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David P. James, Dale A. Leckie
Application of Sequence Stratigraphy Techniques for Interpretation of Clastic Depositional Systems: Abstract
S. Phillips, J. S. Hewlett, G. R. Baum
An Application of Sequence Stratigraphy to Depth-Related Clastic Diagenesis, Cold Lake Oil Sands, East-Central Alberta: Abstract
L. M. Wickert, S. G. Pemberton, F. J. Longstaffe
Autocyclic and Allocyclic Sequences in River- and Wave-Dominated Deltaic Sediments of the Upper Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, Alberta: Core Examples
Janok Bhattacharya
The Basal Strathcona Fiord Formation (Middle Devonian) at Stenkul Fiord, Southern Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago: A Record of Prolonged Tidal Flat Conditions
Randy J. Rice
A Brief Outline of the Pre-Mesozoic Stratigraphy and Structure of Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, Northwest Territories
J. B. W. Wielens
The Cadotte Member of Northwestern Alberta: A High-Energy Barred Shoreline
R. A. Rahmani, D. G. Smith
Carbonates in Clastic Sequences: Mesozoic and Recent of Canada: Abstract
L. S. Eliuk
Coarsening-Upward Shoreface and Shelf Sequences: Examples from the Lower Cretaceous Viking Formation at Joarcam, Alberta, Canada
Bruce A. Power
A Comparison of Isopach Maps and Total Subsidence Maps: Implications for Basin Development and Sandstone Distribution During the Lower Cretaceous in the Deep Basin Area of Alberta and British Columbia
Colin Pate
The Contact Between the Franklin Mountain and Mount Kindle Formations
J. B. W. Wielens, G. K. Williams
Cyclic Marine Sedimentation in the Lower Cretaceous Luscar Group and Spirit River Formation of the Alberta Foothills and Deep Basin
D. E. Macdonald, C. W. Langenberg, R. S. Strobl
Depositional Sequences in the Convergent Plate Margin Setting of the Southern Central American Island Arc: Abstract
H. Schmidt, J. Winsemann
The Development and Stratigraphy of the Late Holocene and Modern Mississippi River Delta Plains: Abstract
Shea Penland, John R. Suter
The Distribution of Bluesky Facies in the Region Overlying the Peace River Arch, Northwestern Alberta
Shaun C. O’Connell
Early Miocene to Quaternary Foraminifera from Three Wells in the Queen Charlotte Basin Off the Coast of British Columbia
R. Timothy Patterson
The Effects of Sea-Level Fluctuations on Prograding Shorelines and Estuarine Valley-Fill Sequences in the Glauconitic Member, Medicine River Field and Adjacent Areas
R. S. Strobl
Environmental Implications of Ichnofossils from the Lower Cretaceous Grand Rapids Formation, Cold Lake Oil Sands Deposit
B. M. Beynon, S. G. Pemberton, D. D. Bell, C. A. Logan
Facies Analysis of a Lignite Suite: The Sedimentary Competition Between Marine and Terrestrial Influences Near a Wave Dominated Coast (Open Cast Mine “Zukunft-W”, Lower Rhine Basin, West Germany; Miocene - Pleistocene): Abstract
J. R. Boersma
Facies Interpretation of the Ben Nevis Formation in the North Ben Nevis M-61 Well, Jeanne D’Arc Basin, Grand Banks, Newfoundland
Steve Harding
Families of Oils and Source Rocks in the Central Mackenzie Corridor: A Geochemical Oil-Oil and Oil-Source Rock Correlation
Shimon Feinstein, Paul W. Brooks, Martin G. Fowler, Lloyd R. Snowdon, G. Keith Williams
Fining-Upward Cycles: Problems and Prospects: Abstract
S. Basumallick
Fluvial Deposition in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework: Abstract
H. W. Posamentier
David P. James, Dale A. Leckie
Formation of Cardium Erosion Surface E5, and Associated Deposition of Conglomerate: Carrot Creek Field, Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, Alberta
K. M. Bergman, R. G. Walker
A Geological Evaluation of the Judith River Formation (Belly River Formation) in the Pembina Region
G. G. M. Wasser
