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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
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2-D and 3-D Prestack Depth Migration for Complex Geologic Structures Offshore Indonesia
M. Murphy, R. Ottolini, R. Estill, E. Lumadyo, M. Mathias
2-D Basin Modeling of Secondary Petroleum Migration in the Sakala Timur PSC, Indonesia
Alwyn Vear, Duncan Macgregor
Advanced Caliper Processing for Early Detection of Casing Problems
Barry Nicholson
Amphoteric Polymer Improves Hydrocarbon/Water Ratios in Producing Wells – An Indonesian Case History Study
Frederick O. Stanley, Hardianto, Ewen Marnoch, Paternus Syukur Tanggu
An Analysis of Low-Contrast Pay in Telisa Sands Packages in Central Sumatra
Bambang Gumilar, Ronny Adriansyah, Andrew R. Thomas, Budi Darmawan
Application of Geoscience Technology in a Geologic Study of the Natuna Gas Field, Natuna Sea, Offshore Indonesia
P. A. Dunn, M. G. Kozar, Budiyono
Application of Molecular Sieve in View of Cleaner Technology: Abstract
Theresia Indrawanti, A. Elyanti, Nurlatifah
Aspects of the Neogene Tectonic History and Hydrocarbon Geology of the Tarakan Basin
Michael R. Lentini, Herman Darman
Avoiding Sand-Cut Failures in Flowlines of Hi-Del Gas Completions in the Badak Field
Syaiful Rachman, Hary Hardiman
Bengkulu Forearc Basin (South Sumatra) - Post Convention Field Trip, October 11th-13th
Barlian Yulihanto, Sudarman Sofyan, Sri Widjaja, Achmad Nurdjajadi, Sulistya Hastuti
Bioremediation of Crude Oil Tar Balls in a Mangrove Environment in the Maxus Field
Huala Nadapdap, J. P. Smith, Steven Broadmeadow
Biostratigraphic Characterization of Systems Tracts in Tertiary Sedimentary Basins
R. J. Morley
Business Process Reengineering Reduces Drill a Well Process Cycle Time Significantly: A Drilling Proposal Coordinators' Story
Herry Sasongko, Abdul Gafar
Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy — A Current Assessment: Abstract
J. F. Sarg
Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy — A Summary and Perspective with Case History, Neogene, Papua New Guinea
J. F. Sarg, J. R. Markello, L. J. Weber, J. M. Thomson, J. J. Kmeck, M. E. Christal, J. K. Southwell, Y. Tanaka
Carbonate Systems Tracts of an Asymmetric Miocene Buildup Near Kangean Island, E. Java Sea
M. A. Cucci, M. H. Clark
Characterization of Produced Water Impact Outfall in the Java Sea, Indonesia: Abstract
Wiesje A. Rondonuwu, J. P. Smith, Rokhmin Dahuri
Chronology and Intensity of Barito Uplifts, Southeast Kalimantan: A Geochemical Constraint and Windows of Opportunity: Abstract
Awang Harun Satyana, Raden Idris
CO2 Origins and Distribution in Western Indonesia: Abstract
M. J. Raven, B. C. Cooper, L. Samuel, Hardjono, W. Satoto, M. F. J. Flower, C. Y. Xu
A Comparative Study of 3-D Noise Attenuation Techniques
Daniel Wheaton, Yendri, Kusnarya
Competing in the New Era of Knowledge-Based Petroleum Companies
Robert P. Peebler
Complimentary Role of Seismic and Well Data in Identifying Upper Talang Akar Stratigraphic Sequences — Widuri Field Area, Asri Basin
John Armon, Bill Harmony, Steve Smith, Budiyento Thomas, Romina Himawan, Budi Harman, Pujiyanto Lukito, Lee Gilmore, Ichsan Syarkawi
Cost Study for Offshore Exploratory Drilling Operation
Saifullah, Septoratno Siregar, Pudjihanto Suwarno
Data Reconciliation and Gross Error Detection in LPG Plant Pertamina P. Brandan: Abstract
Yulian Dekri
A Depositional Model for the "Main" Interval, Upper Cibulakan Formation: Its Implications for Reservoir Distribution and Prediction, ARII ONWJ
Sena W. Reksalegora, Yohan Kusumanegara, Philip Lowry
Depositional Systems and Coal Cyclothems in the Upper Malubog Formation (Lower Miocene), Cebu, Central Philippines
