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AAPG Bulletin
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Structural Geology of Stewart Peak Culmination, Idaho-Wyoming Thrust Belt
David R. Lageson
The Ubiquitous Overbid
R. E. Megill, R. B. Wightman
Geologic Field Number and Size Assessments of Oil and Gas Plays
R. A. Baker, H. M. Gehman, W. R. James, D. A. White
Stratigraphic and Lithofacies Computer Modeling in Three Dimensions: ABSTRACT
Claude G. Abry
Bottom Boundary Layer Flow Profiling System: ABSTRACT
Charles E. Adams, Jr., R. D. Fredericks
Geochemical Characterization of Rocky Mountain, Northern Great Plains, and Interior Province Coals: ABSTRACT
Ronald H. Affolter, Joseph R. Hatch
Porosity Evolution of Pennsylvanian Morrow Formation in Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Zuhair Al-Shaieb
Importance of People in Resource Assessment: ABSTRACT
Roger G. Alexander, Jr.
Lower Cretaceous Viking Barrier Island, Southwestern Alberta, Canada: ABSTRACT
Levi C. Amajor
Lignite Occurrence in Relation to Depositional Facies, Eocene Wilcox Group, Sabine Uplift Area, East Texas--Regional and Local Comparative Studies: ABSTRACT
M. L. Ambrose, M. L. W. Jackson, W. R. Kaiser, D. J. Fly
Regional Distribution of Wave- and Fluvial-Dominated Deltaic Deposits of Olmos Formation (Upper Cretaceous) in Maverick Basin, Southwest Texas: ABSTRACT
William Ambrose, Noel Tyler
Relationships of Bexar Shale, Hensel Sandstone, and Hensel Dolomite (Basal Upper Trinity, Comanchean Cretaceous) in South-Central Texas: ABSTRACT
David L. Amsbury
Grain Size Vertical Progressions as an Exploration Tool: ABSTRACT
John B. Anderson, Robyn Wright, Elizabeth Watkins
A Model for Evolution of Small Pull-Apart Basins: ABSTRACT
Jean A. Andrews, Walter C. Pitman, III
Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Biostratigraphic Mapping--Two Case Studies: Bass Basin, Australia, and North Soldado, Trinidad: ABSTRACT
Felix R. Aquing
Distribution of Organic Richness in Time and Space: ABSTRACT
John M. Armentrout
Oblique-Slip Sedimentation and Deformation in Nonacho Basin (Early Proterozoic), Northwest Territories, Canada: ABSTRACT
Lawrence B. Aspler, J. A. Donaldson
Dakota Sandstone Facies, Western Oklahoma Panhandle: ABSTRACT
Erkan Atalik, Charles F. Mansfield
Role of Stepovers in Strike-Slip Tectonics: ABSTRACT
Atilla Aydin, Amos Nur
Lithofacies Control of Lignite Distribution and Ground-Water Quality, Wilcox Group (Eocene), East-Central Texas: ABSTRACT
W. B. Ayers, Jr., Amy H. Lewis
High-Potential Geothermal Energy Resource Areas of Nigeria and Their Geologic and Geophysical Assessment: ABSTRACT
Olufemi Oladapo Babalola
Printer-Posted Maps from a Well-Data File: ABSTRACT
D. J. Bailey
Geologic Field Number and Size Assessments of Oil and Gas Plays: ABSTRACT
R. A. Baker, H. M. Gehman, W. R. James, D. A. White
Production Graphics and Forecast and Evaluation Systems: ABSTRACT
Richard B. Banks
Geophysical Exploration in Brazilian Continental Margin: History and State of the Art: ABSTRACT
Jose Coutinho Barbosa, Joarez F. Tessis, Andre L. Romanelli Rosa
Thermal Stabilization of Kerogen Maturation Over a Finite Reaction Duration: ABSTRACT
Charles E. Barker
Distribution of Oil and Gas on Active Continental Margins: ABSTRACT
Colin Barker, Spyro Tsoutsouras
Seabed Morphology of George V Continental Shelf, Antarctica: ABSTRACT
Peter W. Barnes
Trapper Canyon Tar Sand Deposit Revisited: ABSTRACT
Steven S. Barrell
Macroborings and Epizoans on Late Cretaceous Rudists from West Coast Active-Margin Environments: ABSTRACT
Michael Bass
Dolomitization Stages in a Regressive Sequence of Hunton Group, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Geoffrey B. Beardall, Jr., Zuhair Al-Shaieb
North Blowhorn Creek Oil Field--A Stratigraphic Trap in Black Warrior Basin of Alabama: ABSTRACT
Bennett L. Bearden, Ernest A. Mancini, Philip R. Reeves
Climate Control of Cretaceous Coal Distribution: ABSTRACT
Dale C. Beeson
Mega Cross-Bedding in Pyroclastic Flow Deposits: A Product of High Energy, High Aggradation Deposition on Steep Slopes: ABSTRACT
David L. Beeson, Stephen Self, John G. McPherson
Are There Petroleum Resources in Antarctica?: ABSTRACT
John C. Behrendt
Future of Personal Computer as an Interactive Geological Graphics Work Station: ABSTRACT
Lyndon H. Bell, John L. Stout
Porosity/Depth Relations in Smackover Formation, Southwest Alabama: ABSTRACT
D. Joe Benson, B. L. Bearden, E. A. Mancini
Inner Margin of Baltimore Canyon Trough: Future Exploration Play: ABSTRACT
Richard N. Benson, Robert G. Doyle
Petrographic, Geochemical, and Paleohydrologic Evidence of Nature of Petroleum Migration in Illinois Basin: ABSTRACT
Craig M. Bethke, J. D. Pruitt, Mary H. Barrows
Experimental Compaction of Ooids under Deep-Burial Diagenetic Temperatures and Pressures: ABSTRACT
Ajit Bhattacharyya, Gerald M. Friedman
Reef to Back-Reef Microfacies and Diagenesis of Permian (Guadalupian) Tansill-Capitan Transition, Dark Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Barbara Biggers
Influence of Various Fold Mechanisms on Fold Geometry in Growth Faulted Areas: ABSTRACT
Lee Billingsley
Stress Release, Joints, and Instability on Submarine Slopes: ABSTRACT
James S. Booth, James M. Robb
Sedimentary Processes Along Sagavanirktok River, Eastern North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Jon C. Boothroyd, Barry S. Timson
Petrography and Diagenesis of Upper Smackover Formation (Oxfordian), Atlanta and Pine Tree Fields, Southwestern Arkansas: ABSTRACT
Thomas C. Boronow
Characteristics of Mississippi Fan Sediments, DSDP Leg 96: ABSTRACT
A. H. Bouma, J. M. Coleman
Lithologic Characteristics of Mississippi Fan: ABSTRACT
A. H. Bouma, J. M. Coleman
A. H. Bouma, C. E. Stelting, N. E. Barnes
Seismic Stratigraphy of Western Colombian Basin, Caribbean Sea: ABSTRACT
Christopher Bowland
Sedimentologic and Stratigraphic Framework of Some Modern Crevasse Splay Sands: ABSTRACT
Kevin W. Bowles, Thomas F. Moslow
Experimental Hydrothermal Dedolomitization: ABSTRACT
Julie S. Brauer, Paul A. Baker
Diagenetic Evolution of a Silurian Limestone Reef: Geochemical Documentation of Mixed-Water Dolomitization: ABSTRACT
Kathy A. Breining, Kyger C. Lohmann
A Community Model for Coalbed Methane Utilization: ABSTRACT
C. Everett Brett, J. Read Holland, Dan Thompson
Tide-Dominated Delta Model for Coal-Bearing Wilcox Strata in South Texas: ABSTRACT
John A. Breyer
Depositional Environments, Conodont Biostratigraphy, and Porosity Diagenesis of Montoya Group (Upper Ordovician), Sacramento Mountains, South-Central Mexico: ABSTRACT
David Lee Brimberry
Depositional Environments and Oil Shale Genesis in Eocene Green River Formation: Retrospect and Prospect: ABSTRACT
H. Paul Buchheim
Diagenetic Carbonate Concretions from Late Cretaceous Active Margin Slope Deposits, Southern California--Origin and Use in Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction: ABSTRACT
Steven P. Buck, David J. Bottjer
Paleoenvironmental Analysis of Late Cretaceous Active Margin Continental Slope Deposits, Southern California: ABSTRACT
Steven P. Buck, David J. Bottjer
Dedolomitization in Tectonic Veins and Stylolites: Evidence for Rapid Fluid Migration During Deformation: ABSTRACT
Joyce M. Budai
Basin and Range-Age Reactivation of the Ancestral Rocky Mountains in Texas Panhandle: Evidence from Ogallala Formation: ABSTRACT
Roy T. Budnik
Oil and Gas Fields of Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Margaret R. Burchfield
ISIS--Gulf's Interactive Interpretation System: ABSTRACT
J. H. Caldwell, P. S. Valuikas, R. M. Platek, R. R. Casavant
The Exploration Decision: How Much Skill? How Much Luck?: ABSTRACT
Ed Capen
Holocene Dolomitization of Supratidal Sediments by Active Tidal Pumping, Sugarloaf Key, Florida: ABSTRACT
Jose D. Carballo, Lynton S. Land
Morphologies of Gypsum on a Modern Sabkha: Clues to Depositional Conditions: ABSTRACT
Barbara Castens-Seidell
Anatomy of a Modern Marine Sabkha in a Rift Valley Setting, Northwest Gulf of California, Baja California, Mexico: ABSTRACT
Barbara Castens-Seidell, Lawrence A. Hardie
Strike-Slip-Influenced Sedimentation in Norfolk Basin, Southeastern Massachusetts: ABSTRACT
Edward C. Cazier
Preliminary Study of Palynomorphs and Other Plant Fossils from Mississippian Clastic Sediments, Antler Basin, Nevada and Utah: ABSTRACT
Alan K. Chamberlain, Gerald L. Waanders
Eocene Wave-Dominated Deltaic Sedimentation, Oregon Coast Range: ABSTRACT
Marjorie A. Chan, R. H. Dott, Jr.
