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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
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2D Pre-Stack Depth Migration : Application to Inverted Grabens
C. Bunks, P. L. Pichon, L. Ben Brahim, Sekar Sakti
3D Seismic Data Integration to Recommend Drilling of PTT Area, North Sumatra Basin
Ari Samodra, Soegino
3D Seismic Facies Analysis of a Reefal Buildup: NSO 'A' Field, Offshore North Sumatra
Wayne L. Alexander, Maria R. Nellia
Acid Fracturing Stimulation Treatments in the Arun Field — A Case Study of the Results
Royke Kristanto, William L. Cannan, Seno Sardjono, Virgil C. Stone
The Application of Fluorescence Techniques for Mudlogging Analysis of Oil Drilled with Oil-Based Muds
Marilyn V. Reyes
Application of Scrapped Steel for Temporary Anode in VICO Indonesia Fields
Ifsal Bakar, Popi A. Nafis, Nasrul Nasir
British Gas Electronic PIG Inspection on the Existing 36" and 42" Gas Pipelines Badak-Bontang, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
M. Amin, S. Piliang
Central and East Java - Post Convention Field Trip
Mujito, M. Husen, Wartono Rahardjo, Sabardi Muslikhi
Characterization of Upper Miocene Deltaic Reservoirs at Attaka Field, Offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Arthur S. Trevena, Sumar Mahadi, Stephen A. Martinez, Marwoto, Yoseph Joko Partono, Sigit Sutiyono
Clastic Rocks and Reservoirs of Indonesia: Introduction and Overview of Core Workshop
John A. Scott, Christopher D. Atkinson
Community Development and Environmental Aspects of the Pagerungan Gas Field Development
A. Adjiz Saleh, Amir Hamzah, R. F. Bryant
Controlling Seismic Facies of 2-D Seismic Data by Using Horizon Slice of 3-D Seismic Data
Dwi Martono, Medianto B. Satyawan
The Deep Marine Sand Facies of the Ngrayong Formation in the Tuban Block, East Java Basin
Wayan Ardhana, Peter Lunt, Gerry E. Burgon
A Depositional Model for the Early Middle Miocene Ngrayong Formation and Implications for Exploration in the East Java Basin
Wayan Ardhana
Development of Pagerungan Gas Field Kangean Block — PSC Area
F. F. Yaseen, W. Gardjito, M. E. McCauley
Drilling Fluid Additive Performs Under Hostile Conditions
P. D. Scott, J. P. Bacho, C. K. Grantham
The Economics of Natural Gas Development of Indonesia
Widjajono Partowidagdo, Dedi Sadagori Surghani
Evaluating Remaining Potential in High Water Cut, Multiple Zone Completions
Arief Yunan, Scott S. Sollee, David A. Minemier
Evaluation of Factor Effects on Material Balance Calculations Using Statistical Design Methods
J. C. Hsie, H. M. Munir, W. E. Gerbacia
Field Study of Application and Results of Sodium Silicate Treatments in Combating Lost Circulation in Geothermal Wells
Zainal Ilmie B., Tanda Tampubolon, Suroso, Udin Daryono
Finding By-Passed Oil Using the Reservoir Saturation Tool in Lirik, South Sumatra
Bambang Djoko, Nuke Nugraha, Cholid Mas, Yan Sudarmo
A Fresh Look at the North Barito Basin, Kalimantan
Anthony D. M. Mason, James C. Haebig, Richard L. McAdoo
The Future Petrochemical Industry From Natural Gas in Indonesia
Kun Harimurti Hertanto, Theresia Indrawanti Pudiyanto
Gas Reservoirs in the Lower Miocene Peutu Formation, Aceh Timur, Sumatra
Charles A. Caughey, Turcahyo Wahyudi
Geology of the Jurassic Gas Discoveries in Bintuni Bay, Western Irian Jaya
Thomas W. Perkins, Andrew R. Livsey
High Temperature Gas Chromatography of High-Wax Oils
R. M. K. Carlson, S. C. Teerman, J. M. Moldowan, S. R. Jacobson, E. I. Chan, K. S. Dorrough, W. C. Seetoo, B. Mertani