Joseph Foronda
Determining Drill Pipe Wear Inside Casing Using Ultra Sonic Measurements
Dwi Ananto, DeWayne R. Schnorr
Development, Testing and Field Case Histories of a Sealed Junction Multilateral Well Completion System
J. R. Longbottom, Dana Dale, Kevin Waddell, John Roberts
Development of Chemicals from Industrial Wastes for Improving Oil Recovery: Abstract
Suryo Purwono, Bardi Murachman, Hardjono, Soetomo Poerodiprodjo
Development of Sequences and Facies Architecture in Continental Strata at Differing Time Scales: Abstract
Peter McCabe, Keith Shanley
The Development of the Integrated Gas Transmission System in Indonesia
A. Qoyum Tjandranegara
Development Strategy for the Awibengkok Geothermal Field, West Java, Indonesia
Novi Ganefianto, Julie Shemeta
Discovery and Petroleum Geology of the Bayu-Undan Gas-Condensate Field: Timor Gap Zone of Cooperation, Area A
Deidre M. Brooks, Angus K. Goody, J. Brendan O'Reilly, Kevin L. McCarty
Downhole Oil and Water Separation – Potential of a New Technology
Larry J. Chrusch
East Java Geological Field Trip - Post-Convention Field Trip
Peter Lunt, Dave Schiller, Tom Kalan
The Economic and Risk Analysis of Oil Field Development in Timor Gap-Zone of Cooperation Area A
Hery Syahrir, Widjajono Partowidagdo
Effective Techniques for Removal of Silicate Scale from Geothermal Wells Using Coiled Tubing
S. D. Turton, S. Purba
Environmentally Safe Burner for Offshore Well Testing Operations
Timothy M. Young
Environmental Management Strategies After the Gulf War
L. N. Ali
Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Tertiary Tonasa Limestone Formation, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Moyra E. J. Wilson
Exploratory Update in the North Tanjung Block, South Kalimantan
Nandang Heriyanto, Achmad Nawawi, Anthony D. M. Mason, Frank T. Ingram, David E. Pedersen, Robert C. Davis
Facies Characteristics and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Oligocene Continental Shelf Deposits of Northern Taiwan
Louis S. Teng, Po-Ching Tai
A Fast Horizontal-Well Coning Evaluation Method
Pudji Permadi
Field Testing of Digital Entry Fluid Imaging Tool in Minas
Cholid Mas, Erwin Sinisuka
Formation Imaging in Geothermal Wells – A Key to Improved Reservoir Characterization in the Kamojang Field of West Java
R. R. Wathan, T. Huntoro, K. Hendrowibowo, H. Sumantri, P. M. Lloyd
The Future Hydrocarbon Potential of Western Indonesia
Steven Courteney
Geological Reservoir Heterogeneity of Talang Akar Depositional System in the Jatibarang Sub-Basin, Offshore NW Java, Indonesia
Ade Dorojatun, Arianto Kusnin, Marihot Hutabarat, Robert K. Suchecki, S. George Pemberton
Geothermal Development in Indonesia by Independent Power Producers
W. Irwin
Gravity Evidence for the Thinning of the Crust Around the North Sumatra Area
Wawan Gunawan A. Kadir, Sigit Sukmono, M. T. Zen, Lilik Hendrajaya, Djoko Santoso
Hard and Soft Data Integration in 3-D Reservoir Modeling: A Case History from Pedada Field, Central Sumatra
P. T. Janele, S. D. Jenkins, A. A. Reed
Hydrocarbon Kitchen and Migration Assessment of North Aceh Offshore Basin, North Sumatra, Indonesia from Views of Sequence Stratigraphy and Organic Geochemistry
A. Fuse, K. Tsukada, W. Kato, H. Honda, Asep Sulaeman, S. Troyer, L. Wamsteeker, Mardhan Abdullah, R. C. Davies, P. Lunt
The Important Role of Carbonates in the Stratigraphic Architecture of Late Pleistocene-Modern Mahakam River Delta-Building Cycles: Abstract
Harry H. Roberts, Johan Sydow
Improvement of Seismic Tomographic Imaging by Downward Continuation and Modified SIRT
Teuku A. Sanny, D. Santoso, D. Dahrin, Fatkhan, Alfian B.
