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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Tulsa Geological Society
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"Frac" Treatments — The Modern Well Stimulation Method
R. E. Hurst, J. M. Moore, D. E. Ramsey
The "Sooy" Conglomerate of Kansas
Fanny C. Edson
The 100-Year Old California Road Traced Across Oklahoma by Geology
Robert H. Dott
The A.A.P.G. and How It Functions
Robert H. Dott
A.A.P.G. Bulletin — Facts and Fancies: Abstract
A. A. Meyerhoff
Abstract: Relation of Production on the Central Kansas Uplift to Structural and Stratigraphic Traps
Edward A. Koester
Accumulation of Oil & Gas in Bois D'Arc Member of Hunton Group Central Oklahoma
Eugene Culp, Ed Barrett
Activities of the New Mexico Bureau Pertinent to Petroleum Geologists: Abstract
Robert Biberman, Frank Kottlowski
Activity of the Kansas Geological Survey: Abstract
Frank C. Foley
Adjustment Form of Unit Operating Agreement
C. Condon MacKay
Advances in Logging Technology: Abstract
Robert Sarmiento
Airborne Multisensing for Reconnaissance and Production: Abstract
Allen M. Feder
Air Photos in Geology
H. T. U. Smith
Alaska's Potential Oil Resources
Philip S. Smith
The Alcan Highway
W. J. Himes
The American Petroleum Institute's Geological Research Program
Clarence L. Moody
An Analysis of the Refraction Collapse of 1930
Esme Eugene Rosaire
Ancient Beaches in Oil Finding
Warren O. Thompson
Antarctica, Past, Present, and Future
F. Alton Walde
The Apache Field, Caddo County, Okla.
V. C. Scott
The Application of Digital Computers to Exploration Operations: Abstract
James M. Forgotson Jr.
Application of Recent Sediment Studies to the Interpretation of Ancient Deposits: Abstract
Tjeerd H. Van Andel
Application of Stratigraphic Analysis Methods to the Trinity Group
James M. Forgotson Jr.
Applications of the Electric Pilot in Selective Acidizing and Permeability Surveys
H. A. Koch
The Arbuckle of Northwest Arkansas
Joe Marsh Clark
Arbuckle Production and Prospects in Northeastern Oklahoma
Edward Bloesch
Arkoma Basin and Midcontinent Platform
Carl C. Branson
Arkoma Basin Drilling Problems
Geo. J. McLernon Jr.
Artificial Formation Fracturing in Southern Oklahoma and North-Central Texas
Warren L. Sallee, Fred E. Rugg
The Asmussen Oil Field, Butler County, in Southeastern Kansas
Daniel F. Merriam, Edwin D. Goebel
Aspects of Natural Gas Exploration
Henry A. Ley
Asphaltites, Asphaltic-Pyrobitumens and Non-Asphaltic-Pyrobitumens
Roy L. Ginter
The Association of Organic Materials and Minerals in the Sea: Abstract
Richard G. Bader
Athabasca Oil Sand Evaluation Using Geological Data Processing Methods: Abstract
Richard W. Fetzner
The Atlantic Ocean Basin and Its Margins
Maurice Ewing
Australian Oil Possibilities
J. M. Wanenmacher, C. H. Keplinger
Bahamian Facies: Abstract
Edward G. Purdy
The Bartlesville and Burbank Sands in Osage County, Oklahoma, and a Part of Southeastern Kansas: Composition and Physical Characteristics
Constance Leatherock
Basinal Dynamics of the Joaquin Embayment in California: Abstract
Allan P. Bennison
Basin Development, Mountain Building, and the Accretion of Continents: Abstract
Ralph W. Disney
Basis for Locating Wildcats Drilled in 1940
Basis for Red Fork Sandstone Exploration in Northwest Oklahoma: Abstract