Heterogeneities in Clastic Reservoirs: Lessons from Outcrop Studies of Facies Architecture
A. D. Miall
Ichnology of the Cardium Formation (Pembina Oilfield): Implications for Depositional and Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretations
Shawna M. Vossler, S. George Pemberton
Implications of Modern Sedimentary Environments for Sequence Stratigraphy
Ron Boyd, John Suter, Shea Penland
Incision of a Cadotte Member Paleovalley-System at Noel, British Columbia — Evidence of a Late Albian Sea-Level Fall
Brad J. R. Hayes
An Integrated Approach to the Sedimentological Analysis of Some Lower Cretaceous Shoreface and Delta Front Sandstone Sequences
Thomas F. Moslow, S. George Pemberton
An Integrated Lithostratigraphic and Palynostratigraphic Study of the Ostracode Zone and Adjacent Strata in the Edmonton Embayment, Central Alberta
Indranil Banerjee, Edward H. Davies
Late Quaternary Sand Body Formation on Sable Island Bank; Scotian Shelf: Abstract
Shirley Mclaren, Ron Boyd
Late Turonian Marine and Nonmarine Palynomorphs from the Cardium Formation, North-Central Alberta Foothills, Canada
A. R. Sweet, D. J. McIntyre
Linear Estuarine Conglomerate Bodies Formed During a Mid-Albian Marine Transgression; “Upper Gates” Formation, Rocky Mountain Foothills of Northeastern British Columbia
Scott M. M. Carmichael
The Lower Carboniferous Golata Formation of the Western Canada Basin, in the Context of Sequence Stratigraphy
J. E. Barclay
Lower Cretaceous Example of a Shoreface-Attached Marine Bar Complex: The Wabiskaw ‘C’ Sand of Northeastern Alberta
M. J. Ranger, S. G. Pemberton, R. J. Sharpe
Major Interregionally Correlatable Events in the Jurassic of Western Interior, Arctic, and Eastern Offshore Canada
T. P. Poulton
Marine Influence on the McMurray Formation in the Primrose Area, Alberta
Michael J. Ranger, S. George Pemberton
Marine Origin of the Bay Tree Conglomerate (Cardium Formation): Sedimentology at the Type Locality: Abstract
B. S. Hart, A. G. Plint
Mesotidal Estuary Point Bar Deposits: A Comparative Sedimentology of Modern and Ancient Examples in Peels and Core: Abstract
Derald G. Smith
Mesozoic and Tertiary Paleoenvironments of the Labrador Shelf, Offshore Eastern Canada
P. E. Miller, G. J. D’Eon, J. S. Bell
The Nature of Depositional and Seismic Sequence Boundaries in Cretaceous-Tertiary Strata of the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin
J. Dixon, J. R. Dietrich
Numerical Modelling of Depositional Sequences and Their Seismic Expression
M. T. Jervey
Oil Possibilities, Offshore Nova Scotia: Abstract
D. J. MacDonald
The Origin and Scale of Sequences and Erosional Bounding Surfaces in the Cardium Formation
Roger G. Walker
The Origin of Third-Order Depositional Sequences: Eustacy, Tectonics, or Bolides: Abstract
Ashton F. Embry
An Outcrop to Subsurface Correlation of the Cardium Formation in Alberta
A. Guy Plint, Roger G. Walker, William L. Duke
Palynological Biostratigraphy of the Skonun Formation, Queen Charlotte Basin: Abstract
James M. White
The Peace River Arch: Its Structure and Origin
Doug Cant, Shaun O’Connell
Preliminary Observations on the Sedimentology of the Doe Creek Member, Kaskapau Formation, in the Valhalla Field, Northwestern Alberta
K. E. Wallace-Dudley, D. A. Leckie
Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy
P. R. Vail, H. W. Posamentier
Provenance of Oligocene Lough Neagh Group, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom: Abstract
Balvinder Shukla
Regional Stratigraphic Variations in the White Rim Sandstone (Utah): Evidence of a Change in Rate of Relative Sea-Level Rise During The Permian
Jacqueline E. Huntoon, Diane L. Kamola
Regression-Transgression Couplets of the Bootlegger Sandstone (Cretaceous), North-Central Montana — The Possible Influence of the Sweetgrass Arch
R. W. C. Arnott