Incentives for Marginal Field Development in Indonesia
Widjajono Partowidagdo
Induced Gamma Ray Spectroscopy (IGS) Log Application in the Java Sea
Cholid Mas, Anna Maria, Mark Schneider, Bambang Hari Setiyawan
In Situ Stress Prediction Using Differential Strain Analysis and Ultrasonic Shear-Wave Splitting
B. Widarsono, J. R. Marsden, M. S. King
Integrating Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging Data with Traditional Down Hole Petrophysical Data to Optimize New Development Wells Strategies in the Bravo Field Offshore North West Java, ARCO Indonesia PSC
Wisnu Widjanarko
K-Limestone as a Condensed Section in Jambi Area: Abstract
Aji Wirawan Sudarwo, Musalam Latuconsina
A Late Pliocene Shallowing Upward Carbonate Sequence and Its Reservoir Potential, Northeast Java Basin
Sabardi Musliki, Suratman
Late Quaternary Glacio-Eustatic Sequences and Stratal Patterns in the Mahakam Delta: Abstract
Pascal Debec, George P. Allen
Managing Brine Injection at Awibengkok Geothermal Project
Harry Prabowo, Iwan Azof
Managing Investments in the Energy Industry, Valuing the Options
L. G. Chorn
Mantle Origin of Global Sea-Level Fluctuations and Geomagnetic Reversals: Evidence from Non-Linear Dynamics
J. F. Collins, J. Bon
Mesozoic to Recent Tectonic and Thermal History of the Bird's Head, Irian Jaya, East Indonesia Using Apatite Fissiontrack Analysis: Abstract
Eddy Sutriyono, Kevin C. Hill, Paul B. O'Sullivan, Ijep Saefudin
Middle Miocene Eustatic Sea-Level Fluctuations: Evidence from Coastal to Shallow Marine Siliciclastic Sequences of Northern Taiwan
Neng-Ti Yu, Louis S. Teng
Miocene Carbonates from the Rajamandala Formation: New Light on an Analogue for the Batu Raja: Abstract
Andrew Carnell, Jon Booler
The Mismatch Between Outcrop Unconformity and Seismic Unconformity
Wolfgang Schlager
Mixed Siliciclastic and Carbonate Facies on an Incised Carbonate Platform, Phar Lap Member (Middle Devonian), Graveyard Creek Basin, Northeastern Australia: Abstract
Simon C. Lang
Multi-Layer Test Analysis for Dissolved Gas Reservoirs
W. Jatmiko, T. S. Daltaban, J. S. Archer
Neural Network Algorithm on Electrical Submergible Pump (ESP) Design: Abstract
Sudjati Rachmat, Anas Pudji Santoso
New Approach to Extended Well Testing in the North Sea Increases Cost Efficiency
Wesley Jay Burris II
New Gas Lift Valve Design Stabilizes Injection Rates
T. Tokar, Z. Schmidt, C. Tuckness
A New Practical Correlation to Predict Specific Productivity Index for Sihapas Formations in the Minas Field
Rinaldi, Faisal Asmadi
New Sand Count Using Core Calibrated UBI™ (Ultra-Sonic Borehole Imager) Data
K. Firmansjah, C. Lombard, F. Mercier, J. L. Chappe, P. Montaggioni
The Offshore Mahakam Delta: Stratigraphic Response of Late Pleistocene-to-Modern Sea Level Cycle
Harry H. Roberts, Johan Sydow
Optimization of Production Rate in Sandy Wells by Using Sonic and Density Logs Data: Abstract
Heru Husaini
Overpressuring in the Kutei Basin: Distribution, Origins and Implications for the Petroleum System
John A. Bates
Paleogene Basin Architecture of the Sunda and Asri Basins and Associated Non-Marine Sequence Stratigraphy
Jeffrey B. Aldrich, Gary P. Rinehart, Susandhi Ridwan, Martin A. Schuepbach
A Patchwork Approach to Valley Fills: A View of 3D Seismic Geometries in Offshore Brunei Darrusalam from Sequence Stratigraphy of Jerudong Outcrops: Abstract
Jacques Durand, Chrisophe Dumay, Jean-Lou Grondin, Alain Ferrer
Performance Appraisal System for Team Work Lessons Learned from P.T. Caltex Pacific Indonesia
Pantja Savitri, Ita Puji Hastuti
Perf Stim/Power Perf Completion Techniques
J. Gilliat
Petroleum and Refinery Waste Minimization and Management - A Cost Effective Strategy for Establishing Sustainable Growth in the Energy Sector
Karel Haubourdin, Edward Mazuroski
Petroleum Systems of the North West Shelf, Australia: How Many Are There?