Developing an Oil Generation Model for Resource Assessment of Bakken Formation, Williston Basin: ABSTRACT
Ronald R. Charpentier, Katherine B. Krystinik
Assessment of Role of Metamorphic Remobilization in Genesis of Uranium Ores from Ralston Buttes Area, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Subir K. Chatterjee, John C. Fountain
Paleoenvironments of Late Albian Stage (Early Cretaceous) of Eastern Trans-Pecos, Texas: ABSTRACT
Thomas L. Cheatham
Evaluation of Coalbed Methane Resource in Western United States: ABSTRACT
Raoul Choate
Three-Dimensional Plane Pass Filtering as a Regridding and Interpolation Technique: ABSTRACT
Steve Chilcoat, Chen Yu Wang
Microcomputer Stratigraphic Applications: ABSTRACT
Russ Choyce
Evolution of a Carbonate-Siliciclastic Platform: Middle to Upper Cambrian of Western Newfoundland: ABSTRACT
N. Chow, N. P. James
Strike-Slip Deformation, Basin Formation, and Sedimentation: A Summary: ABSTRACT
Nicholas Christie-Blick, K. T. Biddle
Synthetic Stratigraphy of Epicontinental Seas: A Carbonate Sedimentation Model and its Applications in Sea Level Studies: ABSTRACT
John L. Cisne, Raymond F. Gildner
Seismic Stratigraphy on a Micro Budget: ABSTRACT
Thomas M. Clark
Organic Geochemistry of Pennsylvanian-Permian Oils and Black Shales, Northern Denver Basin: ABSTRACT
Jerry L. Clayton, J. David King
Oil and Gas Economic Analysis with VisiCalc: ABSTRACT
Mark A. Clement
Culmination Collapse in Fanjah Saddle, Oman: ABSTRACT
Dana Q. Coffield
Environment of Deposition of an Eocene Lignite-Bearing Sedimentary Sequence in Northeast Rusk County, Texas: ABSTRACT
W. F. Cole, D. G. Kersey, C. C. Mathewson
Stratigraphy, Depositional Rates, and Other DSDP Leg 96 Conclusions: Mississippi Fan: ABSTRACT
J. M. Coleman, A. H. Bouma
Framework of Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
J. M. Coleman, A. H. Bouma, C. E. Stelting, D. B. Prior
Variety of Geologic Silhouette Shapes Distinguishable by Multiple Rotations Method of Quantitative Shape Analysis Text: ABSTRACT
D. G. Collins, J. M. Parks
Depositional Setting and History of an Eocene Lacustrine Deposit, Brewster County, West Texas: ABSTRACT
Bart D. Collinsworth
Experimental Determination of Smectite Hydration States Under Diagenetic Conditions: ABSTRACT
Virginia A. Colten
Algal Origin of Peloids, Peloidal Intraclasts, and Structure Grumeleuse in Paleozoic Limestones: Evidence from Cow Head Group, Western Newfoundland: ABSTRACT
M. Coniglio, N. P. James
Diagenesis of Upper Cretaceous Teapot Sandstone, Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Steven P. Conner, Thomas T. Tieh
Porosity Distribution in Wolfcamp Strata, Palo Duro Basin, Texas Panhandle: Implications for Deep-Basin Ground-Water Flow: ABSTRACT
R. D. Conti, P. Wirojanagud
Geophysical and Geologic Studies of Ross Sea Continental Margin, Antarctica: ABSTRACT
Allen K. Cooper
Implementation of Graphical Layout Editor for Geologic Applications: ABSTRACT
Daniel H. Cooper, R. J. Heil
Shear and Compressional-Wave Surface and Downhole Tests in Southern Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Corbin, David W. Bell, Stephen H. Danbom
Improved Data Distribution at Kentucky Geological Survey Through Computer Usage: ABSTRACT
Steven Cordiviola
Channel Migration in Upper Indus Fan in Relation to Geologic History of Region: ABSTRACT
F. Coumes, V. Kolla
Biostratigraphic Restudy Documents Triassic/Jurassic Section in Georges Bank COST G-2 Well: ABSTRACT
Harold L. Cousminer, William E. Steinkraus, Raymond E. Hall
Transitions in a Fluvial System--Abo Formation, Southeastern Nacimiento Mountains, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Jeff P. Crabaugh, John G. McPherson
Geology of Point Arguello Discovery: ABSTRACT
William Crain, William Mero, Colin Wilkenson
Microcomputers in Exploration--Perspective and Forecast: ABSTRACT
David C. Crane
Seismic Reflection Profiles from Offshore Central California: Evidence for Post-Miocene Imbricate Thrust Faulting: ABSTRACT
James K. Crouch, Steve Bachman
Regional Post-Late Miocene Thrust Faulting in Offshore Central California--Implications for Wrench-Style Tectonics: ABSTRACT
James K. Crouch, Steve Bachman
Upward-Shoaling Origin of an Eastern Gulf Coast Barrier Island: ABSTRACT
Douglas E. Crowe, Richard A. Davis, Jr.
Depositional History of Smackover Carbonates in Manila Embayment of South Alabama: ABSTRACT
Alan E. Cunningham, D. Joe Benson
Shelf Morphodynamics of Drowned Barriers on Louisiana Shelf: ABSTRACT
Robert F. Cuomo, Bruce M. Kofron, Dag Nummedal
Possible Mantle Convection-Current Sink Under United States Cordillera: ABSTRACT
William H. Curry, III
Habitat of Hydrocarbons in Hackberry (Oligocene, Middle Frio), Texas and Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Doris M. Curtis, Dorothy J. Echols
Palynology, Oil Shale Genesis, and Depositional Environments of Fossil Butte Member, Green River Formation: ABSTRACT
R. Cushman, H. P. Buchheim, L. Fisk
Hibernia Field Delineation Using Three-Dimensional Seismic Techniques: ABSTRACT
C. T. Dale, D. Peters
Generic Comparison of Oil Shale and Tar Sand: ABSTRACT
George F. Dana
Geology and Petroleum Habitat for Brazilian East Atlantic Margin Basins: ABSTRACT
M. V. Dauzacker, H. Schaller, A. C. M. Castro, Jr., M. Marroquim
Seismic Stratigraphic Modeling with Western Canadian Examples: ABSTRACT
G. R. Davidson, R. E. Newman
Determination of Productivity, Wilcox-Frio Sands, South Texas: ABSTRACT
David K. Davies, Robert B. Truman, Richard K. Vessell
Rapid Sedimentation in Low-Energy, Microtidal Estuary: ABSTRACT
Richard A. Davis, Jr., David L. Schrader
Devonian Gas Shales and Related Tight Reservoir Rocks of Appalachian Basin: ABSTRACT
Wallace De Witt, Jr.