Phil C. Withrow
The Basis on Which Our Science Rests
W. V. Howard
Beds of Ellenburger Age in North-Central Texas
A. J. Crowley
Bibliography and Index of Viola, Fernvale, Sylvan and Equivalent Rocks in Oklahoma
Julia H. Triplehorn, Don M. Triplehorn
Bibliography of Natural Gas in Oklahoma
Howard Ross Cramer
Bibliography of the Simpson Group and Equivalents in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas
Howard Ross Cramer
The Billings Field, Noble County, Oklahoma
Norman Wallace
Black Hills Field Trip: Abstract
J. V. Howell
Boone Chert
Albert W. Giles
Bottom-Hole Pressure
Harry F. Wright
Bottom Sediment Charts off the Asiatic Coast
Francis P. Shepard
Buffalo Wallow Field: Abstract
Herschel S. Carver
Buried Pre-Cambrian Hills in Northeastern Barton County, Kansas
Robert F. Walters
The Cambrian of Northern Argentina
Juan Carlos M. Turner
The Cambro-Ordovician Rocks of Northeastern Oklahoma and Adjacent Areas
Mary H. McCracken
The Camiri Field Bolivia
J. M. Wanenmacher
Canadian Rockies Orientation in Time and Space: Abstract
Ernest W. Shaw
Can We Keep Exploration Alive: Abstract
Merrill W. Haas
The Capability of the Offshore Oil Industry and the Marine Environment: Abstract
Burvon B. Tettleton
Carbonate Sediments and Structures of the Campeche Bank, Yucatan: Abstract
Brian W. Logan
Carboniferous Formations and Faunas of Central Montana: Abstract
William H. Easton
Carboniferous Stratigraphy of the Ouachitas with Special Study of the Bendian
Bruce H. Harlton
Career Opportunities in Geology: Abstract
Orlo F. Childs
The Carolina "Bays"
F. A. Melton
Carter-Knox Oil Field, Grady and Stephens Counties, Oklahoma
Harold J. Reedy, Howard A. Sykes
Cenozoic Deposits of Mississippi and Adjacent Areas
Grover E. Murray Jr.
Cenozoic History of the Colorado Plateau: Abstract
Chas. B. Hunt
The Changing Mineral Situation
C. K. Leith
Characteristics of Crude Oil
W. L. Nelson
Characteristics of Mississippian Production in the Northwestern Anadarko Basin
B. W. Beebe
Chaveroo Revisited: Abstract
William H. Dunlap
Chemical Aspects of the Origin of Petroleum
T. S. Oakwood
Cherokee Structural History in Oklahoma
Shepard W. Lowman
Classification and Nomenclature of Late Paleozoic Rocks in North America
Raymond C. Moore
The Classification of Faults
Stuart K. Clark
Classification of Porosity and Fractures in Reservoir Rocks
W. A. Waldschmidt, P. E. Fitzgerald, C. L. Lunsford
Clay Mineralogy in the Discovery and Recovery of Petroleum
R. E. Grim
Clay Minerals from the Viewpoint of the Petroleum Geologist
W. D. Keller
Clays and Associated Substances
James H. Gardner
Clays and Oil Exploration
B. N. Rolfe
Clays and Secondary Recovery
B. N. Rolfe
Colorado Oil Shale—Its Geology and Economic Significance
Tell Ertl
Colored Moving Pictures of Mexico
R. H. Wood
Colored Moving Pictures of Zion, Brice, and Grand Canyons
Louis Roark
Comments on Limestone Porosity
Max Littlefield
Comments on Peru: Abstract
Clark Millison
Common Fallacies in Electric Log Interpretation
R. G. Hamilton
Compaction and Cementation of Sand Under Conditions Simulating Deep Burial
John C. Maxwell
Comparative Geology of the Cincinnati Arch
T. E. Weirich
A Comparison of the Plio-Miocene Sedimentation of the Gulf Coast with the Atokan Sedimentation of the Arkoma Basin: Abstract
