roberts, III
Computer Assisted Paleoecologic Analyses and Application to Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT
Gray S. Robinson, Barry Kohl
Sedimentary Aspects of Organic Material in Green River Shale: ABSTRACT
W. E. Robinson, Shuang-Ling Chong
Castillo Gas Field, Spain: ABSTRACT
Angel Rodriguez-Paradinas, Erik K. Ericson
Central Mediterranean Thrust Belts: ABSTRACT
Dietrich Roeder
Appalachian Thrust Belt Between Trenton, Georgia, and Tuscaloosa, Alabama: ABSTRACT
Dietrich Roeder
Zenith Field--Significant Dakota (Muddy) "D" Sandstone Discovery, Adams County, Colorado (Secs. 17-20, T3S, R62W): ABSTRACT
Michael R. Root
Oil-to-Source Correlation--Pineview Field, Overthrust Belt, Utah: ABSTRACT
Jeffrey K. Rosenfeld, Thomas T. Y. Ho, Harry Dembicki, Jr.
Facies Control on Bitumen Saturation, Peace River Oil Sands Deposit, Alberta, Canada: ABSTRACT
Brian A. Rottenfusser
Paleocene (Midway) Continental Shelf Deposits, Rio Grande Embayment, Texas: ABSTRACT
Edward C. Roy, Jr., Karen A. Gilchrist
Two Controls of Sand-Wave Size: Dynamic Equilibrium Processes and Kinematic Depositional-Erosional Processes: ABSTRACT
David M. Rubin
Mechanisms Controlling Porosity in Red River (Upper Ordovician) Carbonate Reservoir, Cabin Creek Field, Montana: ABSTRACT
Kenneth Ruzyla, Gerald M. Friedma
Seismic Models of 15 Stratigraphically Controlled Oil and Gas Fields Containing Sandstone Reservoirs in Rocky Mountain Basins: ABSTRACT
Robert T. Ryder, Gerald N. Smith, Myung W. Lee
Middle Member of Minnelusa Formation (Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian)--Implications for Stratigraphic-Trap Oil Accumulations in Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Robert T. Ryder
Physical Evidence for Cretaceous Tides, Western Interior Basin, North America: ABSTRACT
Thomas A. Ryer, Erle G. Kauffman
Organic Matter in Sediments Underlying Ross Ice Shelf: ABSTRACT
William M. Sackett
Generation, Migration, and Entrapment of Petroleum in Extensional Basins: ABSTRACT
James O. Salveson
Sedimentation, Biostratigraphy, and Source-Rock Potential of Deseret Starved Basin (Mississippian), Western United States: ABSTRACT
Charles A. Sandberg, Raymond C. Gutschick
Use of Devonian Conodonts in Petroleum Exploration, Western United States: ABSTRACT
Charles A. Sandberg
Organic Model for Roll-Front Uranium Deposits: ABSTRACT
A. E. Saucier
Geologic-Seismic Exploration Model for Reworked Deltaic Sandstones--Excellent Subsurface Reservoir: ABSTRACT
R. S. Saxena
Heat-Flow and Heat-Production Studies in North Dakota: ABSTRACT
R. Scattolini, F. Howell, C. Bunker
Biostratigraphic Problems Generated by Deep Sea Coring--Biosystematic Analysis, Evolutionary Species, and Non-Validity of Lineage Zones: ABSTRACT
S. D. Schafersman
Seismic Stratigraphy of Atlantic Margin in Vicinity of Chevron COST B-3 Well: ABSTRACT
John S. Schlee, C. Wylie Poag
Continental Stretching--Explanation of Post-Mid-Cretaceous Subsidence of Central North Sea Basin: ABSTRACT
John G. Sclater, Phillip A. F. Christie
Early Cretaceous Reef Communities in Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
R. W. Scott
Temperature and Pressure Relations in Thick Sequences of Accumulating Sediments: ABSTRACT
John M. Sharp, Jr.