Regional Source Rock Mapping Using Source Potential Rating Index: ABSTRACT
Harry Dembicki, Jr., Fredric L. Pirkle
Thrust Faults that Violate Classic Thrust Belt Rules: Marathon Basin, Texas: ABSTRACT
William D. Demis
Expected Paleozoic Stratigraphy Beneath Western Part of Metamorphic Overthrust in Southern Appalachians: ABSTRACT
John M. Dennison
Jurassic-Cretaceous Nonmarine Foreland Basin Sedimentation in Western United States: ABSTRACT
A. S. Derman, B. H. Wilkinson, J. A. Dorr, Jr.
Evidence for Post-Cementation Migration of High-Temperature, High-Pressure Fluids--Siluro-Devonian Helderberg Group, Central Appalachians: ABSTRACT
S. L. Dorobek
Paradox of Great Thicknesses of Carbonate Turbidites--Some Synergistic Observations from French Western Pyrenees and Upper West Florida Continental Slope: ABSTRACT
Larry J. Doyle, Robert Bourrouilh
Shallow Structure and Carbonate Sedimentation of West Florida Upper Continental Slope: ABSTRACT
Larry J. Doyle, Charles W. Holmes
Basement Faults and Cover Tectonics in Southernmost Appalachians: ABSTRACT
J. A. Drahovzal, S. P. Hertig, W. A. Thomas
Thermal History of Otway Basin, Australia--Case Study of Fission-Track Analysis in Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT
I. R. Duddy, A. J. W. Gleadow, J. F. Lovering
Methods for Evaluating Occurrence and Origin of Radionuclide Concentrations in Texas Lignites: ABSTRACT
Timothy Jay Duduit
Paleohydraulic Analysis of Hummocky Cross-Stratified Sands Indicates Equivalence with Wave-Formed Flat Bed: Pleistocene Lake Bonneville Deposits, Northern Utah: ABSTRACT
William L. Duke
Abandoned Oil Fields of Texas Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Shirley P. Dutton
Crustal Structure of South Florida Bank Derived from Ocean Bottom Seismometer Refraction Profiles: ABSTRACT
Joseph O. Ebeniro, William P. O'Brien, Jr., Subir K. Chatterjee
Ammonite Zonation in Condensed Zone, Middle Ozan Formation (Taylor Group, Upper Cretaceous) in Northeast Texas: ABSTRACT
Joan Echols
Subsurface Geological Data on a Microcomputer: ABSTRACT
Marc B. Edwards
Strong Transfer Function Links Thin-Section Data to Reservoir Physics: ABSTRACT
Robert Ehrlich
Pericollisional Strike-Slip Basins in Western Cordillera, Canada: ABSTRACT
G. H. Eisbacher
Offshore Investigations on Wilkes Land-Victoria Land Margin, Antarctica: ABSTRACT
Stephen L. Eittreim
Pull-Apart Basins Along Blanco Transform: ABSTRACT
Robert W. Embley, A. Malahoff, R. Ganse
California Blueschists and the Tectonostratigraphic Terrane Concept: ABSTRACT
W. G. Ernst
Rifting, Drifting, and Crustal Accretion in Taiwan: ABSTRACT
W. G. Ernst, C. S. Ho, J. G. Liou
Late Paleozoic Structural Evolution of Permian Basin: ABSTRACT
Thomas E. Ewing
Potiguar Basin: Geologic Model and Habitat of Oil of a Brazilian Equatorial Basin: ABSTRACT
F. U. H. Falkenhein, R. M. Barros, I. G. Da Costa, C. Cainelli
New Method in X-Ray Quantitative Mineralogical Determination of Sedimentary Rocks: ABSTRACT
J. H. Fang, Levy Zevin
Sedimentation in a Transgressed Interdistributary Bay on Mississippi-Lafourche Delta Lobe: ABSTRACT
Kathleen M. Farrell, Dag Nummedal, Sudhir B. Basumallick
Seismic Stratigraphic Interpretation of Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Mary H. Feeley, Richard T. Buffler, William R. Bryant
Appraisal of Coal Resources from Uranium Drill-Hole Logs, Southern San Juan Basin, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Sandra C. Feldman
Log-Derived Evaluation of Shaly Sandstone Reservoirs: ABSTRACT
Walter H. Fertl
Depositional Systems and Productive Characteristics of Major Low-Permeability Gas Sandstones in Texas: ABSTRACT
R. J. Finley, S. J. Seni, Noel Tyler, Z. S. Lin
Zuloaga Formation (Upper Jurassic) Shoal Complex, Sierra de Enfrente, Coahuila, Northeast Mexico: ABSTRACT
Jane B. Finneran
Paleoenvironments of Middle Member of Quitman Formation, Hudspeth County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Steven A. Flint, D. M. Rohr
Morphology and Growth Pattern of Amazon Deep-Sea Fan: A Computer-Processed GLORIA Side-Scan Sonar Mosaic: ABSTRACT
Roger D. Flood, John E. Damuth
Upper Fort Union Coals in Western Powder River Basin, Wyoming: Alluvial-Plain Deposits: ABSTRACT
R. M. Flores, J. K. Hardie, J. M. Coss, J. N. Weaver, B. S. Van Gosen
Geothermal Resources of Balcones-Ouachita Trend, Central Texas: ABSTRACT
Duncan Foley, Jon Zeisloft, Charles M. Woodruff
Selection Parameters and Subsurface Explorations for Oil Mining Projects: ABSTRACT
Russell C. Fontaine, Tracy J. Lyman
Late Pleistocene Ice-Proximal Glaciomarine Subaerial Delta and Submarine Outwash Fan Lithofacies, Fraser Lowland, British Columbia, Canada: ABSTRACT
Katharine J. Fox
Relationships Among Carbon Dioxide, Pore-Fluid Chemistry, and Secondary Porosity, Texas Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Stephen G. Franks, Richard W. Forester
Complete Dehydration of Illite/Smectite in Gulf Coast Overpressured Shales: ABSTRACT
R. L. Freed, D. R. Peacor
U. S. Geological Survey Oil and Gas Atlas of the United States: ABSTRACT
Sherwood F. Frezon, Katharine L. Varnes
Reservoir Facies Architecture in a Micro-Tidal Barrier System, Frio Formation, Texas Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
W. E. Galloway
Potassium-40/Argon-40 Age Determinations on Low-Potassium Glauconites Near Missing Cretaceous-Tertiary Transition at Littig Pit, Travis County, Texas: ABSTRACT
L. M. Gammill, J. A. S. Adams, R. E. Casey
Relationship of Morphologic Variation and Environment in Recent Bolivina (Foraminiferida) from Northwestern Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Anthony C. Gary, Nancy Healy-Williams
SAMPLE--Seismic Amplitude Measurement for Primary Lithology Estimation: ABSTRACT
Gary S. Gassaway, H. J. Richgels
Landsat Maps of Iraq: Tools for Non-Invasive Exploration: ABSTRACT
Susan L. Gawarecki, Stephen K. Perry
A Shallow Water Eocene Turbidite Sequence From Venezuelan Andes: ABSTRACT
Santosh Kumar Ghosh
Pteridinium: An Element of Late Precambrian Ediacaran Fauna from Carolina Slate Belt, Southern Appalachian Orogen: ABSTRACT
Gail G. Gibson
Multiple Depositional Cycles in Bashi and Hatchetigbee Formations (Lower Eocene), Alabama: ABSTRACT
Thomas G. Gibson, Laurel M. Bybell
Hydrocarbon Entrapment in Alberta Deep Basin: ABSTRACT
Robert M. Gies
Dipmeter Advisor--An Artificial Intelligence Interpretation Program: ABSTRACT
J. A. Gilreath, R. L. Langley, P. Pruchnik
Coral Content of Quaternary Reef Limestones: ABSTRACT
Robert N. Ginsburg, Dong Ryong Choi
Paleogene Sedimentation and Deformation Along Svalbard's Sheared Margin: ABSTRACT
J. Gjolberg, K. Kleinspehn, A. Nottvedt, M. Rye-Larsen, Ron Steel
Interactive Geologic Modeling: ABSTRACT
J. D. Glaeser, Stephen A. Krajewski, Ron Budros
Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironments of Eastover Formation (Late Miocene), Virginia: ABSTRACT
Joann H. Goshorn
Heat Flow as an Indicator of Regional Ground-Water Migration in Great Plains: ABSTRACT
W. Gosnold
Three-Dimensional Seismic Monitoring of Enhanced Oil Recovery Project: ABSTRACT
R. J. Greaves, T. J. Fulp, P. L. Head
Depositional Environment and Reservoir Characteristics of an Upper Devonian Sandstone in the Appalachian Basin, Cherryhill Field, Indiana County, West-Central Pennsylvania: ABSTRACT
