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AAPG Bulletin
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Relation of Natural Gas Composition to Thermal Maturity and Source Rock Type in San Juan Basin, Northwestern New Mexico and Southwestern Colorado
Dudley D. Rice
Evolution of Salt Structures, East Texas Diapir Province, Part 1: Sedimentary Record of Halokinesis
S. J. Seni, M. P. A. Jackson
Evolution of Salt Structures, East Texas Diapir Province, Part 2: Patterns and Rates of Halokinesis
S. J. Seni, M. P. A. Jackson
Paleoaquifer and Deep Burial Related Cements Defined by Regional Cathodoluminescent Patterns, Middle Ordovician Carbonates, Virginia
George Grover, Jr. , J. F. Read
Timing of Deformation in Overthrust Belt and Foreland of Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah
David V. Wiltschko, John A. Dorr, Jr.
Outlook for Domestic Exploration (AAPG President's Address): ABSTRACT
John J. Amoruso
A Mid-Continent Basin: A Reappraisal: ABSTRACT
J. Robert Berg
Adell Field and Vicinity--Sheridan and Decatur Counties, Kansas: ABSTRACT
Harold A. Brown
Kansas-Type Cyclothems and Porosity Development in Middle Pennsylvanian Marmaton Group, Dirks Field, Logan County, Kansas: ABSTRACT
Craig D. Caldwell
Strontium Isotopic Variations of Oil-Field Waters: A Clue to Migration History of Oils: ABSTRACT
S. Chaudhuri, V. Broedel, L. Nicastro, R. Robinson
Influence of Precambrian Shear Zones on Paleozoic Rocks in Southeastern Colorado: ABSTRACT
Jon R. Ford
Computer-Assisted Exploration in Kansas: ABSTRACT
Betsy Forrest, Andrew Ahroon
Control of Arbuckle (Cambrian-Ordovician) Production by Block Faulting: ABSTRACT
Dave Gagliardo
Naturally Occurring Hydrogen Gas from a Borehole on the Western Flank of Nemaha Anticline in Kansas: ABSTRACT
Edwin D. Goebel, Raymond M. Coveney, Jr., Ernest E. Angino, Edward Zeller
Basement Rift Control on Oil Production in Eastern Kansas: ABSTRACT
John B. Gustavson
Outlook for United States Natural Gas Industry: Pricing, Supply, and Demand: ABSTRACT
Nelson E. Hay
Ravia Nappe, Bryan County, Oklahoma: A Gravity Slide Block off the Tishomingo Uplift: ABSTRACT
Mark I. Jacobson
Mid-Continent Rift System--A Frontier Hydrocarbon Province: ABSTRACT
Carol Kindle Lee, S. Duff Kerr, Jr.
Geophysics in Kansas and Its Role in the Petroleum Exploration Industry: ABSTRACT
Donn McGuire
Morrowan Stratigraphy, Depositional Systems, and Hydrocarbon Accumulation, Sorrento Field, Cheyenne County, Colorado: ABSTRACT
David M. Orchard, Michael R. Kidwell
Control on Reservoir Distribution and Quality in Regressive Member of an Upper Pennsylvanian Cyclothem: ABSTRACT
Bradford E. Prather
Aeromagnetics in Exploration: ABSTRACT
Noel F. Rasmussen
Computer Exploration in Graham County, Kansas: ABSTRACT
Joseph E. Robinson
Scully Field--Marion County, Kansas: ABSTRACT
Brent Salgat
Highlights of 1983 Industry Activity in Mid-Continent--Good Signs in Difficult Times: ABSTRACT
Phillip H. Stark
Integration of Remote Sensing Data into the Exploration Effort: ABSTRACT
Harry E. Stewart
"Simpson" Reservoirs in Arkoma Basin and Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma and Arkansas: ABSTRACT
Raymond W. Suhm
Relationship of Epeirogeny and Sedimentation in Kansas: ABSTRACT
W. Lynn Watney, Frank W. Wilson
Red Fork Sandstones (Lower Pennsylvanian) in Deeper Parts of Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Philip H. Whiting, Steven D. Levine
Shallow Gas in Arkoma Basin--Pine Hollow and South Ashland Fields: ABSTRACT
John Woncik
Minnelusa Depositional Cycles and Erosional Topography, Rozet Fields Area, Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