Paleogeography and Marine Communities of Silurian Carbonate Shelf in Utah and Nevada: ABSTRACT
Peter M. Sheehan
Uranium Deposits of Part of Central Great Divide Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
J. E. Sherborne, Jr., S. J. Pavlak, W. A. Buckovic
Experimental Compaction of Lime Sediment: ABSTRACT
Eugene A. Shinn, Daniel M. Robbin, Randolph P. Steinen
Sedimentary Facies Relations and Inferred Dynamics of a Single-Barred Nearshore Environment, Atlantic Coast of Eastern Long Island, New York: ABSTRACT
R. Craig Shipp
Geometry of Shelf Sandstone Bodies in Shannon-Equivalent Sandstone in Northern Black Hills, Montana and South Dakota: ABSTRACT
George W. Shurr
Mesozoic Accretionary Tectonics of Alaska: ABSTRACT
N. J. Silberling, David L. Jones
Oswego Limestone, Aline-Lambert Fields, Oklahoma--Source, Reservoir, and Trap: ABSTRACT
Burr A. Silver, Bernie B. Bernard, Timothy Drexler
Effects of Basalt Intrusions on Kerogens in Unconsolidated Oceanic Sediments in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: ABSTRACT
Bernd R. T. Simoneit, R. P. Philp
Tectonic Significance of Microstructures in Idaho-Wyoming Thrust Belt and Hinterland: ABSTRACT
Richard W. Allmendinger
Coarsening-Upward Shelf Sequences in Aphebian Wishart Quartzite, Knob Lake Area, Quebec and Newfoundland: ABSTRACT
Bruce M. Simonson
Drills as Tool for Studying Mineral Deposits and Hydrothermal Systems: ABSTRACT
Brian J. Skinner
Upper Paleozoic Paleogeography of Idaho: ABSTRACT
Betty Skipp, W. E. Hall
Basins, Basement, and the Drill: ABSTRACT
L. L. Sloss, Leon T. Silver
Cretaceous Niobrara Gas Play: ABSTRACT
Tom Smagala, Mary Beth Cooper
Geophysical Exploration for Precambrian-Related Uranium Deposits: ABSTRACT
B. D. Smith, J. T. Nash, J. Kalliokoski
Carbonate-Sulfate Mineral Replacements in Diagenesis of Peritidal Limestone: ABSTRACT
Richard Smosna
Coastal Swamp Origin of San Miguel Lignite Deposit, Jackson Group, South Texas: ABSTRACT
John W. Snedden, David G. Kersey
Anomalous Thermoluminescence Around Uranium Deposits: ABSTRACT
Charles S. Spirakis
Depositional Models for Fine-Grained Sediment in Western Hellenic Trench, Eastern Mediterranean: ABSTRACT
Daniel J. Stanley, Andres Maldanado
Forms and Associations of Pyrite in Upper Freeport Coal Bed, Homer City, Pennsylvania: ABSTRACT
R. W. Stanton, C. B. Cecil, F. T. Dulong
What's New in U.S. Industry Activity: ABSTRACT
Philip H. Stark, Tom Dougherty
Cementation of Lime-Mud and Pellet Mud Beneath Tidal Flats of Southwest Andros Island, Bahamas: ABSTRACT
Randolph P. Steinen
Profile of Unusual Oolite Deposit--Drum Limestone, Pennsylvanian (Missourian), Montgomery County, Kansas: ABSTRACT
William P. Stone, Jr.