Horizontal Recompletion With Short Radius Technique in Handil Field (Total Mahakam Contract Area) East Kalimantan — Indonesia
Taufik A. Syamlan, John S. Bannerman, Perret Du Cray, Remy Anfray, Jayant Jethnani
The Hydrocarbon Generation and Trapping Mechanism Within the Northern Part of Barito Basin, South Kalimantan
Lindy F. Rotinsulu, Sumuyut Sardjono, Nandang Heriyanto
Hydrocarbon Source Rock Characteristics and the Implications for Hydrocarbon Maturation in the North Sumatra Basin
Eddy Sjahbuddin, Ramli Djaafar
Impact of Reservoir Heterogeneity on Steamflood Performance
M. Kumar
The Implementation and Progress of the Exploration Regime in the Timor Gap Zone of Cooperation — Area 'A'
Nick Kyranis, Roes Aryawijaya
Innovations with Tubing Conveyed Perforating Using Y Block Assemblies
Dwi Ananto, David L. Hunter
Integrated Analysis of Borehole and Seismic Data
E. Poggiagliolmi, R. D. Allred
Inversion History of the West Natuna Basin: Examples from the Cumi-Cumi PSC
D. C. Ginger, W. O. Ardjakusumah, R. J. Hedley, J. Pothecary
A Look Into the Future: The Gas Industry in Indonesia
Isworo Suharno
The Marketing Evolution of Gas Trade Future Implications to PSCs Operating in Indonesia
Andy Karamoy
Mesozoic and Tertiary Tectonics of Irian Jaya: Evidence for Non-Rotation of Kepala Burung
Lyle F. Henage
A Method for Completing Horizontal Wells
J. B. Surjaatmadja, R. Suryaman Adiwinata
Mini Seismic Processing System for Training and Research Purposes
Suprajitno Munadi, Bambang Triharjanto
A New Dynamic Mesozoic Stratigraphy for the West Irian Micro-Continent Indonesia and its Implications
T. H. Fraser, J. Bon, L. Samuel
New Formulas for Estimating Productivity of Horizontal Wells
Pudji Permadi
New Geostatistical Method for Mapping Faults with Well Logs
An-Ping Yang
New Solutions to Old Problems: A Seismic Reprocessing Case History, DC and BQ Fields, Malacca Strait PSC
Charles A. Hinson
Notes: "Basal Sandstone", Existence and Hydrocarbon Potential in the North Sumatra Basin: A Case Study in Batang Sarangan, Langkat and Gebang Areas
Slamet Riadhy, Adji Gutomo
Offshore Northwest Java Gas Development
D. Heru Pramono, Gema Suria, Rudy Haryoto, Elijas Pujianto
Offshore Shallow Gas Investigation Prior to Drilling
D. Brown, S. H. Brouwer, M. Tan
Ombilin Basin, West Sumatra - Post Convention Field Trip
Greg Fletcher, Yarmanto
Optimization of the Well-Spacing with a Geostatistical Model Tunu Field — Mahakam Area
Alain Seigneurin, Didier Muller, Alain Galli, Christian Ravenne
Practical Approach to Evaluating a Corrosion and Scale Inhibition Program in a Gathering System
Robert C. Bess, Dasmaji, Dafris Nasrun, M. Hariandja, Doc Monical, Eddy Yanto, Bill Black
Pressure Transient for Interference Test Data in Kamojang Geothermal Wells Using New Concept of Fractal Model
Salis S. Aprilian, Doddy Abdassah, Leksono Mucharam, R. Sumantri
A Production Allocation Method for Commingled Gas Completions
Hayu S. Prabowo, M. Rinadi
Promoting the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Materials Management
R. Djokopranoto, Purnama
PVT Correlations for Indonesian Crude Oils
Madjedi Hasan, Lestari, Inawati
Quality Improvement in Primary Cementing
Timothy A. Nagy
A Re-Evaluation of the Regional Geology and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Onshore Central North Sumatra Basin
G. A. Kirby, R. J. Morley, B. Humphreys, C. J. Matchette Downes, M. J. Sarginson, G. K. Lott, R. A. Nicholson, B. Yulihanto, R. Widiastuti, Karmajaya, Sundoro, F. Fitris, S. Sofyan, Sri Wijaya