C. W. Achauer
Roosevelt Hot Springs Unit Development: ABSTRACT
Terry S. Allen
Structural and Sedimentologic History of Nesson Anticline: ABSTRACT
Sidney B. Anderson, Lee C. Gerhard, Julie Lefever
Structural Influence on Lower and Middle Cretaceous Sedimentation, Northern Great Plains: ABSTRACT
Lawrence O. Anna
Paleotectonic Control of Pennsylvanian Sedimentation in Paradox Basin: ABSTRACT
D. L. Baars, G. M. Stevenson
Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Pennsylvanian-Age Tensleep Sandstone: Trapper Creek Deposit, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Steven S. Barrell, Beverly J. Giza
Winnipeg Formation (Middle Ordovician), Williston Basin: ABSTRACT
Mary Bitney
Exploration for Oil and Gas in Flathead Region, Montana and British Columbia, 1892 to 1983: ABSTRACT
W. W. Boberg
Petroleum Potential of Winnipeg Sandstone in South Dakota: ABSTRACT
Dudley W. Bolyard
Mid-Tertiary Conglomerate Deposition and Structural Implications, Southwestern Wind River Range, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Richard J. Bottjer, James R. Steidtmann, Larry T. Middleton
Facies, Fabrics, and Porosity of Selected Pre-Permian Rocks in Williston Basin, North Dakota: ABSTRACT
R. B. Burke, D. M. Catt, R. F. Lindsay, F. K. Lobdell, C. L. Lobue, P. T. Loeffler, T. J. Obelenus, N. A. Perrin, S. D. Sturm, R. L. Webster, B. J. Wilson
Geothermal Development and Problems in South Dakota: ABSTRACT
D. D. Carda
Eocene Paleotectonics and Sedimentation in the Rocky Mountain-Colorado Plateau Region: ABSTRACT
Charles E. Chapin, Steven M. Cather
Relation of Lithofacies and Diagenesis to Porosity Development, Mississippian Mission Canyon Formation, Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota: ABSTRACT
Pete J. Chimney, Marty D. Wittstrom
Cedar Creek--A Significant Paleotectonic Feature of Williston Basin: ABSTRACT
James H. Clement
Depositional Environment and Diagenesis of Teapot Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous), Converse and Natrona Counties, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Patrick Coughlan
Tectonic Significance of Ross Pass Fault Zone, Central Bridger Range, Montana: ABSTRACT
Carol Craiglow
Paleotectonics of Frontier Formation in Wyoming: ABSTRACT
William H. Curry, III
Vitrinite Reflectance of Coals from the Heath Formation, Central Montana: ABSTRACT
John A. Daniel, Gary A. Cole
Influence of Transcontinental Arch on Cretaceous Listric-Normal Faulting, West Flank, Denver Basin: ABSTRACT
Thomas L. Davis
Use of Seismic Stratigraphy for Minnelusa Exploration, Northeastern Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Terrell B. Daw
Evaluation of Low-Temperature Geothermal Potential of Cache Valley, Utah: ABSTRACT
Janet L. De Vries
Regional Structural Synthesis, Wyoming Salient of Western Overthrust Belt: ABSTRACT
Joe S. Dixon
Depositional Environments of Upper Cretaceous Fox Hills Formation, Niobrara and Weston Counties, East-Central Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Harry W. Dodge, Jr., Thomas M. Crandall
Upper Mission Canyon (Mississippian) Cyclicity and Hydrocarbon Occurrence, North-Central North Dakota: ABSTRACT
Paul Dolliver
Depositional Environments and Reservoir Properties, Lonetree Field, Southern Denver Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT
John Dolson
Early Cretaceous Stratigraphy, Paleontology, and Sedimentary Tectonics in Paris Overthrust Foredeep (Western Wyoming and Southeastern Idaho) Compared with Quaternary Features of Indo-Gangetic Plain: ABSTRACT
John A. Dorr, Jr.