Jeffery C. Greenawalt
Gulf Coast Geopressured Geothermal Resources: The Hard Facts: ABSTRACT
C. Groat
Geological Constraints on Models for the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous (Wealdian) Longrono-Soria Strike-Slip Basin (Northwest Spain): ABSTRACT
Michel Guiraud, Michel Seguret
Deposition, Diagenesis, and Porosity Relationships in the Glorieta Formation, Keystone (Holt) Field, Winkler County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Richard C. Haack, A. D. Jacka
Hydrocarbon Maturation in Laramide Basins--Constraints from Evolution of Northern Big Horn Basin, Wyoming and Montana: ABSTRACT
E. Sven Hagen, Kevin P. Furlong, Ronald C. Surdam
Energy in the Reindustrialization of America: ABSTRACT
Michel T. Halbouty
Normalizing Exploration Functions for Powder River, Denver, and Midland Basins: ABSTRACT
Susan E. Halfman
Fast Reservoir Calculations Using Seismic Data and Well Logs: ABSTRACT
Gary Hamill
Fracturing and Brecciation Along the Max Meadows Thrust, Southwestern Virginia: ABSTRACT
William C. Haneberg
Determining Pore-Water Salinities from SP Response: A Thermodynamic Reevaluation: ABSTRACT
Jeffrey S. Hanor
Western Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope Geology, Hazards, and Processes Atlas: ABSTRACT
N. S. Hardin
Structural Styles and Plate-Tectonic Settings of Divergent (Transtensional) Wrench Faults: ABSTRACT
T. P. Harding, R. C. Vierbuchen, Nicholas Christie-Blick
A Microcomputer Geologic Well Data Management System: ABSTRACT
Joe W. Harris
Location of Gilmer Shelf Margin, Upper Jurassic, East Texas Basin: ABSTRACT
Gill M. Harwood, Kathy A. McGillis
Rudists as Historians--Smoky Hill Chalk Member (Upper Cretaceous), Kansas: ABSTRACT
Donald E. Hattin
Interpretation of Hydrocarbon Shows Using Light (C1-C5) Hydrocarbons: ABSTRACT
J. Haworth, M. Sellens, A. Whittaker
Fluid-Bearing Capacity of Strandline Sand Deposits--Implication for Hydrocarbon Exploration: ABSTRACT
Miles O. Hayes, Walter J. Sexton, Katharine W. Sippel
Morphostratigraphy of Foraminifera Via Automated Image Analysis: ABSTRACT
N. Healy-Williams, L. Robbins, R. Ehrlich
Isotopic Provenance of Sandstones from the Displaced Tyee Formation, Oregon Coast Range: ABSTRACT
Paul Heller, Z. E. Peterman, J. R. O'Neil, M. Shafiqullah
Geothermal Energy Resources in Trans-Pecos Texas--Characteristics and Potential for Development: ABSTRACT
Christopher D. Henry
Contour Mapping Using A Microcomputer--Techniques for Improvement: ABSTRACT
Mark A. Herkommer
Facies and Paleogeography of Middle Silurian Bisher and Lilley Formations, Adams County, Ohio: ABSTRACT
Donna M. Herring
Diagenetic Effects of Salt Intrusions--An Alternate Model of Caprock Development: ABSTRACT
Charles W. Holmes
A New Method of Estimating Risk-Adjusted Reserve and Economic Potential of Exploratory Prospects: ABSTRACT
Michael Holmes
Morphological and Morphometric Characterization of Microborings Caused by Heterotrophic Endoliths: ABSTRACT
James E. Hook, Stjepko Golubic
Channel-Fill Deposits Formed by Aggradation in Deeply Scoured, Superimposed Distributaries of Lower Kootenai Formation: ABSTRACT
John C. Hopkins
Carbonate Sediment Produced by Rock-Boring Urchin, Echinometra lucunter, and Infauna, Black Rock, Little Bahama Bank: ABSTRACT
Charles M. Hoskin, John K. Reed
Estimation of Oil and Gas Resources in Frontier Basins from Field-Size Distributions in Analogous Explored Basins: ABSTRACT
John C. Houghton, Lawrence J. Drew
Intergranular Pressure Solution and Porosity Evolution in Quartzose Sandstones: ABSTRACT
David W. Houseknecht
Textures Formed During Shallow Water Halite Deposition--An Example from Permian of Palo Duro Basin, Texas: ABSTRACT
Susan D. Hovorka
Sedimentologic and Tectonic Factors Controlling Growth and Dimensions of Submarine Fans: ABSTRACT
David G. Howell
Coal from the Swash Zone--Herrin (No. 11) Coal in Western Kentucky: ABSTRACT
James C. Hower, Gary L. Neuder, Anne M. Graese, Eric J. Trinkle
Accretionary Styles in Shelf-Edge Reefs, St. Croix, Virgin Islands: ABSTRACT
Dennis K. Hubbard, R. Burke, I. Gill
Seismic Stratigraphy of Winedale Prospect: Updip Wilcox Trend, Onshore Texas Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Allen Huckabay
Upper Cretaceous Tempestites in Mancos and Mesaverde Formations--A Model for Shallow-Shelf Sandstone Reservoirs: ABSTRACT
P. M. Hudelson, R. L. Brenner, D. J. P. Swift
Seasonal Growth Rates and Carbonate Production in Halimeda opuntia at Marquesas Keys, Florida: ABSTRACT
J. Harold Hudson
Late Atokan Brachiopod Biostratigraphy, Bird Spring Group, Arrow Canyon, Clark County, Nevada: ABSTRACT
Bryan G. Huff, Ralph L. Langenheim
Diagenesis of Burbank Sandstone, North Burbank Field, Osage County, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
W. R. Hufford, Thomas T. Tieh
Review of Electrical Methods in a Multidisciplinary Exploration Program: ABSTRACT
Larry J. Hughes, Norman R. Carlson
Depositional Environments of Devonian Cairn Formation, Rocky Mountain Foothills, Alberta, Canada: ABSTRACT
Ian G. Hunter, Graeme R. Bloy, Sidney R. Leggett
Geology of Oscar Range (Devonian) Reef Complex, Canning Basin, Western Australia: ABSTRACT
Neil F. Hurley
Early to Middle Pennsylvanian Changes in Paleoslope and Sediment Source Terranes in Northwest Illinois: ABSTRACT
John L. Isbell, Ross D. Powell, Hsin Yi Ling
A Sedimentologic Model for a Microtidal Flood-Tidal Delta--San Luis Pass, Texas: ABSTRACT
Alan M. Israel, Frank G. Ethridge, Ernest L. Estes
Intracrystalline Porosity--A Newly Discovered Pore Type in Dolostone Reservoirs and Implications for Dedolomitization and Pseudospiculites: ABSTRACT
Alonzo D. Jacka
Emplacement of Nonevaporitic Sulfates in McKnight Formation, Maverick Basin, and Associated Complex Diagenesis: ABSTRACT
Alonzo D. Jacka
Calcification of Encrusting Aragonitic Algae: Implications for Origin of Late Paleozoic Reefs and Cements: ABSTRACT
Noel P. James, John L. Wray, Robert N. Ginsburg
Textural and Compositional Controls on Silica Diagenesis--A Case Study from Nugget Sandstone, Washakie Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
W. C. James
Maturation of Organic Matter in Paleocene-Eocene Wilcox Group, South Texas: Relationship to Clay Diagenesis and Sandstone Cementation: ABSTRACT
Peter D. Jenden, I. R. Kaplan
Depositional Environments, Reservoir Trends, and Diagenesis of Red Fork Sandstones in Parts of Blaine, Caddo, and Custer Counties, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Christopher L. Johnson
East Painter Reservoir 3-D Survey, Overthrust Belt, Wyoming--Case History: ABSTRACT
Donald G. Johnson
Origin of Chiwaukum Graben, Chelan County, Washington: ABSTRACT
Peter Eric Johnson
Thermal Maturity of Organic Matter in Green River Formation, Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Ronald Johnson, V. F. Nuccio
Eocene Strike-Slip Faulting and Basin Formation in Washington: ABSTRACT
Samuel Y. Johnson, Gregory T. Fraser, James W. Roberts, Stephen B. Taylor
Petrologic and Chemical Characteristics of Deep-Subsurface Wilcox (Eocene) Lignites from East and East-Central Texas: ABSTRACT
C. M. Jones, S. J. Tewalt
Reservoir Characterization of Mesaverde (Campanian) Bedload Fluvial Meanderbelt Sandstones, Northwestern Colorado: ABSTRACT
Jon R. Jones, Jr.