A Review of Cretaceous-Cenozoic Sedimentation and Tectonics, East Coast, South Island, New Zealand
G. H. Browne, B. D. Field
Role of Stratigraphic Discontinuities in Development of Reservoir Quality, Muddy and Skull Creek Sandstones, Denver Basin: Abstract
R. K. Suchecki, G. R. Baum, S. Phillips, J. S. Hewlett
Sandstone Dikes and an Estimate of Their Depth of Injection in the Colorado Shales (Cretaceous), Alberta
Dale Leckie, Dan Potocki
Sedimentology and Depositional Setting of the Granite Wash, Northwestern Alberta
Richard Trotter, Frances J. Hein
Sedimentology and Ichnology of the Bluesky Formation in Northeastern British Columbia
Harold Oppelt
Sedimentology and Tectonic Implications of Cretaceous Fan-Delta Conglomerates, Queen Charlotte Islands
Roger Higgs
Sedimentology and “Geometry” of the Lower Cretaceous Viking Formation, Gilby A and B Fields, Alberta
H. K. Raddysh
Sedimentology of the McMurray Formation and Wabiskaw Member (Clearwater Formation), Lower Cretaceous, in the Central Region of the Athabasca Oil Sands Area, Northeastern Alberta
D. A. W. Keith, D. M. Wightman, S. G. Pemberton, J. R. MacGillivray, T. Berezniuk, H. Berhane
The Seismic Facies of a Delta Onlapping an Offshore Island: Fraser River Delta, British Columbia
Harry M. Jol, Michael C. Roberts
Sequences, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology: Surface and Subsurface
David P. James, Dale A. Leckie
Sequences and Parasequences in Siliciclastic Rocks
J. C. Van Wagoner
Sequence Statigraphic Control of Source Rocks: Viking - Belly River System: Abstract
Jim Allan, Steve Creaney
Sequence Stratigraphy: Sequences and Systems Tract Development
H. W. Posamentier, P. R. Vail
Significance of Skeletal Concentrations for the Analysis of Unconformities and Condensed Intervals: Case Studies from Neogene Shallow Marine Sequences: Abstract
S. M. Kidwell
Siliciclastic Sequence Development in Foreland Basins — A Numerical Approach: Abstract
M. T. Jervey
Stratigraphic and Facies Model of a Transgressing Estuarine Valley Fill in the Gironde Estuary (France): Abstract
G. P. Allen, G. Truilhe
Stratigraphy and Lithofacies of Oligocene Lough Neagh Group in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom: Abstract
Balvinder Shukla
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Kugmallit Formation, Nipterk Structure: Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Canada
David P. James, Allan J. Baxter
Submarine Fans: Recognition and Occurrence Within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework: Abstract
H. W. Posamentier
Subsequences of the Kugmallit Delta Front, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin
G. R. Morrell, U. B. Schmidt
Third-Order Depositional Sequences of the Mesozoic Succession of Sverdrup Basin
Ashton F. Embry, James A. Podruski
Transgressive, Incised Shoreface Deposits of the Burnstick Member (Cardium “B” Sandstone) at Caroline, Crossfield, Garrington and Lochend; Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, Alberta, Canada
Simon A. J. Pattison
The Upper Cretaceous Muskiki, Mistanusk and Bad Heart Formations: Relative Sea Level Control on Stratigraphy and Sedimentology: Abstract
B. Norris, A. G. Plint
Upper Mannville Tidal Creek and Incised Fluvial Channel Reservoirs at the Fort Kent Thermal Project of East-Central Alberta
J. Edward Mathison
Use of Biomarker Geochemistry to Identify Variable Biodegradation Levels, Cold Lake Oil Sands (Fort Kent Area), Alberta
P. W. Brooks, M. G. Fowler, R. W. Macqueen, J. E. Mathison
Wave Dominated Shorelines and Incised Channel Trends: Lower Cretaceous Glauconite Formation, West-Central Alberta
Lorne Rosenthal
“Geometry” and Facies Characteristics of Stacked Shallow Marine Sandier-Upward Sequences in the Cardium Formation at Willesden Green, Alberta
Carolyn H. Eyles, Roger G. Walker