Depositional and Diagenetic Models for Devonian Birdbear (Nisku) Reservoirs, Northeastern Montana: ABSTRACT
J. R. Ehrets, Don L. Kissling
Poncho Field--Cretaceous "J" Sandstone Stratigraphic Traps--Denver Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Frank G. Ethridge, John R. Ziegler
Application of Geological Studies to Overburden Collapse at Underground Coal Gasification Experiments: ABSTRACT
Frank G. Ethridge, William G. Alexander, Gerald N. Craig, II, Lary K. Burns, A. D. Youngberg
Potentiometric Surface and Quality of the Water of Madison Group, Montana: ABSTRACT
Richard D. Feltis
Depositional Framework for Lower Member of Metaline Formation (Cambrian), Northeastern Washington: ABSTRACT
Howard J. Fischer
Origins of Oil in Railroad Valley, Nye County, Nevada: ABSTRACT
Don E. French
Differential Vertical Tectonics: Insights from Models Composed of Sandstone and Limestone Deformed at Confining Pressure: ABSTRACT
Mel Friedman
Paleotectonic Implications of Arkose Beds in Park Shale (Middle Cambrian), Bridger Range, South-Central Montana: ABSTRACT
Jenny C. Fryxell, Donald L. Smith
Gas Reservoirs in Composite Shale-Sandstone Lithologies: A Rocky Mountain Energy Frontier: ABSTRACT
D. L. Gautier
Shannon Sandstone, Powder River Basin: Hydrodynamic Control of Sand Body Geometry and Facies Sequences in Western Interior Cretaceous Seaway: ABSTRACT
Gerard C. Gaynor, Donald J. P. Swift
Imaging Beneath Complex Structure: A Case History: ABSTRACT
Bruce Gibson, Ken Larner, Ron Chambers
Paleoenvironment of Fort Union Formation, South Dakota: ABSTRACT
Chris Goodrum
Petroleum Exploration Contributes to Structural Knowledge of Rocky Mountain Foreland Deformation: ABSTRACT
Robbie Gries
Depositional Processes in Beaverhead Formation, Southwestern Montana and Northeastern Idaho, and their Tectonic Significance: ABSTRACT
J. Christopher Haley
Tectonic Setting and Depositional Environments of Hanna Formation, South-Central Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Dan E. Hansen
Channeling in Paleocene Coals, Northern Powder River Basin, Montana: ABSTRACT
William B. Hansen
The Use and Misuse of the Nonlinear Vibroseis Method for the Acquisition of High Resolution Seismic Data: ABSTRACT
Kenneth L. Hargrove
Early Dolomitization: its Significance in Creating Subtle Diagenetic Hydrocarbon Traps in Williston Basin: ABSTRACT
Alf Hartling
Reconnaissance and Economic Geology of Copper Mountain Metamorphic Complex, Owl Creek Mountains, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
W. Dan Hausel
Conodonts of Bakken Formation (Devonian and Mississippian), Williston Basin, North Dakota: ABSTRACT
Michael D. Hayes, F. D. Holland, Jr.
Geothermal Resources of Wyoming Sedimentary Basins: ABSTRACT
Henry P. Heasler
Distribution and Age of Clinker in Northern Powder River Basin, Montana: ABSTRACT
E. L. Heffern, D. A. Coates, C. W. Naeser
Fault Leakage Characterization by Integrative Gas Geochemistry/Mass Spectrometry/Pattern Recognition Procedures: ABSTRACT
J. C. Hickey, R. W. Klusman, K. J. Voorhees
Introduction to Stratigraphy, Structure, and Geologic Problems in Big Horn Basin, Wyoming and Montana: ABSTRACT
Steve H. Hollis, Mark P. Fisher
Paleotectonic Control of Depositional Facies (Mississippian), Southwest Montana: ABSTRACT
Richard Inden
Development of Structure and Porosity at Medicine Lake Field in Northeast Montana Williston Basin: ABSTRACT
Christopher P. Indorf, E. Earl Norwood
Undrilled Giant Anticline in Overthrust Belt, Broadwater and Gallatin Counties, Montana: ABSTRACT
Arthur F. Jacob
An Economic Appraisal of Oil Potential of Williston Basin: ABSTRACT
A. H. Jennings
Seismic Interpretation in Cordilleran Thrust Belt: ABSTRACT
Eric H. Johnson
Williston Basin Red River Formation: Exploration Success, Development Failure: ABSTRACT
Eric H. Johnson
Paleotectonics and Sedimentation in Sweetgrass Arch, Montana: ABSTRACT
M. K. Jones, R. W. Fisher
Update on Coal in Big Horn Basin, Montana and Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Richard W. Jones
Inferred Subsurface Ramp in Paris Thrust South of Pocatello, Idaho, and Petroleum Potential of Related Structural Features: ABSTRACT
