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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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Application of Satellite Imagery Analysis to Exploration of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
J. H. Bartley
The California-Tamaulipas Geosuture: A Review of Some Facts, Interpretations and Speculations
Grover E. Murray
Correlation and Facies Analysis in Exploration for the Subtle Trap Within the Siluro-Devonian of the Anadarko, Arkoma and Permian Basins
James Lee Wilson, Zuhair Al-Shaieb, Richard D. Fritz
Delineation of Oil and Gas Fields Using Csamt: A New Tool for Exploratory and Developmental Drilling
Arnie Ostrander
Depositional History and Performance of a Permian Bell Canyon Sandstone Reservoir, Ford-Geraldine Field, West Texas
Robert W. Ruggiero
Development of an Exploration Strategy
Lee C. Gerhard, Lee A. Graber, Erling A. Brostuen
East Taft Field, San Patricio County, Texas: A Subtle Stratigraphic Trap—Implications for Exploration in a Supermature Province
R. R. Railsback
Environment of Deposition and Reservoir Morphology of Lower Pennsylvanian Sandstones, South Empire Field, Eddy County, New Mexico
Rebecca B. Lambert
Finding Hydrocarbons in Fault Traps
Marian W. Downey
Front Matter: Search for the Subtle Trap Hydrocarbon Exploration in Mature Basins: West Texas Geological Society Symposium
J. E. Flis, R. C. Price, J. F. Sarg
Hidden Structures in the Permian Basin
Jack G. Elam
High Resolution Seismic and the Search for the Subtle Trap
James A. Wells
In Search of the Subtle Trap—Exploration Philosophy and Methodology with Selected Examples
Robert G. Font
Lower-Middle Pennsylvanian Gobbler Formation: Using Cyclicity in Shelf Carbonates to Unravel Basin History
Thomas J. Algeo, James L. Wilson
The Lower Morrow Sands and Their Seismic Expression, Western Anadarko Basin
Jens R. Halverson, Don Robinson
Mescalero Escarpe Field, Oil from Carbonate Slope Detritus, Southeastern New Mexico
A. H. Sailer, J. W. Barton, R. E. Barton
New Exploration Targets in the Northern Midland Basin: Depositional and Diagenetic History of West Smyer Field, Hockley County, Texas
A.F. Griffin, J.A. Breyer
The Occurrence of Uranium as Related to the Diagenesis of the Morrow Sandstone, Empire South Field, Eddy County, New Mexico
Miles E. Denham, Mary Helen Niemann, Thomas T. Tieh
Paleostructure: Treasure Map to the Subtle Trap
Wayne M. Ahr
Paleozoic Framework of the Gulf of Mexico
M. L. Feldman
Peterson and South Peterson Fields Roosevelt Positive Roosevelt County, New Mexico
W. R. Green, J. C. Schlueter
Porosity Development in Sandstones Beneath Erosional Unconformities
G. Shanmugam
Radiometric, Magnetic and Hydrocarbon Anomalies - Alabama Ferry Field, Leon and Houston Counties, Texas
Donald F. Saunders, K. Ray Burson, J. F. Branch, C. Keith Thompson
Reservoir Heterogeneity: A Cause of Pessimistic Well Log Evaluations of Subtle Traps
R. D. Nurmi
Seismic and Landsat in a Wrench Faulting System
G. Pat Bolden
Seismic Modeling of a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Prograded System Middle Permian, Midland Basin
D. G. Harris, J. F. Sarg
Seismic Recognition Criteria of Submarine Fans
R. D. Erskine, H. W. Posamentier
Selecting Exploration Targets
Henry W. DeJong
Subtle Traps in Ordovician to Permian Carbonate Petroleum Reservoirs, Permian Basin; an Overview
S. J. Mazzullo
Upper Morrowan “B” Sandstone Reservoir Flank Field, Baca County, Colorado
Dudley W. Bolyard