Burton J. Scull
Composition of Crude Oil and Its Relation to Stratigraphy in Wyoming: Abstract
John M. Hunt
The Composition of Seismic Reflections: Abstract
J. P. Woods
The Concho Arch
M. G. Cheney
Conjectured Middle Paleozoic History of Central and West Texas: Abstract
James Lee Wilson, O. P. Majewske
The Conley Field, Hardeman County, Texas
John C. Freeman
Conodonts—New Tools for the Stratigrapher
E. B. Branson, M. G. Mehl
Conquest of the Barranca de Cobre: Abstract
Russell J. Ford
Conservation Problems in Northeastern Oklahoma
C. G. Strachan
Continental Framework and Petroleum Exploration
W. W. Mallory
Continental Gravity Maps: Abstract
Paul L. Lyons, George P. Woollard
Continent and Ocean Basin Evolution by Sea Floor Spreading: Abstract
Robert S. Dietz
Continents in the Age of Mammals
George Gaylord Simpson
Continuous Velocity Logging
H. R. Breck, S. W. Schoellhorn, R. B. Baum
Contributions of Photogeology in the Arkoma Basin
Louis Dejardins
Contributions to Local Geology
John G. Bartram
Contributions to Local Geology
H. D. Miser
Control of Water in Pumping Wells
J. J. Zorichak
Conversion Products of Volcanic Ash
A. L. Burwell
Core Analysis
Howard C. Pyle, John E. Sherborne
Correlations and Mountain-Making Movements in the Ouachita Mountains
John Fitts
Country Club Field, Osage County, Oklahoma
L. E. Kennedy, L. B. Peters Jr.
Cowley Problem, Mississippian of Southcentral Kansas: Abstract
Edwin D. Goebel
Creativity Versus Problems in Exploration: Abstract
John M. Crawford
Crinoidal Bioherm in the St. Joe Limestone in Northeastern Oklahoma
C. G. Strachan
Criteria for Petroleum Provinces
A. W. Lauer
Crustal Structure and Its Relation to Continental Drift: Abstract
Clyde G. Strachan
Crustal Structure of Oklahoma: Abstract
Eysteinn Tryggvason, Bob Qualls
The Crust and Mantle of the Earth: Abstract
Paul L. Lyons
Cunningham Field, Kingman and Pratt Counties, Kansas
Richard B. Rutledge
Current Applications of Computers by Exploration Geologists: Abstract
James M. Forgotson
Current Financial and Management Appraisal of the Ohio Cambrian Play: Abstract
John Adams
The Cushing Field, Creek County, Oklahoma
Alan Bennison
The Cushing Oil Field: Abstract
C. H. Riggs
Dams on Our Large Waterways
E. G. Woodruff
Davenport Field, Lincoln County, Oklahoma
Stanley B. White
Depositional Environments and Sandstone Petrology of Triassic Sedimentary Rocks, Western Nova Scotia, Canada: Abstract
George deVries Klein
Depositional Environments of Mississippian Limestones of Oklahoma
Doris M. Curtis, Stephen C. Champlin
The Deposition Environments of the Spiro Sands in the Arkoma Basin: Abstract
Raymond H. Potts
Depth Control of Sedimentation in the Permian Basin
John Emery Adams
Detection of Deep Formation "Damage"
M. Lebourg, A. T. Campbell Jr., E. J. Witterholt
Development Data
Devonian and Mississippian Paleogeography of Northeastern Arizona
John W. Huddle
Devonian Stratigraphy in Kansas; A Progress Report
Paul L. Hilpman
The Devonian System of New Mexico
Arthur L. Bowsher
Diagenesis in Cenozoic Limestones of Florida
Alfred G. Fischer
Diastrophism and the Evolution of Sedimentary Rocks
Paul D. Krynine
Discovery Trends in the Rocky Mountains, January 1, 1950 to January 1, 1953
Alex W. McCoy III, R. L. Sielaff
Discussion of Data Indicating Processes of Vertical Migration
C. V. Millikan
Discussion of the Accumulation and Migration of Oil: Classification of Various Forms of Oil Migration
Edward Bloesch
Discussion of Upper Cretaceous Surface Structure and It's Interpretation in Western Kansas
O. E. Stoner
Distribution of Cretaceous Sands in Southeastern Alberta, Canada
C. G. Strachan
Distribution of Simpson Production, Central Mid-Continent Region
Martin W. Schramm Jr.
Does Mother Earth Show Her Age?