Thomas Kaldenbach
Paleotectonic Controls on Sedimentation in Northern Williston Basin Area, Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT
Donald M. Kent
Paleotectonic Controls on Carbonate Reservoir Development in Central Williston Basin: ABSTRACT
S. Duff Kerr
Paleotectonic, Stratigraphic, and Diagenetic History of Rangely Area, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Mark Koelmel
Stratigraphy of Upper Jurassic Morrison and Lower Cretaceous Cloverly Formations of Big Horn Basin, Northern Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Erik P. Kvale, Carl F. Vondra
Late Cretaceous Fluvial Systems and Inferred Tectonic History, Central Utah: ABSTRACT
Timothy F. Lawton
"Spearfish Water Sand": An Overlooked Play?: ABSTRACT
Julie A. Lefever, Sidney B. Anderson, Richard D. Lefever
Bivalve Associations of Cannonball Formation (Paleocene, Danian) of North Dakota: ABSTRACT
Rosanne Lindholm
Exploration Significance of a Possible Subsurface Meteorite Impact Feature in Garfield County, Montana: ABSTRACT
Paul E. Lindquist, Patricia I. Hagar
Minturn and Sangre de Cristo Formations of Southern Colorado--A Prograding Fan-Delta to Alluvial-Fan Sequence Shed from Ancestral Rocky Mountains: ABSTRACT
David A. Lindsey, Reino F. Clark, Sandra J. Ashe, Richard J. Flores
Compound Structural History of Sweetgrass Arch, Northwestern Montana: ABSTRACT
John C. Lorenz
Laramide Interactions of Structural Elements in Southwestern Montana: ABSTRACT
John C. Lorenz
Foreland Detached Deformation: ABSTRACT
James D. Lowell
Lineaments and Their Tectonic Implications in Rocky Mountains and Adjacent Plains Region: ABSTRACT
Edwin K. Maughan, William J. Perry, Jr.
Depositional Environment of Leo Sands, Middle Minnelusa Formation, Niobrara County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
J. Duncan McBane, Robert P. Swinehart
Sedimentary Facies and Reservoir Characteristics of Cretaceous "J" Sandstone at Torrington Field (North), Goshen County, Wyoming--Exploration and Development Implications: ABSTRACT
David L. Mikesh, Randal F. Lafollette
Pennsylvanian Tyler Stratigraphic Seismic Concepts: ABSTRACT
C. E. Moore, R. J. Archer
Fault Control of Channel Sandstones in Dakota Formation, Southwest Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
W. Richard Moore
Facies in Upper Part of Madison Group, Sawtooth Range, Northwestern Montana: ABSTRACT
K. M. Nichols
Great Falls Lineament, Idaho and Montana: ABSTRACT
J. Michael O'Neill, David A. Lopez
Erosional History of Big Horn Basin: Mackin Revisited: ABSTRACT
Robert C. Palmquist
Seismic Data Acquisition Parameters, Northwest Montana: ABSTRACT
Charles C. Perry, Jr., Pete Galvan
Late Jurassic Tectonism on West Side of Colorado Plateau, Utah and Arizona: ABSTRACT
Fred Peterson
Mesozoic and Early Tertiary Paleostructure and Sedimentology of Central Wasatch Mountains, Uinta Mountains, and Uinta Basin: ABSTRACT
M. Dane Picard, Ronald L. Bruhn, Susan L. Beck
Dissolution of Permian Salt and Mesozoic Depositional Trends, Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Donald L. Rasmussen, Daniel W. Bean
Structural and Depositional History, Jefferson and Madison Basins, Southwestern Montana: ABSTRACT
Donald L. Rasmussen, Robert W. Fields
Example of Inner-Shelf Sand Ridges from Upper Cretaceous Eagle Sandstone, Central Montana Uplift: ABSTRACT
Dudley D. Rice, Donald L. Gautier, George W. Shurr
Haybarn Field, Fremont County, Wyoming, an Upper Fort Union (Paleocene) Stratigraphic Trap: ABSTRACT
Richard D. Robertson
Three-Dimensional Seismic Survey Applied to Field Development in Williston Basin: ABSTRACT
Gary C. Robinson, Fernand Baixas, Patrick J. Hooyman
Lemhi Arch: ABSTRACT
Edward T. Ruppel
Seismic Interpretation of Basement Block Faults and Associated Deformation in Rocky Mountains Foreland: ABSTRACT
William R. Sacrison
Foreland Deformation--A Critique of Cause: ABSTRACT
John K. Sales
Horizontal Compression and a Mechanical Interpretation of Wyoming Foreland Deformation: ABSTRACT
Jay R. Scheevel
New Sources of Gold in the West: ABSTRACT
Frederick A. Schilling, Jr.