Hydrocarbons, Blind Thrusts, and Upper Detachments: ABSTRACT
Peter B. Jones
Maturity Parameters of Woodford Shale, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Peter J. Jones
Comparison of Carbonate and Shale Source Rocks: ABSTRACT
R. W. Jones
Regional Hydrogeochemical Exploration for Sandstone Uranium Deposits in South Texas--The Solution-Mineral Equilibria Approach: ABSTRACT
Dawn S. Kaback
Organic Petrology of Selected Oil Shale Samples from Lower Carboniferous Albert Formation, New Brunswick, Canada: ABSTRACT
Wolfgang Kalkreuth, George Macauley
Interpretation of Nonlinear Vitrinite Reflectance Profiles: ABSTRACT
B. J. Katz, R. N. Pheifer, D. J. Schunk
Overview of the Central North American Basins and Their Relation to Deep Crustal Structure: ABSTRACT
G. R. Keller, Rodger E. Denison
Scheck Breccias from Devonian Reef Complexes of Canning Basin, Western Australia: ABSTRACT
Charles Kerans, Phillip E. Playford
Late Quaternary Geology of Louisiana-Mississippi Continental Shelf and Upper Slope: ABSTRACT
Jack L. Kindinger
Biostratigraphy of Echinoid Spines, Cretaceous of Texas: ABSTRACT
P. L. Kirkland
Role of Depositional-Depth and Source-Terrain Uplift Rates on Sedimentation Patterns in Back-Arc Basins of Western Pacific: ABSTRACT
George Devries Klein
Deltaic Sedimentation in Nacatoch Formation (Late Cretaceous), Northeast Texas: ABSTRACT
Michael T. Knight, John G. McPherson, Donald F. Reaser
Washover Fan and Terrace Dynamics--A Stormy Year on Assateague Island, Virginia and Maryland: ABSTRACT
R. Craig Kochel, Jacob H. Kahn
Morphology, Internal Structure, and Sedimentation in Indus Fan as Revealed by Seismic Investigations and Piston Core Studies: ABSTRACT
V. Kolla, F. Coumes, A. Lowrie
Sedimentology of Paleochannels on Foreland Coastal Plain, Judith River Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Southeast Alberta: ABSTRACT
Emlyn H. Koster
Mississippi Delta Peats--Their Relationship to Deltaic Lignites and Coals: ABSTRACT
Elisabeth C. Kosters, Alan Bailey
Sigmoidal Bundles and Other Tidal Features, Curtis Formation (Jurassic), Utah: ABSTRACT
R. D. Kreisa, R. J. Moiola
Regional Gravity and Tectonic Study of the Ouachita System: ABSTRACT
J. M. Kruger, G. R. Keller
Ostracodes as Indicators of Low-Energy Versus High-Energy Marine Carbonates, Northeastern Yucatan Shelf, Mexico: ABSTRACT
Paul R. Krutak, Raul Gio-Argaez
Charting Exploration Strategy in a Mature Producing Area, Northwest Shelf of Delaware Basin, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Naresh Kumar
Replacement Costs of Domestic Crude Oil: ABSTRACT
Vello A. Kuuskraa, Frank Morra, Jr.
Petrography, Diagenesis, and Depositional Setting of Glenn (Bartlesville) Sandstone, Berryhill Unit, Glenn Pool, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Michael D. Kuykendall
Integrated Geology and Geophysics: ABSTRACT
T. R. Lafehr
Evidence for Vertical Movement of Diagenetic Fluids, Texas Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Lynton S. Land
Effects of Diagenesis on Porosity Development, Tuscaloosa Sandstone, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Richard E. Larese, Edward D. Pittman, Milton T. Heald
Geologic Characteristics of Low-Permeability Gas Reservoirs in Greater Green River Basin of Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah: ABSTRACT
Ben E. Law
Evolution of Fluvial Style--Lower Devonian Battery Point Formation, Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec, Canada: ABSTRACT
David A. Lawrence, Brian P. J. Williams
Uranium Occurrence in Major Rock Types by Fission-Track Mapping: ABSTRACT
E. G. Ledger, B. J. Bomber, W. E. Schaftenaar, T. T. Tieh
Mid-Continent Rift System--A Frontier Hydrocarbon Province: ABSTRACT
Carol Kindle Lee, S. Duff Kerr, Jr.
Estimation of Oil Potential of Beaverhill Lake Group, Alberta: ABSTRACT
P. J. Lee
Deep Wilcox Structure and Stratigraphy in Fandango Field Area, Zapata County, Texas: ABSTRACT
David M. Levin
Are Our Oil and Gas Resource Assessments Realistic?: ABSTRACT
Christopher J. Lewis
Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis of Uranium Phases in Primary Ores, Eocene and Miocene of South Texas: ABSTRACT
Long-Cheng Liang, Jonathan G. Price, Patricia Bobeck
Sedimentary Sequence of Offshore Southeastern United States: Preliminary Study Based on Exploration Wells: ABSTRACT
Jan Libby-French
Diagenetic Capping of Carbonate Reservoir Facies: ABSTRACT
Robin G. Lighty
Contrasts Between Ordovician and Mississippian Carbonate Depositional Styles in Williston Basin: ABSTRACT
Jerry A. Lineback, Mark S. Roth, Mary L. Davidson
Walker Lake, Nevada: Sedimentation in an Active, Strike-Slip Related Basin: ABSTRACT
Martin H. Link, Michael T. Roberts
Tectonic Evolution of Sevier-Laramide Foreland Structures from Latest Jurassic Through the Eocene: ABSTRACT
R. F. Livaccari, S. B. Keith
Dedolomitization, Dolomitization, and Chertification in Fort Payne Formation: Relative Timing and Mechanism: ABSTRACT
David N. Lumsden
A Microcomputer-Based Borehole Engineering System: ABSTRACT
John D. MacPherson, Jeff Bralley
Estimation of Sediment Compaction Profiles Using Combination of Real-Time Drilling Response Modeling and Direct Porosity Measurements: ABSTRACT
John D. MacPherson, E. Nigh, Alun Whittaker
Carbon Isotope Composition of an Upper Triassic Evaporite Section in Israel: Evidence for Meteoric Water Influx: ABSTRACT
Mordeckai Magaritz, Yehezkeel Druckman
Upper Jurassic Norphlet Formation--New Frontier for Hydrocarbon Prospecting in the Central and Eastern Gulf of Mexico Regions: ABSTRACT
Ernest A. Mancini, Robert M. Mink, Bennett L. Bearden
Paleocene Lignite Deposits of Southwest Alabama: ABSTRACT
Ernest A. Mancini
Rotating Parallel Faults--"Book Shelf" Mechanism: ABSTRACT
G. Mandl
Late Mississippian Lime Mud Mounds, Pitkin Formation, Northern Arkansas: ABSTRACT
Walter L. Manger, Victoria Pinkley, Gregory E. Webb
Cenozoic Basin Development in Hispaniola: ABSTRACT
Paul Mann, Kevin Burke
Comparison of Basin Types in Active and Ancient Strike-Slip Zones: ABSTRACT
Paul Mann, Dwight Bradley
Dead Sea Rift: Impact of Tectonics and Climate on Patterns of Sedimentation: ABSTRACT
Warren Manspeizer
Computer Modeling of Minnelusa (Pennsylvanian-Permian) Paleotopography in Eastern Powder River Basin, Wyoming, with a Case History: ABSTRACT
R. Mark Maslyn, F. Jay Phillips
United States Assessment Procedures and World Energy Resources Program: ABSTRACT
Charles D. Masters
Geology and Petroleum Potential of Hanna Basin, Carbon County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Roger M. Matson
Petroleum Potential of Serpentine Plugs and Associated Rocks, Central and South Texas: ABSTRACT
Truitt Matthews
Provenance and Diagenesis of Ivishak Sandstone, Northern Alaska: ABSTRACT
James M. Mazzullo, Gary K. Burch
Compaction in Sandstones--Influence on Reservoir Quality: ABSTRACT
Earle F. McBride
Influence of Strike-Slip Movement on Terrestrial Sedimentation in Upper Carboniferous of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick: ABSTRACT
Peter J. McCabe
Cenozoic Epeirogenic Uplift of Palo Duro Basin, Texas, and Its Influence on Structure, Salt Dissolution, and Topography: ABSTRACT
Douglas A. McGookey
Role of Submarine Canyons in the United States Atlantic Continental Slope and Upper Continental Rise Development: ABSTRACT
B. A. McGregor
Interpretive Seismic Modeling in Anadarko Basin: ABSTRACT
James Patrick McMahon
Exploration--The Past is the Key to the Future: ABSTRACT
Robert E. Megill
Geology of Petroleum in Campos Basin, Brazil: ABSTRACT
Egon Manfred Meister
Sedimentary Petrology and Depositional Environment of Sandstones of Scow Bay, Indian and Marrowstone Islands, Northwestern Washington: ABSTRACT