Tom S. Loutit, Roger E. Summons, Marita T. Bradshaw, John Bradshaw
The Petroleum Systems of West Block 'B' PSC, South Natuna Sea, Indonesia
Eric Michael, Hendro Adrian
Petrology of Core and Cutting Samples from Wells ULB-01 and ULB-02, Ulumbu Geothermal Field, Flores, Indonesia
Pri Utami, P. R. L. Browne
Portfolio Optimization for Resource Allocation: A New Method for Asset Classification and Risk Management
D. B. Williams
Predicting Formation Target Depth Ahead of the Bit with High Accuracy: A Case Study from the Arun Field for a Deviated Well
William L. Soroka
Prediction of Carbonate Sweet Spots from 3-D Seismic: A Case History from Krisna Field
Mary L. Welker-Haddock, Robert K. Park, Sudarmono M.
Prediction of Reservoir Rock Quality from Core Data Analysis: Abstract
Kartawie Putra, Dede Yusuf Darmawan, Herlan Adim, Lestari
A Preliminary Analysis of Possible Formation Damage in the Lower Talang Akar Sandstone Reservoirs of the AVA Field, Offshore North West Java
Teguh Prasetyo
Production Optimization of Tubing Restricted Wells: A Case History
Ronald Gunawan, Bambang S. Ismanto, George R. Dyer
Puffin Formation Sequence Stratigraphy in the Southern Timor Sea: Abstract
D. Ormerod, D. Whittam, M. Fittall
Recent Examples of Sequence Stratigraphic Patterns: A Key to the Past: Abstract
George P. Allen, Henry W. Posamentier
Recent Research in Western Indonesia: A Critical Look at Some Major Events in the Tertiary: Abstract
I. R. Cloke, R. Hall, N. Harbury, R. Holt, C. Howells, A. McCarthy, J. Milsom, S. J. Moss, A. Ngakan, J. Noad, M. J. Wilson
Rejuvenate Old Wells with Through-Tubing Workover
Steve Palar, Jeffry Tampi, DeWayne R. Schnorr
Reservoir Characterization by Integrating Production and Geological Information; Case Study: Kotabatak Pattern Waterflood "High-Grade" Area Selection
Bayong C. Wibowo, Dadang Sofyan G., Terrell Tankersley, William C. Dawson
Reservoir Characterization in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework, Belida Field, West Natuna Sea, Indonesia: Abstract
R. Pascoe
Reservoir Simulation and Geological Modeling for Development Planning of the Natuna Gas Field
Didit Hadiatno, David J. Fenter
A Review of the Exploration Potential of the Paleocene Lower Tanjung Formation in the South Barito Basin
Jan Bon, Tom H. Fraser, Welly Amris, D. N. Stewart, Zulkifli Abubakar, S. Sosromihardjo
The Role of Technology and Decision Analysis in Reservoir Management
Ganesh C. Thakur
Safety Performance Evaluation Checklist (SPEC)
Raflin P. Lubis
Saturation Exponent at Various Wetting Conditions: Fractal Modeling of Thin-Sections
D. Abdassah, Y. Sumantri, P. Permadi, R. Sumantri
Seismic Expression and Channel Morphology of a Recent Incised-Valley Complex, Offshore Northwest Java
Mark J. Gresko, Philip Lowry
Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy in SE Asia: Abstract
G. A. Kirby
Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy of the Early-Fill Sequence, Northern Lishui-Jiao Jiang Depression of the Taibei Trough: Implications for Exploration
Wang Jian Ping, Song Li Juan, Tim Tranter, Robert Shoup
Seismic Stratigraphy of Eocene Beriun Sands of West Bungalun, East Kalimantan, Indonesia: A Contribution to the Paleogene Stratigraphical Knowledge of the Kutei Basin
Awang Harun Satyana, Elan Biantoro
Selecting a Tertiary Oil Recovery Process for the Minas Field
Gary Greaser, Bob Ehrlich, Chris Stevens, Faisal Asmadi, Oka Ariyasa, Cedric Cease
Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of Oligocene and Miocene Carbonates, North Sumatra Basin, Indonesia
J. F. Collins, A. S. Kristanto, J. Bon, Charles A. Caughey
Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of Oligocene and Miocene Carbonates, North Sumatra Basin, Indonesia
J. F. Collins, A. S. Kristanto, J. Bon, Charles A. Caughey
Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of Middle-Late Miocene Lowstand Sands in the Makassar Strait, Offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Steven J. Malecek, Peter Lunt
Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretations Based on Conventional Core Data: An Example from the Miocene Upper Cibulakan Formation, Offshore Northwest Java
P. J. Butterworth, R. Purantoro, J. G. Kaldi
Sequence Stratigraphic Studies in the Lower Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
C. J. Stuart, H. F. Schwing, R. A. Armin, B. Sidik, R. Abdoerrias, S. Vijaya, W. D. de Boer, S. K. Wiman, H. L. Heitman, Y. Yusuf, A. Nurhono
Sequence Stratigraphic Surfaces Identified on Conventional Core Data: Talang Akar Formation, Ardjuna Basin, Offshore Northwest Java
Chandra Suria, Peter J. Butterworth, Mark J. Gresko, Steve W. Sinclair, Christopher D. Atkinson
Sequence Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Xihu Trough, East China Sea: Abstract
David Clark, Wang Zhen Rong, Ge He Ping, James Armstrong, Patrick Clews, Julian Pearce, Ian Peton, Michael de Smet, Paul Waton
Sequence Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential of Upper Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Fan Systems in the Barrow-Dampier Rift, NW Shelf, Australia: Abstract
Peter M. Barber
Sequence Stratigraphy Concept Applied to the Middle Miocene to Pliocene Outcrops in the Northeast Java Basin, Indonesia
Yohannes P. Koesoemo, Nahrowi Tejo Yuwono, Sabardi Musliki
Sequence Stratigraphy of a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Ramp Setting: The Cebu Limestone (Upper Oligocene), Central Philippines: Abstract
Joseph Foronda
Sequence Stratigraphy of the North Aceh Offshore Area, North Sumatra, Indonesia
K. Tsukada, A. Fuse, W. Kato, H. Honda, Mardhan Abdullah, L. Wamsteeker, Asep Sulaeman, J. Bon
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic-Mid Cretaceous of the Indus Basin, Pakistan and the Rajasthan Area of India
P. Copestake, B. A. Cooper, M. Slatford, S. Vanstone, T. Maqsood, M. Ashraf
Shallow 3-D Seismic Analysis of Late Pleistocene Lowstand Deltas (Mahakam, Indonesia)
Jeffrey S. Suiter
Some Environmental Aspects of Duri Steam Flood Project: Abstract
Herdy N. Hutabarat
Some New Developments in Sequence Stratigraphy and Variations on the General Sequence Model: Abstract
Henry W. Posamentier, George P. Allen
Sonic Saturation Inversion and AVO Modeling in the Tunu Gas Field
Patrick Fouchard, Scott Leaney, Sugimin Harsono
Source Characteristics of Terang-Sirasun Bacterial Gas Field, E. Java Sea: Abstract
R. A. Noble, F. H. Henk
Source Provenance Interpretation of Kutei Basin Sandstones and the Implications for the Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of Kalimantan
Hondiro Tanean, David W. Paterson, Mac Endharto
Status on Marine Oil Spill Preparedness and Response in Oil and Gas Operations in Indonesia
Max Maloringan
Stratal Architecture and Seismic Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary Bedrock-Controlled Incised Valley Systems, Southern Moreton Bay, Australia
Duncan A. Lockhart, Simon C. Lang, George P. Allen
Stratigraphic Controls on Petrophysical Attributes and Fluid-Flow Pathways in an Exhumed Fluvial Reservoir; Sunnyside Quarry, Carbon County, Utah: Abstract
Yohan Kusumanegara
Structural and Depositional History of East Timor
Timothy A. Reed, Michael E. M. de Smet, Bhakti H. Harahap, Afin Sjapawi
Structural Development of Central South Sulawesi, Indonesia
N. Guritno, D. Q. Coffield, R. A. Cook
Study of Oil Migration and Remigration in the Southern Kampar Block, Central Sumatra
Edi B. Setyobudi, Solichin
Successful Application of New Wireline Conveyed Formation Tester in Attaka Field: Abstract
Steve Palar, Cholid Mas, Marwoto, Syahrani, Thomas B.