Reassessment of the Miocene Stratigraphy, Paleogeography and Petroleum Geochemistry of the Langsa Block in the Offshore North Sumatra Basin
B. L. Anderson, J. Bon, H. E. Wahono
Reservoir Modeling in the Bunyu Tapa Gas Field — an Integrated Study
Ramatias Ramli, Susanto Budi Nugroho, John Bradfield, Steve Hansen
A Review of Talang Akar Formation (Oligo-Miocene) Reservoirs in the Offshore Areas of Southeast Sumatra and Northwest Java
Raymond Young, Christopher D. Atkinson
A Sandstone Matrix Acidizing Simulator for Engineered Treatment Designs: A Field Study
R. L. Thomas, V. Fannin
SCC Failure of 20" Condensate Pipeline
V. A. W. Semerad, H. Sutanto
Seal Potential of the Talang Akar Formation, BZZ Area, Offshore NW Java, Indonesia
J. G. Kaldi, C. D. Atkinson
Sedimentological and Reservoir Characteristics of the Upper Cibulakan Sandstones (Main Interval) in Cores from the B-Field, Offshore Northwest Java
Christopher D. Atkinson, Charles L. Vavra, Gerard C. Gaynor
Sedimentology and Reservoir Properties of Eocene Ngimbang Clastics Sandstones in Cores of the Pagerungan-5 Well Pagerungan Field, East Java Sea, Indonesia
W. J. Ebanks Jr., C. B. P. Cook
The Sedimentology of the Early Miocene, Lower Sihapas Sandstone Reservoirs in the Kurau Field, Malacca Strait PSC, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia
Jon Murphy
Seismic Signature as a Porosity Indicator in Early Miocene Reefs in the Madura Strait Via AVO Inversion and Modelling
Bimal R. Banerjee
Seismic Stratigraphy of Miocene and Pliocene Age Outer Shelf and Slope Sedimentation in the Makassar PSC, Offshore Kutei Basin
Steven J. Malecek, Christopher M. Reaves, Wirjawan Soeria Atmadja, Komang O. Widiantara
The Southern Fore-Arc Zone of Sumatra: Cainozoic Basin-Forming Tectonism and Hydrocarbon Potential
D. M. Hall, B. A. Duff, M. C. Courbe, B. W. Seubert, M. Siahaan, A. D. Wirabudi
Stimulation Treatment Design Optimization Through the use of a Nodal Analysis Program
Aditomo Dwimaryanto, Kuswo Wahyono, I. G. Solaryo, Amin Hartoni
The Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of West Timor, Indonesia
R. K. Sawyer, Kartono Sani, Stephen Brown
A Structural and Tectonic Model of the Coastal Plains Block, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia
Tom L. Heidrick, Karsani Aulia
A Successful Gas Injection Project in the Kakap KF Field: Design, Implementation and Results
Azhar Mone, Sudarsono Samsidi
Syn-Rift Deposits of the Northwest Java Basin: Fluvial Sandstone Reservoirs and Lacustrine Source Rocks
Peter J. Butterworth, Christopher D. Atkinson
Tectonic and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Kalosi PSC Area and Associated Development of a Tertiary Petroleum System, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
D. Q. Coffield, S. C. Bergman, R. A. Garrard, N. Guritno, N. M. Robinson, J. Talbot
Tectonic Framework, Resource Characterization and Development of South Sumatra's Geothermal Prospects
M. Boedihardi, Soenaryo, Djoko Hantono
Towards A More Effective Training Program to Develop A Skillful National Geophysicist
Stephen Scott, Agus Wijiastono
The Utilization of 3D Seismic for Small Fields in the South Natuna Sea Block B
Kenneth M. Dickerman
Utilization of PDC Bits in Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan
Soegihono, Jojo Sunarja, Charles E. Mowry
Waterflood Development in the Kenali Asam Field
Koentjoro, Burhan Denk, Sucahyo W. Pratomo
West Timor, Nusa Tenggara Timur - Post Convention Field Trip
Mark I. Jacobson, Kartono Sani