Leslie A. Melim
Hydrocarbon Source Potential in Brazilian Margin Basins: ABSTRACT
Marcio Rocha Mello, Guilherme de O. Estrella, Paulo Cesar Gaglianone
Mapping Dikes from Thematic Mapper Imagery: Raton Basin: ABSTRACT
I. S. Merin, J. R. Everett
Computer Modeling and Graphic Representation of Development of Secondary Porosity and Cements in Reservoirs Rocks: ABSTRACT
Enrique Merino, Craig H. Moore, Peter Ortoleva, Jeff Johnson, Jim Hettmer
Use of Conodont Genus Gondolella in High-Resolution Biostratigraphic Zonation of Middle-Upper Pennsylvanian Rocks, Central North America: ABSTRACT
Glen K. Merrill, Peter H. Von Bitter
Environmental Significance of Pisoliths, Mississippian Madison Formation of the Williston Basin, Bottineau, Renville, and McHenry Counties, North Dakota: ABSTRACT
P. K. Mescher, J. C. Pol
Regional Facies Distribution and Tectonic Evolution of Appalachian and Ouachita Thrust Belts: ABSTRACT
William J. Metzger, Aderbal C. Correa
Resources of Small Oil and Gas Fields: ABSTRACT
Richard F. Meyer
Sedimentation and Tectonics of Diffuse Plate Boundary: Canadian Arctic Islands from 80 Ma to Present: ABSTRACT
Andrew D. Miall
Sedimentation on an Early Proterozoic Continental Margin: Gowganda Formation (Huronian), Elliot Lake Area, Ontario, Canada: ABSTRACT
Andrew D. Miall
Physical Stratigraphy and Facies Analysis, Lower Cretaceous, Maverick Basin and Devils River Trend, Uvalde and Real Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT
Bruce C. Miller
Landsat 4 Thematic Mapper Imagery: Improved Tool for Geologic Mapping in Eastern Overthrust: ABSTRACT
Jack E. Miller
United States Geothermal Energy Overview--Current Status: ABSTRACT
Leland L. Mink, David McClain
Facies Analysis of Upper Jackfork Formation (Pennsylvanian), DeGray Dam, Arkansas: ABSTRACT
R. J. Moiola, G. Shanmugam
Petroleum Resources in Powder River Basin: ABSTRACT
James A. Momper
Devonian and Mississippian Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments in Big Hatchet Mountains of Southwestern New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Darrell Moore
Results of Separation of Antarctica and Australia During Late Cretaceous: ABSTRACT
George W. Moore
Sedimentology and Reservoir Characteristics of Tight Gas Sandstones, Frontier Formation, Southwestern Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Thomas F. Moslow, R. W. Tillman
Geology and Major Oil Plays, Coastal Margin Basins, Brazil: ABSTRACT
Raul Mosmann, William L. Fisher
Diagenetic Relationships and Hydrocarbon Resource Implications, Nanushuk Group and Torok/Topagoruk Formation, National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Thomas C. Mowatt
Late Cenozoic Pull-Apart Graben Development, Big Bend Region, Texas: ABSTRACT
W. R. Muehlberger, A. R. Moustafa
Magnetotelluric Sounding Method as Applied in Ouachita Thrust Belt, Central Texas: A Case History: ABSTRACT
Gery Muncey, Bill Ehni, Mark Katterjohn, Betty Harclerode-Moore, Dave Halpin
Control of Accretion Processes on Tiran Strait Sill by Evaporation-Driven Current Dynamics: ABSTRACT
Stephen P. Murray, Harry H. Roberts
In-Situ Rock/Water Geochemistry of Holocene Marine Radial Ooid Environment, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia: ABSTRACT
Douglas G. Neese, John D. Pigott
Stratigraphy of Transgressive Barrier Island Arc: ABSTRACT
Kevin J. Neese
Estimating Reserve Growth: Opportunities and Challenges for Petroleum Resource Assessment: ABSTRACT
Richard Nehring
Practical Consideration in Using Velocity, Frequency, and Phase in Stratigraphic Seismic Exploration: ABSTRACT
Norman S. Neidell
Fan-Deltaic and Marine Siliclastic Facies of Laborcita Formation, Northern Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Robert H. Nelson
Reexploration in Reconcavo Basin, Brazil: ABSTRACT
A. S. T. Netto
Uranium Distribution and Sandstone Depositional Environments--Oligocene and Upper Cretaceous Sediments, Cheyenne Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Kenneth A. Nibbelink, Frank G. Ethridge
Turbidite Facies and Facies Associations of Cretaceous and Paleocene Gottero Sandstone, Northern Italy: ABSTRACT
Tor H. Nilsen, Ernesto Abbate
Comparison of Tectonic Framework and Depositional Patterns of Hornelen Strike-Slip Basin in Norway and Ridge and Little Sulphur Creek Strike-Slip Basins of California: ABSTRACT
Tor H. Nilsen, Robert J. McLaughlin
Retardation of Vitrinite Reflectance in Green River Oil Shales, Piceance Creek Basin, Northwestern Colorado: ABSTRACT
V. F. Nuccio, R. C. Johnson
In-Place Barrier Drowning on Louisiana Continental Shelf: ABSTRACT
Dag Nummedal, Robert F. Cuomo, Bruce M. Kofron
Carbonate Pore Systems: Porosity/Permeability Relationships and Geologic Analysis: ABSTRACT
Roy D. Nurmi
Economics of Natural Gas Resources and Supply: ABSTRACT
Richard P. O'Neill, Phil Shambaugh, John Wood
Interpretation of Underpressuring Using Pressure-Depth Profiles, Palo Duro Basin, Texas: ABSTRACT
E. D. Orr, C. W. Kreitler
A Microcomputer Log Analysis System: ABSTRACT
Charles Ostrander
Surface and Subsurface Structural Analysis of a Part of Washita Valley Fault Zone, Southern Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Deanna L. Palladino
Depositional Control of Diagenesis in Tight Gas Sands, Corcoran and Cozzette Sandstone Members of Price River Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Book Cliffs of Western Colorado: ABSTRACT
Beth A. Palmer, Anthony W. Walton
Depositional Systems of Lower Tuscaloosa Formation (Cretaceous), North-Central Gulf Coast Basin: ABSTRACT
John A. Parker
Exploration Potential and Variations in Shelf Plume Sandstones, Navarro Group (Maestrichtian), East-Central Texas: ABSTRACT
Joseph E. Patterson, Jr., Alan J. Scott
Sand Shoal Development on Muddy Mississippi River Delta Shelf: ABSTRACT
Shea Penland, John R. Suter, Thomas F. Moslow
Cross Structures and Cover Response in Gulf of Suez Tilt Blocks: ABSTRACT
Stephen K. Perry, Susan L. Gawarecki
Presentation of New Tectonic Map (and Accompanying Sections) of Trinidad and Tobago: ABSTRACT
Krishna Mohan Persad
A Computerized Paleontological Work Station: ABSTRACT
F. Jay Phillips
New Ulm Field: An Example of Cretaceous Shelf-Slope Instability in East Texas: ABSTRACT
Edwin Pinero
Barium Partitioning in Carbonates: Theory and Applications: ABSTRACT
Nicholas E. Pingitore, Jr., Michael P. Eastman
Depositional Environments and Invasion Profiling in Heavy Oil Sands, Eastern Venezuela: A Case Study: ABSTRACT
Gordon Pirie, Robert Everett
Platform-Margin and Marginal Slope Relationships and Sedimentation in Devonian Reef Complexes of Canning Basin, Western Australia: ABSTRACT
Phillip E. Playford, Charles Kerans, Neil F. Hurley
Neptunian Dikes and Sills in Devonian Reef Complexes of Canning Basin, Western Australia: ABSTRACT
Phillip E. Playford, Charles Kerans, Neil F. Hurley
Uncertain Future of Natural Gas Production in U.S. Lower 48 States: ABSTRACT
Steven E. Plotkin
Timing of Saddle Dolomite in Tuscaloosa Formation, Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Scott Pluim
Sedimentation of an Upper Pennsylvanian Phylloid Algal Mound Complex, Hueco Mountains, El Paso County, Texas: ABSTRACT
James C. Pol
Nature of Fort Chadbourne Fault System and its Relation to Petroleum Potential of Wilberns Formation (Upper Cambrian) of West-Central Texas: ABSTRACT
Stephen E. Poorman
Petrographic and Trace Element Analysis of Nonreef Silurian Carbonates, Northern Lower Michigan: ABSTRACT
Eric Porcher, William B. Harrison, III
Reservoir Volume and Production Decline Programs for the IBM-PC: ABSTRACT
Livingston Porter, Jr.