United States Province Overviews: ABSTRACT
John Stout, Reta Bradley
Fan Models for Hydrocarbon Exploration with Examples from the North Sea: ABSTRACT
Dorrik A. V. Stow, Stephen J. Mills, Clive D. Bishop
Interpretation of Thorium to Uranium Ratios in Granitic Rocks and Implications for Uranium Exploration: ABSTRACT
John S. Stuckless
Diagenesis in Volcanogenic Rocks of Great Valley Sequence, Northern California--Isotopic and Chemical Data: ABSTRACT
Robert K. Suchecki
Organic Facies of Mid-Cretaceous Black Shales in Deep North Atlantic: ABSTRACT
C. P. Summerhayes
Submarine Carbonate Cementation and Pisolith Growth in Silurian Reefs of Northern Indiana: ABSTRACT
Jack A. Sunderman
Diagenesis in Monterey Formation, Pismo Syncline, Coast Ranges of California: ABSTRACT
R. C. Surdam, C. A. Hall, J. Murphy
Late Mesozoic to Early Cenozoic Foreland Sedimentation in Southwest Montana: ABSTRACT
Lee J. Suttner, Robert K. Schwartz, W. Calvin James
Comparison of Gulf Coast Late Jurassic Ostracoda with Those of Western Europe: ABSTRACT
F. M. Swain, E. G. Anderson
State of the Art in Conodont Taxonomy: ABSTRACT
Walter C. Sweet
Genesis of Sand Ridges on Storm-Dominated Shelves--Status Report: ABSTRACT
Donald J. P. Swift, William Stubblefield, David W. McGrail
Rationalization of Koyukuk "Crunch," Northern and Central Alaska: ABSTRACT
I. L. Tailleur
Interpretation of Fossil Fluvial Bivalve Burrows in Catskill Formation, Based on Analogy with Margaritifera margaritifera (L.): ABSTRACT
Richard E. Thoms, Thomas M. Berg
Slope-Centered Processes in Santa Barbara Basin, California Borderland: ABSTRACT
Scott E. Thornton
Shannon Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous) Offshore Bar Facies Distribution, Salt Creek Area, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Roderick W. Tillman, R. S. Martinsen
Early Paleozoic Conodont Biostratigraphy and Paleogeography of Northwestern Canada: ABSTRACT
R. S. Tipnis, M. P. Cecile
Jurassic Sea-Level Changes From Seismic Stratigraphy: ABSTRACT
R. G. Todd, P. R. Vail
Characterization of Regularly Interstratified Chlorite/Smectite Mixed-Layered Clay Using Combined Scanning Electron Microscopy/X-Ray Diffraction Techniques: ABSTRACT
Robert E. Tompkins
Evolution and Stress History of Low-Permeability Upper Cretaceous Gas Reservoirs, Rocky Mountains: ABSTRACT
Donald F. Towse
Applied Petrophysics--Case History: ABSTRACT
Lauren R. Tremper
Seelyville Coal--Major Unexploited Seam in Illinois: ABSTRACT
Colin G. Treworgy
Tabular Uranium Ore in Poison Canyon Area, Morrison Formation, San Juan Basin, and Application of Lacustrine-Humate Model: ABSTRACT
C. E. Turner-Peterson
Sedimentology of Westwater Canyon Member, Morrison Formation, Southern San Juan Basin: ABSTRACT
C. E. Turner-Peterson, L. C. Gundersen
Nature of Non-Recoverable Porosity Changes in Experimentally Deformed Indiana Limestone and Yule Marble: ABSTRACT
G. Twombly, J. H. Spang
Reevaluation of Depositional Environments of Salt Wash Member of Morrison Formation, Uravan Mineral Belt, Southwest Colorado: ABSTRACT
Noel Tyler, Frank G. Ethridge
Post-Middle Cretaceous Seismic Stratigraphy of Abyssal Southwestern Gulf of Mexico Basin: ABSTRACT
Tariq U. Usmani, Richard T. Bufflr
Multiple Barrier-Island and Deltaic Progradational Sequences in Upper Cretaceous Coal-Bearing Strata, Northern Kaiparowits Plateau, Utah: ABSTRACT
Gerald E. Vaninetti, Samuel R. Johnson
Geologic and Structural History of Zagros Foldbelt, Iran: ABSTRACT
P. Verrall
Geology of Calvin Field--Deep Basinal Jurassic Play in North Louisiana Salt Basin: ABSTRACT
James D. Voss
Mason Lake Field, Musselshell County, Montana: ABSTRACT
W. W. Wakefield
Paleoecologic Determination of Bathymetric Position of Organic Buildups--Example from Lower Paleozoic of Appalachians: ABSTRACT
Kenneth R. Walker, S. C. Ruppel, F. C. Breland
