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AAPG Bulletin
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Origin of Reservoir Fractures in Little Knife Field, North Dakota
W. Narr , Robert C. Burruss
Conodont-Based Thermal Maturation of Paleozoic Rocks in Arizona
Bruce R. Wardlaw, Anita G. Harris
Continental Shelf Topography: Key to Understanding Distribution of Shelf Sand-Ridge Deposits from Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway
Roger M. Slatt
Seepage-Induced Anomalies, "False" Anomalies, and Implications for Electrical Prospecting
Dorothy Z. Oehler , Ben K. Sternberg
Influence of Paleoenvironmental Factors on Preservation of Organic Matter in Middle Cretaceous Greenhorn Formation, Pueblo, Colorado
Lisa M. Pratt
Synthetic Seismic-Reflection Profiles of Rift-Related Structures
Martha O. Withjack , D. J. Drickman Pollock
Development of a Comprehensive Oxygen-Deficient Marine Biofacies Model: Evidence from Santa Monica, San Pedro, and Santa Barbara Basins, California Continental Borderland
Charles E. Savrda, David J. Bottjer, Donn S. Gorsline
Free Hydrocarbons in Uinta Basin, Utah
Ganjavar Khavari-Khorasani
California and Saudi Arabia--Geologic Contrasts: ABSTRACT
Roger G. Alexander, Jr.
Paleozoic Oil and Gas Potential of Arabian Basin: ABSTRACT
Abdulaziz Abdullah Al-Laboun
Hydrocarbon Potential of Intracratonic Rift Basins: ABSTRACT
Donald G. Baker, Stephen J. Derksen
Deep Mediterranean Basins and Their Oil Potential: ABSTRACT
P. F. Burollet
Giant Fields: Present and Future Petroleum Resources: ABSTRACT
Samuel W. Carmalt
African Oil--Past, Present, and Future: ABSTRACT
Andy Clifford
Southern Mozambique Basin: Most Promising Hydrocarbon Province Offshore East Africa: ABSTRACT
Marc De Buyl, Giovanni Flores
Thermo-Mechanical Properties and Evolution of Pull-Apart Basins: ABSTRACT
John F. Dewey, G. D. Karner, W. C. Pittman, III
Deep Water (200-800 m) Hydrocarbon Potential of United States Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
P. Dolan
Trapping Styles and Associated Hydrocarbon Potential in Norwegian North Sea: ABSTRACT
R. B. Faerseth, K. A. Oppenboen, A. Saeboe
Hydrocarbon Potential of East Coast of India: ABSTRACT
Thomas A. Fitzgerald, M. N. V. Kumar
Northwest Shelf of Australia as Major Future Petroleum Province: ABSTRACT
J. T. Forrest, E. L. Horstman
Analogy Between Natural Gas Found in Lakes of Rift Valley System of East Africa and Its Allied Gas in Japan: ABSTRACT
Osamu Fukuta
Philippine Islands: a Tectonic Railroad Siding: ABSTRACT
John J. Gallagher, Jr.
Continental Margin of Eastern Canada--Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential: ABSTRACT
A. C. Grant, K. D. Mcalpine, J. A. Wade
Circum-Arctic Petroleum Potential: ABSTRACT
A. R. Green, A. A. Kaplan, R. C. Vierbuchen
Basin Development and Hydrocarbon Occurrence Offshore Mid-Norway: ABSTRACT
T. Hagevang, N. B. Hollander, W. Karlsson, C. I. Robinson
Basins and New Frontiers: an Overview: ABSTRACT
Michel T. Halbouty
Alaska: Potential for Giant Fields: ABSTRACT
James J. Hohler, Wilfred Bischoff
Geology and Hydrocarbon Potentials of Arafura Sea: ABSTRACT
John A. Katili
Oil and Gas Possibilities Onshore and Offshore Ghana: ABSTRACT
G. O. Keese
Oil Possibilities of Mesozoic in Mexican High Plateau: ABSTRACT
E. Lopez Ramos
Oil and Gas Fields in East Coast and Arctic Basins of Canada: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Meneley
Future Petroleum-Productive Regions of USSR and Mongolia: ABSTRACT
Arthur A. Meyerhoff
Oil and Gas Potential of Amazon Paleozoic Basins: ABSTRACT
R. Mosmann, F. U. H. Falkenhein, A. Goncalves, F. Nepomuceno
Geology of Barents Sea: ABSTRACT
F. Riis, J. Vollset
Wrench Faults as Factor Controlling Petroleum Occurrences in West Siberia: ABSTRACT
Danilo A. Rigassi