Neogene Paleogeography of Western Snake River Plain, Idaho and Oregon: ABSTRACT
M. L. Porter, L. T. Middleton
Depositional Control on Red Clinton Sandstone Production, Holmes County, Ohio: ABSTRACT
Fred Portofe, Sylvia Cossentino, Warren Norton
An Extended Example of Microcomputer-Aided Interpretation: ABSTRACT
James A. Powell
Order and Randomness in Sedimentary Sequences: ABSTRACT
Dennis W. Powers
Should a Microcomputer Be Used to Make a Geologic Contour Map?: ABSTRACT
Eldon N. Powers
Application of Computer-Processed Well Log Data for Geologic Evaluation of Green River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Stephen E. Prensky, Warren W. Dickinson
Selected Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene Reservoirs in Hanna Basin, Carbon County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Ronald W. Pritchett
Types of Tight Gas Reservoirs, San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado: ABSTRACT
Ralph U. Pugmire
Cenozoic Diapiric Traps in Eastern China: ABSTRACT
Fei Qi, Wang Xie-Pei, Zhang Jia-Hua
Probability Distribution of United States Oil and Gas Discoveries for Various Levels of Exploratory Drilling Density: ABSTRACT
L. A. Rapoport, G. C. Grender
Oil and Gas Production from Submarine Fans of Los Angeles Basin: ABSTRACT
Tom Redin
Controls of Shallow Gas Accumulations in Low-Permeability Reservoirs of Northern Great Plains: ABSTRACT
Dudley D. Rice
Ferruginization and Phosphatization of Foraminifera in Pleistocene/Holocene Sands on Mid-Atlantic Continental Shelf: ABSTRACT
Stanley R. Riggs, Scott W. Snyder, Richard K. Spruill
Coal Beds--Source Rock and Reservoir: ABSTRACT
C. T. Rightmire
Provenance and Depositional Environments of Middle Eocene Canoe Formation, Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Catherine A. Rigsby
Size Distributions of World's Largest Known Oil and Tar Accumulations: ABSTRACT
Roy Roadifer
Sedimentology of Mudflow Deposits in Mississippi River Delta-Front Environment: ABSTRACT
Harry H. Roberts
A New Holocene Sea Level Curve for Upper Florida Keys and Florida Reef Tract: ABSTRACT
Daniel M. Robbin
Bright Spot Validation Using Comparative P-Wave and S-Wave Seismic Sections: ABSTRACT
James D. Robertson, William C. Pritchett
Exploration Consequences of Divergent Strike-Slip Motion on Mexia Fault Zone of Central Texas: ABSTRACT
Donald A. Rodgers
Cyclicity Concept in a Deltaic to Shallow-Marine Environment of Deposition Concerning an Oil-Sand Setting: ABSTRACT
Argenis Rodriguez
Flexural Modeling of Devonian Catskill Delta in Eastern United States and Formation of Taghanic Unconformity: ABSTRACT
Francis O. Rollins, Christine A. Powell, John M. Dennison
Future Energy Invulnerability: ABSTRACT
Thomas W. Rollins
Potential Basin-Centered Gas Accumulation--Raton Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Peter R. Rose, J. R. Everett, I. S. Merin
Coal Geology of Salt Lake Coal Field, West-Central New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Gretchen H. Roybal, Frank Campbell
Thin-Skinned Extension of Vienna Basin: ABSTRACT
Leigh Royden
Significance of Botryoidal Aragonite in Early Diagenetic History of Phylloid Algal Mounds in Bug and Papoose Canyon Fields, Southeastern Utah and Southwestern Colorado: ABSTRACT
Michael H. Roylance
Conventional United States Oil and Gas Remaining to be Discovered: ABSTRACT
R. A. Rozendal
Depositional History and Performance of a Bell Canyon Sandstone Reservoir, Ford-Geraldine Field, West Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert W. Ruggiero, Alan J. Scott
Depositional and Diagenetic History of Bodcaw Sand, Cotton Valley Group (Upper Jurassic), Longwood Field, Caddo Parish, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Billy Joe Russell, Jr.
Facies Relationships and Reservoir Potential of Ohio Creek Interval Across Piceance Creek Basin, Northwestern Colorado: ABSTRACT
Anne K. Rutledge, John C. Lorenz
Deep Marine Dolomitization, Enewetak Atoll: ABSTRACT
Arthur H. Saller
Explorationist's Model of a Patch-Reef Trap: ABSTRACT
Richard H. Sams
Structural Evolution of Val Verde Basin, West Texas: ABSTRACT
David E. Sanders, Neil Petersen
Gulf of Mexico Plate Reconstruction by Palinspastic Restoration of Extended Continental Crust: ABSTRACT
Dale S. Sawyer
3-D Seismic Interactive Interpretation of Complex Stratigraphic Environments: An Example From Grayson County, Texas: ABSTRACT
A. C. Schlosser, D. G. Jovanovich, R. C. Jones, J. H. Caldwell
Hydrocarbon Resources of United States Arctic: ABSTRACT
E. Robert Schroeder
Oil Exploration in Nonmarine Rift Basins of Interior Sudan: ABSTRACT
Thomas J. Schull
Effect of Radiation on Particulate Organic Matter Associated with Roll-Front Deposits: ABSTRACT
Karl W. Schwab, Douglas Perry
Paleodrainage-Unconformity Model as Guide to Uranium Deposits: ABSTRACT
David Seeland
Strike-Slip Tectonics, Related Basin Formation, and Sedimentology in Zones of Continental Escape: Turkey as a Case Study: ABSTRACT
A. M. C. Sengor, Naci Gorur
Role of Diagenesis in Formation of Stratigraphic Traps in Aux Vases of Illinois Basin: ABSTRACT
Beverly Seyler
Online Data Base Searching with Microcomputer: ABSTRACT
Katherine N. Shanks, Mary S. Woods
Microcomputer-Assisted Subsurface Mapping: ABSTRACT
Daniel E. Shier
Fire and Limestone: Origin of Black Pebbles: ABSTRACT
Eugene A. Shinn, Daniel M. Robbin, Barbara H. Lidz
Origin and Development of Northern Green River Basin: A Stratigraphic and Flexural Study: ABSTRACT
Mark W. Shuster, James R. Steidtmann
Petroleum Geology and Exploration of Scotts Bluff Trend, Northeastern Denver Basin, Nebraska: ABSTRACT
Matthew R. Silverman
Dolomitization by Thermal Convection in Carbonate Platforms: ABSTRACT
Michael Simms
Bituminous Sandstone Resource Evaluation of PR Spring Deposit, Uintah and Grand Counties, Utah: ABSTRACT
Donna J. Sinks, George F. Dana
Electrochemical Aspects of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs and Surface Seeps: ABSTRACT
Prokopis Sivenas, Frank Beales
Comparison of Predrilling Predictions with Post-Drilling Outcomes, Using Shell's Prospect Appraisal System: ABSTRACT
D. Sluijk, J. R. Parker
Fluid Inclusions in Burlington Limestone (Middle Mississippian)--Evidence for Multiple Dewatering Events from Illinois Basin: ABSTRACT
F. D. Smith, R. J. Reeder, W. J. Meyers
Mechanical Compaction and Porosity Reduction of Miocene Sandstones, South Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Richard L. Smith, Thomas T. Tieh
Porosity Development and Dedolomitization in Bass Islands Dolomite of Kentucky: ABSTRACT
Richard Smosna
Validity of Spontaneous-Potential Curve Shape for Interpretation of Sandstone Depositional Environments: ABSTRACT
John W. Snedden
Relationship of Benthic Foraminiferal Biofacies to Lithofacies in Phosphatic Miocene Sediments, Mid-Atlantic Continental Shelf: ABSTRACT
Scott W. Snyder, Virginia J. Waters, Stanley R. Riggs
Reservoir Properties and Pore Structure of Tight Gas Sands: ABSTRACT
D. J. Soeder
Application of Solids MAS Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to Study of Diagenetic Processes: ABSTRACT
S. E. Sommer, D. E. Woessner
Sorrento Field--Morrow Discovery in Southeast Colorado: ABSTRACT
Stephen A. Sonnenberg
Recent Resource Assessments of Tight Gas Reservoirs: ABSTRACT
Charles W. Spencer
Microcomputers and the Geoscientist: ABSTRACT
Tedd F. Sperling
Chemical Characteristics of Some Major Uranium Deposits in Western USA: ABSTRACT
Charles S. Spirakis, Charles T. Pierson
A Channelized, Sand-Rich, Deep-Sea Fan Deposit, Lower Atoka Formation (Pennsylvanian), Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma and Arkansas: ABSTRACT
A. R. G. Sprague
Using Magnetotellurics in Regional Hydrocarbon Exploration of Parana Basin, Brazil: ABSTRACT
William D. Stanley, Roberto Antonio Saad, Walter Ohofugi
Laramide Sedimentation and Tectonic Development Along Southern Margin of Wind River Range, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
James R. Steidtmann, Larry T. Middleton
Sedimentological Cross Section of Cambro-Ordovician Carbonate Shelf (Knox Group, Conasauga Formation) in Central Alabama: Facies, Diagenesis, Potential Reservoirs: ABSTRACT
Linda Raine Sternbach
Predicting Pore Pressure and Porosity from VSP Data: ABSTRACT
Dale G. Stone
Porosity Type and Distribution in Selected Richfield Oil Fields, Middle Devonian, Central Michigan Basin: ABSTRACT
Kevin Sullivan, William B. Harrison, III
Mineral Oxidants and Porosity Enhancement: ABSTRACT
Ronald C. Surdam, Laura J. Crossey, Rich Lahamn
Nature and Significance of Austin-Taylor Unconformity on Western Margin of East Texas Basin: ABSTRACT
Milton A. Surles, Jr.