Evaluation of Uranium Potential of Frontier Areas by Functional Source-Rock Analysis: ABSTRACT
Anthony W. Walton, William E. Galloway, Christopher D. Henry
Seismic Stratigraphy in Low-Energy Carbonate Depositional Environment: ABSTRACT
J. A. Ward, D. E. Foulkes
Strategy of Exploration for High Temperature Hydrothermal Systems in Basin and Range Province: ABSTRACT
S. H. Ward, H. P. Ross, D. L. Nielson
Middle-Late Permian Paleogeography of Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Bruce R. Wardlaw
Permian Conodont Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology: ABSTRACT
Bruce R. Wardlaw
Multiphase Fluid Movements in Glass Micromodels of Pore Systems: ABSTRACT
Norman C. Wardlaw
Contemporaneous Reconstruction and Cementation of Living Lagoonal Patch Reef, Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands: ABSTRACT
J. E. Warme, N. Schneidermann, S. D. Schafersman
Source and Time of Generation of Hydrocarbons in Fossil Basin, Western Wyoming Thrust Belt: ABSTRACT
M. A. Warner
Depositional Environments of Lacustrine Limestones and Their Relation to Major Coal Seams, Upper Pennsylvanian of West Virginia: ABSTRACT
S. M. Warshauer, R. Smosna, J. J. Renton
Dolomite and Dedolomite in Mural Limestone, Lower Cretaceous, Arizona and Sonora: ABSTRACT
E. Robert Warzeski
Methane Measurement from "Saline Zone" Oil Shale, Piceance Creek Basin, Northwest Colorado: ABSTRACT
Bernard E. Weichman, James A. Meredith
Wattenberg and Spindle Fields--Paleostructural and Stratigraphic Traps, Denver Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Weimer, Stephen A. Sonnenberg
Dynamics of Unvegetated Tidal-Flat Muds: ABSTRACT
John T. Wells
Nearshore Marine and Continental Facies in Eocene of North-Central Pakistan: ABSTRACT
Neil Wells
Uranium Mineralization in Hopi Buttes, Arizona: ABSTRACT
Karen J. Wenrich-Verbeek, Eugene M. Shoemaker
"Middle" Cretaceous (Albian-Turonian) Depositional Environments Along a Part of Eastern Margin of North American Epicontinental Seaway: ABSTRACT
Donald L. Whitley, Greg A. Ludvigson, Bill J. Bunker
Relations Between Stromatolites and Burrowing Organisms: ABSTRACT
Jozef Wieczorek
New and Developing Techniques in Coal Exploration: ABSTRACT
Charles E. Wier
Potential Petroleum Reservoirs on Deep-Sea Fans Off Central California: ABSTRACT
P. Wilde, William R. Normark, T. E. Chase
Reservoir Rock, Source Rock, and Trapping Mechanism of Permian Basinal Facies, Delaware Basin: ABSTRACT
Charles R. Williamson
Permian-Pennsylvanian of West-Central Nebraska Panhandle: ABSTRACT
John M. Wilson
Lower Wilcox Shelf Edge in Texas--Relation to Growth Faulting and Geothermal Reservoir Quality: ABSTRACT
Charles D. Winker
Proposed Model for Development of Red River (Ordovician) Porosity, Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota: ABSTRACT
Martin D. Wittstrom, Peter C. Chimney
Middle and Upper Ordovician Paleogeography of Region Bordering Transcontinental Arch: ABSTRACT
Brian J. Witzke
Model of Autocementation of Quartz Sands as Suggested by SEM Study of St. Peter Sandstone: ABSTRACT
J. R. Wood
Thrust Geometry of Northern Absaroka Sheet, Idaho and Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Nicholas B. Woodward
Whitney Canyon--A Proved Giant--Only Small Part of Rocky Mountain Overthrust Belt: ABSTRACT
David F. Work
NPR-Alaska, an Update: ABSTRACT
Phillip L. Work
Sonic Logs From Explorationist's Viewpoint: ABSTRACT
P. C. Wuenschel
Three-Dimensional Simulation of Geologic, Hydrodynamic, and Thermodynamic Development of a Sedimentary Basin--New Approach: ABSTRACT
A. M. Yukler, D. H. Welte
Lithofacies and Bioherms of Upper Paleozoic in Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi Provinces, China: ABSTRACT
Xie Zhan
Tectonic Features of Oil and Gas Basins of Eastern China: ABSTRACT
Tang Zhi