Vega Field and Potential of Ragusa Basin, Offshore Sicily: ABSTRACT
Martin Schramm, Jr., G. Livraga
Antarctica--Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential: ABSTRACT
Bill St. John
Tectonic Development and Hydrocarbon Potential Offshore Troms, Northern Norway: ABSTRACT
Tore Sund
Permian of Norwegian-Greenland Sea Margins--Future Exploration Target: ABSTRACT
Finn Surlyk, J. M. Hurst, S. Piasecki, F. Rolle, L. Stemmerik, E. Thomsen, P. Wrang
Exploration History and Future Prospects of United States Atlantic Margin: ABSTRACT
Joel S. Watkins, A. M. Pytte
Petroleum Potential of Western Desert of Egypt: ABSTRACT
Dennis S. Wood
Geology and Petroleum Potential of Northwestern China: ABSTRACT
Zhai Guang Ming
Palynology and Oil Shale Genesis in Fossil Butte Member of Eocene Green River Formation, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Cushman, Jr., H. Paul Buchheim, Lanny H. Fisk
Implications of Some Flow Sedimentary Structures Within Miocene Evaporitic Sequence, Red Sea, Egypt: ABSTRACT
Ashraf Wali
Heavy and Tar Sand Oil Deposits of Europe: ABSTRACT
Carl-Detlef Cornelius
Brown Dolomite Zone of Lehigh Acres Formation (Aptian) in South Florida--a Potentially Prolific Offshore Producing Zone: ABSTRACT
Albert V. Applegate
Recent Jurassic Discoveries in Southeastern Cass County, Texas: ABSTRACT
John Aubrey
Internal Geometry and Reservoir Potential of Some Modern Crevasse Splay Sands: ABSTRACT
Kevin W. Bowles, Thomas F. Moslow
Depositional and Structural Reconstruction of Southwestern Louisiana--a Temporal-Spatial Approach: ABSTRACT
Steven R. Brunhild
Ostracode Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Upper Taylor Group (Campian, Upper Cretaeous) in Central Texas: ABSTRACT
Juluis Baum Chimene II, Rosalie F. Maddocks
Surface Formations of Trinity Group in Southwestern Arkansas, and Proposed Revision of Stratigraphic Rank for Three Lower Units: ABSTRACT
Bruce K. Darling, Brian E. Lock
Oil Source Beds and Oil Prospect Definition in Upper Tertiary of Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Wallace G. Dow
Exploration and Development of Gulf Coast Tertiary, 1983: ABSTRACT
William C. Eisenhardt, Harry T. Holzman
Thermal and Diagenetic History of Pleasant Bayou-Chocolate Bayou Area, Brazoria County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Thomas E. Ewing, Malcolm P. R. Light, Noel Tyler
Microfacies and Porosity in Vivian Field, Caddo Parish, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Stephen J. Folzenlogen
Transmission Electron Microscope Study of Illite/Smectite, at GCO/DOE 1 Pleasant Bayou Geopressured Geothermal Test Well, Brazoria County, Texas: ABSTRACT
R. L. Freed, D. R. Peacor
Surface Exposures of Late Cretaceous Strata at Rayburns Salt Dome, Bienville Parish, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Robert C. Frey, Richard D. Kaiser
Depositional Controls on Porosity and Permeability Evolution in Upper Smackover Formation at Tubal Field, South Arkansas: ABSTRACT
Larry G. Frizzell
Oil and Gas Prospects in Arkansas Ouachitas: ABSTRACT
A. John Gray, Art Pyron
Computerized Particle Size Analyzer--An Exploration Technique, Saint Mary Field, Lafayette County, Arkansas: ABSTRACT
Thomas L. Ham, Raymond P. Bruce
Variation in Chemical Composition of Oil Field Brines with Depth in Northern Louisiana and Southern Arkansas: Implications for Mechanisms and Rates of Mass Transport and Diagenetic Reaction: ABSTRACT
Jeffrey S. Hanor
Formulation of Development Strategy for a Rodessa Gas Play in Eastern De Soto Parish, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Russell B. Hennessey, Victoria Provenza
Petrology and Depositional Environment of Mitchell Member, Rodessa Formation (Lower Cretaceous), West Bradley Field, Lafayette County, Arkansas: ABSTRACT
Donald Lee Huguley, Jr.