Late Quaternary Shelf Margin Deltas, Northwest Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
John R. Suter, Henry L. Berryhill
Geologic Framework of Sand Shoals on Muddy Mississippi Delta Shelf: ABSTRACT
John R. Suter, Shea Penland, Thomas F. Moslow
Some Ostracoda from Rodessa, Pearsall, Sligo, and Upper Hosston Formations (Lower Cretaceous) of Louisiana: ABSTRACT
F. M. Swain
Variations in Mg/Ca as a Control on Distribution of Strontium Concentrations and ^dgr18O in Upper Tertiary Dolomites from Bahamas: ABSTRACT
Peter K. Swart, Jean Michel Dawans
Tectonic Development of Baltimore Canyon Trough: ABSTRACT
B. Ann Swift, C. Wylie Poag, Dale S. Sawyer, John A. Grow
Rifting Mechanism of the Early South Atlantic and Its Control of Oil Reserve Distribution in Brazil: ABSTRACT
Peter Szatmari, Edison J. Milani, Marcos C. Lana, J. C. Conceicao
Politics and Hydrocarbon Resources: ABSTRACT
James C. Tanner
A Model for Fracture Genesis--Application to Mesaverde Group, Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT
L. W. Teufel, N. R. Warpinski, J. C. Lorenz
COGS--Computer Oriented Geological Society: ABSTRACT
James A. Thomson
Eustatic and Structural Control of Submarine-Fan Sedimentation, Conception Fan, Santa Barbara Basin, California: ABSTRACT
Devin R. Thor
Sedimentology and Depositional History of Neogene Gravel Deposits in Lower Tornillo Creek Area of Big Bend National Park, Texas: ABSTRACT
Jeffrey E. Thurwachter
Coal Anisotropism and its Relationship to Methane Concentration in Coal: ABSTRACT
Francis T. C. Ting, P. B. Wang
Precambrian Shield and Basement Tectonics in Sedimentary Basin Analysis: ABSTRACT
Jens F. Touborg
Mine Design Using Column Analysis--A Tool for the Incremental Evaluation of Open-Pit Mining Deposits: ABSTRACT
Lonnie N. Tracy
Oil Shales of Europe, North Africa, and the Near East: ABSTRACT
Uwe Troger
Wrench Fault Tectonics in Northern New Guinea Basin, Papua New Guinea: ABSTRACT
Nancy I. Trumbly, John D. Pigott
Microcomputer Geoscience Software: ABSTRACT
Robert D. Turley
Architecture and Production Characteristics of Strand-Plain Reservoir Facies, Matagorda County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Noel Tyler
Dedolomitization and Calcitization of Gypsum in Mississippian Arroyo Penasco Group, North-Central New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Dana S. Ulmer
South American Sedimentary Basins: ABSTRACT
Carlos M. Urien
Episodic and Cyclic Sedimentation: ABSTRACT
Peter R. Vail
Comparison of Two Holocene Tidal Flats--Andros Island, Bahamas, and Caicos, British West Indies: ABSTRACT
Harold R. Wanless, Jeffrey J. Dravis
Volcanogenic Alluvial Fan Sedimentation, Puye Formation, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Damon B. Waresback, John G. McPherson, Stephen Self
Coorong Dolomites (South Australia) and Models of Ancient Coorong-Style Dolomites: ABSTRACT
John Warren, David Lock, Patti Granger
Variability of Internal Geometry of Duplexes: ABSTRACT
Paul A. Washington
Calcareous Nannofossil Paleobiogeography of the Cretaceous Greenhorn Sea: ABSTRACT
David K. Watkins
Submarine Fans in a Developing Extensional Regime--Their Significance in the North Sea Hydrocarbon Province: ABSTRACT
Michael P. Watson
Computer-Assisted Attribute-Coincidence Mapping (ACM) in the Search for Massive-Sulfide Exploration Targets in Appalachian Devonian Rocks: ABSTRACT
Helmuth Wedow, Gene E. Tolbert, Howard A. Price, Jr.
A View on Oil Shale Development: ABSTRACT
Ben Weichman
Wattenberg Field, Denver Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Weimer, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, Geneviere G. Young
Shallowing-Upward Sequence in a Pleistocene Coral Reef and Associated Facies, San Salvador, Bahamas: ABSTRACT
Brian White, Karen A. Kurkjy, H. Allen Curran, Kimberly A. Besom
Fluvioglacial Sandstone Reservoirs and Deposystem Analysis in Hydrocarbon Exploration of Permian Gidgealpa Group, Southern Cooper Basin, South Australia: ABSTRACT
Elizabeth K. Wild, Brian P. J. Williams
Salt Domes, Anoxic Brines, and Organic-Rich Sediments in Intraslope Basins: ABSTRACT
Douglas F. Williams
High Precision Absolute Age Determinations Within the Plio-Pleistocene in Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Douglas F. Williams, Richard H. Fillon
Interactive Flattening as an Exploration Tool: ABSTRACT
John D. Williams
Depositional and Provenance Controls on Diagenesis of Sandstones Associated with Green River Formation of Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Jonathan D. Williams, Ronald C. Surdam
Lower Cretaceous Deep-Sea Fan Complex Beneath the Lower Continental Rise Off North Carolina: ABSTRACT
Sherwood W. Wise, Jr.
Geothermal Gradients of Texas--A New Look: ABSTRACT
C. M. Woodruff, Jr.
40 Ain't Over the Hill: ABSTRACT
Phillip L. Work
Cyclic Sedimentation Within Point Lookout Formation (Upper Cretaceous)--A Model for Strandline Progradation and Sandstone Distribution: ABSTRACT
Robyn Wright
Relative Depth Position of Fusulinids and Ammonoids in Late Pennsylvanian Regressive Sequences in North Texas: ABSTRACT
Thomas E. Yancey, Noel L. Kennedy
Significant Trends in the Downstream Sector: ABSTRACT
John G. Yeager
Cyclic Sedimentation in Middle and Upper Holder (Upper Pennsylvanian) Formation, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Eric T. Yocum
Future Petroleum Exploration Trends in Arabian Gulf Area: ABSTRACT
Younathan Y. Youash
Improved Recognition of Sedimentary Fabrics using Fluorescence Microscopy--Implications for Interpreting Carbonate Facies and Diagenetic History: ABSTRACT
Donald A. Yurewicz, Jeffrey J. Dravis
Radiometric Dating of Wolfcamp Ground Water Using 4He and 40Ar: ABSTRACT
A. Zaikowski, B. Kosanke, N. Hubbard
Gamma-Ray Spectrometry of Marine Shales in Outcrop--A Tool for Petroleum Exploration and Basin Analysis: ABSTRACT
Frederick B. Zelt
Dolomitization Patterns in Subtidal Bighorn Dolomite (Upper Ordovician), Southeastern Wind River Range, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Donald H. Zenger