A. C. Lane
Dolomites: Their Stratigraphic and Structural Significance: Abstract
John F. Harris
Dolomitization: Abstract
W. J. Burgess
Drilling Operations, Wasatch Plateau, Central Utah
G. H. Laughbaum
Drilling Time Data in Rotary Practice
T. C. Hiestand, P. B. Nichols
Drilling with Gas: Abstract
O. J. Lilly
The Early Paleozoic Stratigraphy of Arbuckle and Wichita Mountains
Charles E. Decker
The Earth's Changing Climates: Abstract
Erling Dorf
Economics — The New Dimension in Geological Thinking: Abstract
Michel T. Halbouty
Edwards Core Study, Texas
Dan E. Feray
The Effect of Decrease in Porosity with Depth on Oil and Gas Reserves in Sandstone Reservoirs: Abstract
Gordon I. Atwater
The Effects of Variation of Wind Direction and Velocity in Oklahoma Sand Dunes: Abstract
Harriet G. Barclay
Electrical Logging While Drilling
David G. Hawthorn
Electron Microscopy of Carbonate Muds and Carbonate Rocks: Abstract
Robert L. Folk
Ellenburger (Lower Ordovician) Sponge Beds of Central Texas
Donald Francis Toomey
The Ellenburger Group of North Central Texas
H. H. Bradfield
Environment of Oil and Gas: Abstract
Erich M. Schlaikjer
The Essence of the Seismic Reflection Method: Abstract
Robert Kendall
Europe's Second Renaissance: Abstract
P. C. Lauringer
Evaluation of Permeability from Resistivity Gradient on Electric Logs
M. P. Tixier
Evaluation of Subsurface Pressures Obtained from Drill Stem Testing: Abstract
C. C. Olson
Evidence Indicating the Limits of Triassic in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas
Robert Roth
Evidence of Eustatic Shifts in Sea Level in the Pennsylvanian of the Southwestern United States
Harold R. Wanless
Evidence of Oil and Gas Migration, Crescent Pool
W. B. Wilson
Evidence of Oil Migration in Ordovician Time, Lucien Field
Robert M. Whiteside
Evolution of Geologic Thought in Prospecting for Oil and Natural Gas
Paul H. Price
The Evolution of Petroleum: Abstract
Umberto Colombo
Exploitation of Geologic, Lithologic, Reservoir and Drilling Data to Improve Electric Log Interpretations
R. G. Hamilton
Exploration Achievements of 1958 and Their Impact on the Future
Frank J. Gardner
Exploration for Uranium
J. A. S. Adams
Exploration in the North Sea: Abstract
T. F. Gaskell
Exploration Policies in Kansas, 1928-1948
Edward A. Koester
Exploration Targets on the Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin
Frank B. Conselman
Exploration Thinking Behind an Offshore Play
Sheridan A. Thompson
Exploration Today and Tomorrow
Frank J. Gardner
Exploration Trends
Paul L. Lyons
Exploratory Bottlenecks
Ira H. Cram
Extent of the Carboniferous Marine Ingression in the Precordillera of San Juan-La Rioja (Argentina)
Guillermo Furque
The F. M. Logging System
Walton J. Greer
Facies Changes in Pennsylvania Rocks Along the North Flank of the Wichita Mountains: Abstract
Acus R. Edwards
Facies Control of Oil Occurrence
Parke A. Dickey, Richard E. Rohn
Fault Prospects in Horizontally Compressed Areas
Norman S. Morrisey, Jack L. Walper
Edward Bloesch
A Field Trip in Canada
Jack L. Walper
The Fort Cobb Anticline: A Geophysical Case History
Francis F. Campbell
Fracturing in Spraberry Reservoir, West Texas
Walter M. Wilkinson
The Frederick Field, Tillman County, Oklahoma (also called Southeast Frederick)
Tom Herndon
Function of Geology in Park Development—Its Relation to State and Municipal Parks and Reservations
Howard E. Rothrock
Fundamental Concepts and Modern Usage of Rotary Drilling Fluids
E. E. Huebotter
The Future of American Petroleum Geology: Abstract
Frank B. Conselman
Future of Louisiana Offshore Oil Province
Gordon I. Atwater
The Future of Petroleum Geologists in the United States: Abstract
Warren B. Weeks
Future Petroleum Provinces of the Mid-Continent: Abstract
Frank J. Adler
Gageby Creek Field, Wheeler County, Texas
William Coffman
Gageby Creek Gas Field, Anadarko Basin: Abstract
Donald D. Anderson
Garber Contacts
J. C. Ross
Garden Grove Pool, Okfuskee and Lincoln Counties, Oklahoma
Jimmie C. Smith
Gas Occurrences in the Paleozoic Rocks of Western Alberta: Abstract
M. Rollin Prather
General Geology and Oil Possibilities of the Amazonas Basin in Brazil
Luis G. Morales
General Geology of Southern Iowa
L. M. Cline
General Geology of the Uinta Basin
A. N. Murray
The Genesis of the Late Paleozoic Sediments of Southeastern Wyoming
S. H. Knight
Genetic Units in Delta Prospecting: Abstract
Daniel A. Busch
Geochemical Exploration with Some Speculation as to the Genesis of Oil and Gas Accumulation