Synorogenic Sedimentation Associated with Development of Paris-Willard Thrust System, Wyoming-Idaho-Utah Thrust Belt: ABSTRACT
James Schmitt, Katharine B. Sippel
Trace Fossils as Environment Indicators in the Rocky Mountains: ABSTRACT
Betsy Shepard
Color Infrared Imagery as an Aid to Regional Geological Mapping: ABSTRACT
Warren Shepard
Landsat Linear Features in Montana Plains: ABSTRACT
George W. Shurr
No Title Provided: ABSTRACT
George W. Shurr, Dudley D. Rice
Origin and Development of Northern Green River Basin: A Stratigraphic and Flexural Study: ABSTRACT
Mark W. Shuster, James R. Steidtmann
Ennis Geothermal System Fracture Porosity: an Overthrust Effect?: ABSTRACT
J. L. Sonderegger, Marek Zaluski
Depositional Environments of Fort Union Formation, Bison Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Elizabeth H. Southwell, James R. Steidtmann, Larry Middleton
Overpressured Reservoirs in Rocky Mountain Region: ABSTRACT
Charles W. Spencer
Inexpensive Remote Sensing Techniques: ABSTRACT
Mary Alice S. Spencer
Considerations of Vertical Tectonics for Big Horn Basin: ABSTRACT
David W. Stearns
Laramide Sedimentation, Folding, and Faulting in Southern Wind River Range, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
James R. Steidtmann, Linda C. McGee, Larry Middleton
Volcanic Stratigraphy, Timing, and Petroleum Exploration in Southeastern Absaroka Range, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Kent A. Sundell
Macrofossils of Bakken Formation (Devonian and Mississippian), Williston Basin, North Dakota: ABSTRACT
Larry Thrasher, F. D. Holland, Jr.
Possible Tectonic Influence on and Facies Distribution of Shannon Ridge Sandstones, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Roderick W. Tillman, Randi S. Martinsen
Influence of Tectonic Terranes Adjacent to Precambrian Wyoming Province on Petroleum Source and Reservoir Rock Stratigraphy in Northern Rocky Mountain Region: ABSTRACT
John J. Tonnsen
Depositional Environments of Middle Minnelusa "Leo" (Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian), Wyoming, South Dakota, and Nebraska: ABSTRACT
Paul L. Tromp
Trapper Canyon Deposit, Eastern Big Horn Basin, Wyoming: Tar Sand or Heavy Oil?: ABSTRACT
Alan J. Verploeg, Rodney H. Debruin
Thermal Infrared Survey of Sunlight Basin, Park County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
D. H. Vice, J. P. Crowley, M. A. Vice
Comparison of Western Facies of Thermopolis, Muddy, and Mowry Formations with Other Areas of the Early Cretaceous Seaway, Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains Region: ABSTRACT
Susan Vuke
Depositional Environment of Bullion Creek Formation (Paleocene) in Southern McKenzie County, North Dakota: ABSTRACT
Brian P. Wallick
Corals of Madison Group (Mississippian), Williston Basin, North Dakota: ABSTRACT
Douglas L. Waters, F. D. Holland, Jr.
Paleotectonic Control of Depositional Facies, (Devonian), Southwest Montana: ABSTRACT
John C. Webb, Chandler Wilhelm
Codell Sandstone, Denver Basin--Frontier Exploration in a Mature Basin: ABSTRACT
R. J. Weimer, S. A. Sonnenberg
Air Drilling for Gas Sands--Marianne Field, Sweetwater County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Robert Wellborn
Style of Deformation in Productive Fairway of Absaroka Plate: Southwest Wyoming and North-Central Utah: ABSTRACT
Judy L. West
Middle Proterozoic Belt Basin Syndepositional Faults and Their Influence on Phanerozoic Thrusting and Extension: ABSTRACT
Don Winston
Salt Diapirism in Central Utah: ABSTRACT
Irving J. Witkind
Utility of Microfossils in Rocky Mountain Exploration: ABSTRACT
Walter W. Wornardt, Jr.
Geology of North End of East Pioneer Mountains, Beaverhead County, Montana: ABSTRACT
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