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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Possible Fossil Eskers and Associated Features From the Parana Basin, Brazil
Lawrence A. Frakes, Paulo M. De Figueiredo F., Vicente Fulfaro
The Effect of Chemical Reduction on the Stability of Pyrophyllite and Kaolinite in Pelitic Rocks
B. Velde
Loss of Hawaiian Littoral Sand
Ralph Moberly, Jr.
Mineralogy of Recent Sediments of Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and Some of the Older Detrital Deposits
George Philip
Textural Parameters: AN EVALUATION
R. J. Moiola, D. Weiser
A Modification of Sandstone Classification
Pei-Yuan Chen
Statistical Analysis of Orientation Data
Thomas A. Jones
Carbonate Mineralogy of Sediments of Exuma Sound, Bahamas
James B. Rucker
Sabellariid Worms: Builders of a Major Reef Type
David W. Kirtley, William F. Tanner
Surficial Sediments Of Boston Harbor, Massachusetts (1)
Ely Mencher , R. A. Copeland, H. Payson, Jr.
Deformed Cross-Bedding in Tertiary-cretaceous Sandstone, Arctic Canada
B. R. Rust
Catahoula Formation of Western Louisiana and Thin-section Criteria for Fluviatile Depositional Environment
William R. Paine, A. A. Meyerhoff
Sedimentary Structures from a Non-Marine Horizon in the Bembridge Marls (Oligocene) of the Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England
Brian Daley
Authigenic Feldspars And Cherts Resulting From Dolomitization Of Illitic Limestones: A Hypothesis
Keene Swett
Formation of Large-Scale Trough Cross-stratification in a Fluvial Environment
George E. Williams
Dolomite Cave Deposits from Carlsbad Caverns
John Thrailkill
Grain Fabrics in Turbidite Sandstone Beds and Their Relationship to Sole Mark Trends on the Same Beds
Ivan P. Colburn
"Bootstrap" Corer
John D. Isaacs, Daniel M. Brown
Dimensional Grain Orientation of Ordovician Turbidite Greywackes
Diane Onions, G. V. Middleton
Stylolites: Their Nature and Origin
Won C. Park, Erik H. Schot
Azimuthal Relationship Between Cross-stratification and Current Markings in Flysch Deposits: Upper Precambrian of Central Dobrogea, Romania
Dan Jipa
The Analysis of Stone Size and Shape in Arctic Environments
Cuchlaine A. M. King, Jane T. Buckley
Practical Significance of Birdseye Structures in Carbonate Rocks
E. A. Shinn
Directional Properties, Paleoslope, and Source of the Sylvania Sandstone (Middle Devonian) of Southeastern Michigan and Northwestern Ohio
Craig B. Hatfield, Timothy J. Rohrbacher, Jack C. Floyd
The Analysis of the Clay Content of some Glauconitic Oceanic Sediments: NOTES
D. P. Seed
Quantitative Mineralogical Analysis of Carbonate Sediments: Comparison of X-ray Diffraction and Electron Probe Microanalyzer Methods: NOTES
Jon N. Weber
Stained Dry Cellulose Peels of Ancient and Recent Impregnated Carbonate Sediments: NOTES
Peter J. Davies, Roger Till
First and Second Degree Regression Correlation of the Size Analysis Statistical Parameters of Trask, Inman, Folk and Ward, and Friedman: NOTES
W. D. Sevon
Simple and Effective Device for Gravity Separation of Heavy Mineral Grains: NOTES
Hassan G. Modarresi
Clay Mineral Mounting Techniques for X-ray Diffraction Analysis: A DISCUSSION: NOTES
Ronald J. Gibbs
An Underwater Flume: NOTES
Terence P. Scoffin
Porosity in some Synthetic Dolomites: NOTES
J. N. Bubb, Douglas Perry
A Sample Changer for Oriented Clay Aggregates in X-ray Diffraction: NOTES
Joost Quakernaat, Manfred Gastner
Short-Lived Radionuclides and Weathering: NOTES
A. W. McCrone
Anomalies in the Thermoluminescence of the Austin Chalk of Texas: NOTES
Jerry M. Waite
The Crest Length and Sinuosity of Some Marine Sand Waves: NOTES
Neil H. Kenyon, Arthur E. Stride
Photographic Interpretation of Catskill Front Stratigraphy, Southeastern New York State: NOTES
Thomas A. Mutch, James W, Head III, R. S. Saunders
Volumetric Histogram for Field Study of Carbonate Sediments: NOTES
Donald E. Hattin
A New Method for Making Pebble Counts: NOTES
Ralph E. Hunter , J. E. Lamar
Discussion of the Article "Grain Size Measurement in Thin Section and in Grain Mount" By R. E. Smith: DISCUSSIONS
Basanta K. Sahu
Grain Size Measurement in Thin Section and in Grain Mount: Reply to Comment BY Sahu: DISCUSSIONS
Richard E. Smith
Greywackes with a Primary Matrix from the Viqueque Formation (Upper Miocene-Pliocene), Timor: Comment on a Paper By M. G. Audley-Charles: DISCUSSIONS
Riyadh A. Rahmani
Greywackes with a Primary Matrix from the Viqueque Formation (Upper Miocene-Pliocene), Timor: Reply to Discussion by Riyadh A. Rahmani: DISCUSSIONS
M. G. Audley-Charles