Successful Techniques and Pitfalls in Utilizing Biostratigraphic Data in Structurally Complex Terrain: VICO Indonesia's Kutei Basin Experience
Adi P. Kadar, David W. Paterson, Hudianto
Tarakan Sub-Basin Growth Faults, North-East Kalimantan: Their Roles in Hydrocarbon Entrapment
Elan Biantoro, M. Indra Kusuma, Lindy F. Rotinsulu
Tectonically-Controlled Transgressive and Regressive Depositional Systems Tracts: An Example from Late Devonian Coastal and Alluvial Facies (Rockfields Member) in a Hinterland-Type Foreland Basin, Broken River Province, Northern Tasman Orogen: Abstract
Simon C. Lang, Christopher R. Fielding, Paul R. Blake, John S. Jell
Terang Sirasun: Indonesia's First Diverless Subsea Production System?
John Brownridge, Daniel Jayson, Rudy Harjoto
Tertiary Paleogeography of the East and South China Seas
Robert C. Shoup
A Tip Screenout Fracturing Pilot in a Shallow Heavy Oil Steamflood
Rizal Djunaidy Nasution, Pristiwanto H. Putra, F. Kent Thurston, Brad Malone
Tugu Barat Mini Integrated Plant for Small Scale Natural Gas Utilization
Satya Adhika Putra, Didi Himarwanto, Brahmana G. M. S.
Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD) – A Cost Effective Method to Reduced Monopod Movement Due to Wave Load
Anggiat M. Sihotang, Rudianto Rimbono
Understanding Multiples to Upgrade Low-Relief Prospects
Sunu H. Praptono, Witan O. Ardjakusumah
The Use of Pseudofunctions in the Up-Scaling of Reservoir Simulation Models
Erie Soedarmo, Wiria Tirtasudira
Use of Sequence Stratigraphy in Carbonate Exploration: Sunda Basin, Java Sea, Indonesia
P. Wicaksono, A. W. R. Wight, W. R. Lodwick, R. E. Netherwood, B. Budiarto, D. Hanggoro
Use of Windowed Seismic Attributes in 3D Seismic Facies Analysis and Pattern Recognition
David C. Carter
Using Sequence Stratigraphic Methods in High-Sediment Supply Deltas: Examples from the Ancient Mahakam and Rajang-Lupar Deltas
John W. Snedden, J. F. (Rick) Sarg, Michael J. Clutson, M. Maas, Tim E. Okon, Michael H. Carter, Barry S. Smith, Thomas H. Kolich, Md. Yazid Mansor
Utilizing Outcrop and Palaentological Data to Determine a Detailed Sequence Stratigraphy of the Early Miocene Sediments of the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan
I. S. Carter, R. J. Morley
Variations in Sour Gas Concentrations in the NSB 'A' Field, Offshore North Sumatra
Christopher M. Reaves
VICO Indonesia Experience in Using Internally Plastic Coated Tubing for Wells in CO2 Gas Environment
Popi A. Nafis, Kusmaryanto Dewanto