Identification of Short-Term Changes in Sediment Depositional Rates--Importance in Environmental Analysis and Impact: ABSTRACT
Wayne C. Isphording, F. Dewayne Imsand, Gregory W. Isphording
Domes of East Texas: ABSTRACT
M. P. A. Jackson, Steven J. Seni
Comparison of Clay Mineralogy of Late Quaternary Back-Barrier and Barrier Sediments, South Texas Coast: ABSTRACT
C. W. Keighin, R. M. Flores
Basement Structure of Gulf Coast: Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies Supported with Structural, Magnetic, and Seismic Data: ABSTRACT
Gary L. Kinsland
Morphology and Dioptrics of Some Ostracod Eyespots: ABSTRACT
Mervin Kontrovitz, John H. Meyers
New Reference Locality for Saratoga Chalk, Howard County, Arkansas: ABSTRACT
Randal J. Landry
Catahoula Formation as Uranium Source Rock in East Texas: ABSTRACT
E. B. Ledger, T. T. Tieh, N. W. Rowe
Seismic Signature of Serpentine Plugs in Maverick Basin, Texas: ABSTRACT
J. O. Lewis
Channels in Resedimented Chalks, Cretaceous Gulf Coastal Province of Texas and Mexico: ABSTRACT
Brian E. Lock
Sediment Distribution About Salt Domes and Ridges on Louisiana Slope: ABSTRACT
Allen Lowrie
Paleoenvironments and Hydrocarbon Potential of Upper Jurassic Norphlet Formation of Southwestern Alabama and Adjacent Coastal Water Area: ABSTRACT
Ernest A. Mancini, Robert M. Mink, Bennett L. Bearden
Sources and Distribution of Silt, South Texas Shelf: ABSTRACT
Jim Mazzullo, Jeffrey Crisp
Rules of Sandstone Diagenesis Related to Reservoir Quality: ABSTRACT
Earle F. McBride
Southwestward Extension of Vicksburg-Jackson Shale Ridge, Refugio and Aransas Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT
James A. McCarthy
Recent Foraminifera of St. Andrew Bay, Florida: ABSTRACT
Linda S. Mechler, John R. Grady
Detrital Composition of Pliocene-Pleistocene Sands, Offshore Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Kitty Lou Milliken
Petrology and Depositional Environment of Sunniland Producing Fields of South Florida: ABSTRACT
Hugh J. Mitchell-Tapping
Submarine-Fan Sedimentation, Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas and Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
R. J. Moiola, G. Shanmugam
Regional Patterns of Diagenesis, Porosity Evolution, and Hydrocarbon Production, Upper Smackover of Gulf Rim: ABSTRACT
Clyde H. Moore
Deep-Basin Lignite in Northwest Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Harold D. Nilsson
Geology and Geophysics of South-Central Zavala and Adjoining Parts of Dimmit Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT
James A. Noel
Geology of De Queen Formation of Arkansas: ABSTRACT
Jeffrey G. Pittman
Jurassic Exploration Trends of East Texas: ABSTRACT
Mark W. Presly, Chris H. Reed
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Kincaid Formation, Midway Group (Paleocene), Upper Rio Grande Embayment, Texas: ABSTRACT
Edward C. Roy, Jr.
Depositional and Diagenetic History of Bodcaw Sand, Cotton Valley Group (Upper Jurassic), Longwood Field, Caddo Parish, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Billy Joe Russell, Jr., Austin A. Sartin
Petroleum Geology of East Dykesville Field, Smackover "C Sand," Claiborne and Webster Parishes, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Lane C. Sartor, Stephen R. Howard
Gibsland Salt-Stock Family in Northwestern Louisiana: ABSTRACT
A. E. Saucier
Internal Framework of Southwestern Florida Bank: ABSTRACT
F. Jeanne Shaub
Dolomitization by Ground-Water Flow Systems in Carbonate Platforms: ABSTRACT
Michael Simms
Deposition, Compaction, and Mineralogic Alteration of Miocene Sandstones, South Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Richard L. Smith, Thomas T. Tieh
Validity of Use of Spontaneous Potential Curve Shape in Interpretation of Sandstone Depositional Environments: ABSTRACT
John W. Snedden
Smackover and Haynesville Facies Relationships in North-Central East Texas: ABSTRACT
Sara K. Stewart
Petrology of Lower and Middle Eocene Carbonate Rocks, Floridan Aquifer, Central Florida: ABSTRACT
Paul A. Thayer, James A. Miller
Metallic Sulfide Deposits in Winnfield Salt Dome, Louisiana: Evidence for Episodic Introduction of Metalliferous Brines During Cap Rock Formation: ABSTRACT
Mark R. Ulrich
Early Opening of Initially Closed Gulf of Mexico and Central North Atlantic Ocean: ABSTRACT
Dewitt C. Van Siclen
Sedimentology of Upper Cretaceous Coffee Sands in North-Central Mississippi: ABSTRACT
E. J. Webb
Diagenesis of a Tight Gas Formation: Jurassic Cotton Valley Sandstone, East Texas Basin: ABSTRACT
William A. Wescott
Mineralogic and Chemical Alterations During Burial in Illite/Smectite from Wilcox Shales: ABSTRACT
John D. Whynot, David W. Moore, Thomas T. Tieh
Cotton Valley Sandstone of East Texas: A Log-Core Study: ABSTRACT
D. A. Wilson, W. M. Hensel, Jr.