Eugene McDermott
A Geographer Looks at Oklahoma
R. E. Olson
Geographic and Stratigraphic Implications of a Study of the Henryhouse Trilobite Fauna
K. S. W. Campbell
The Geological Aspects of Mining Underground Caverns for L. P. G. Storage: Abstract
S. E. Scisson
Geological Education
Robert R. Shock
Geological Expedition to the Antarctic: Abstract
Harvey J. Meyer
Geological Exploration in Northwestern China
J. Marvin Weller
Geological Fact Finding vs. Prejudice
Frank A. Morgan
Geological History of Oklahoma's Vegetation: Abstract
L. R. Wilson
Geological Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Surveys: Abstract
James Affleck
Geological Interpretation of Water Analyses
John F. Sage
Geological Mapping of Oklahoma Formations on Aerial Photographs
Louis Desjardins
Geological Notes on the Canol Project
Lowell R. Laudon
Geological Review of Waterflood Prospects
R. D. Faxon
The Geological Significance of Abnormal Pressures in Oil and Gas Wells: Abstract
Parke A. Dickey
Geological Warfare
Carey Croneis
Geologic Antiquity of Man in America
Kirk Bryan
Geologic Crossroads
Carey Croneis
Geologic Development of the Southern Front Range, Colorado
Don B. Gould
Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Atlantic Coast
John C. Maher
The Geologic History of Formation of Salt Deposits
Paul Weaver
The Geologic History of Northern Mexico and Its Bearing on Petroleum Exploration
Lewis B. Kellum
Geologic History of the Gulf Basin: Abstract
Hunter Yarborough
Geologic Notes on Northwest Canada
J. V. Howell
Geologic Phases of Recent Oil Development in Southeastern Nebraska
E. C. Reed
Geologic Responsibility in Seismic Exploration
B. W. Beebe
Geologic Setting for Oil Production, Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas: Abstract
J. K. Morgan
A Geologic Travelog of Morocco and Algeria
Richard Hughes
Geologic Work and Experiences in the Middle East
Frederick G. Clapp
A Geologist Discusses Depletion: Abstract
Thomas C. Hiestand
A Geologist Looks at Pipelines: Abstract
Edmund T. Benson
A Geologist Looks at the Oil Industry
R. E. Rettger
A Geologist Looks at the Oil Industry: Abstract
Robert Rettger
Geologist Reforests Grand Lake Tract: Abstract
Clyde G. Strachan
Geology, Geophysics, and Their Common Ground: Abstract
H. M. Thralls
Geology Adds Profits to Waterflooding: Abstract
H. A. Nelson
Geology and Development of the Tri-State Zinc and Lead Mining District Development of the District
M. D. Harbaugh
The Geology and Discovery of Prudhoe Bay Field, Eastern Arctic Slope, Alaska: Abstract
Dean L. Morgridge
The Geology and Economic Future of the Salt Deposits of Oklahoma: Abstract
Louise Jordan
Geology and Economic Significance of the Lucien Field
Basil B. Zavoico
Geology and Economics of North Sea Basin: Abstract
J. A. Kornfeld
Geology and Geophysics of the Arkoma Basin: Abstract
George L. Robb
Geology and Geophysics of the Eastern Palo Duro (Hollis) Basin, Southwestern Oklahoma: Abstract
William E. Laing
Geology and Geophysics of the Gulf of Mexico
Paul L. Lyons
The Geology and Oil Accumulations of the Eastern Venezuela Basins
K. F. Dallmus
Geology and Oil Accumulations of the Gulf Coastal Plain
Grover E. Murray
Geology and Oil and Gas Prospects of Australia: Abstract
Grover E. Murray
Geology and Oil Development in Alaska: Abstract
J. Ben Carsey
Geology and Oil Development of Grayson County, Texas
H. H. Bradfield
The Geology and Oil Possibilities of the Jurassic of the Rocky Mountain Area
John G. Bartram
Geology and Oil Prospects of the Canadian Artic Islands: Abstract
J. C. Sproule
Geology and Petroleum Development in Mexico
Eduardo J. Guzman
Geology and Secondary Oil Recovery
Parke A. Dickey
Geology and Upper Paleozoic Stratigraphy in Portions of Northeastern New Mexico
Charles B. Read
Geology Applied to Military Intelligence
Charles B. Hunt
The Geology at Spavinaw
Clyde G. Strachan
Geology Faces the Mid-Century
David M. Delo
Geology in the National Parks
Earl A. Trager
Geology in War and Peace
Carey Croneis
The Geology of a Part of the Drainage Basins on Spavinaw, Salina and Spring Creeks, Northeastern Oklahoma
Clayton E. Gore Jr.
The Geology of a Portion of the Lawrence Uplift, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma
James C. Barker
Geology of Central Kansas Uplift
Edward A. Koester
Geology of China
Ray L. Six
The Geology of Cotton County, Oklahoma
James Durwood Pate
Geology of East Pauls Valley Pool, Garvin County, Oklahoma
V. L. Frost, H. L. Crockett
Geology of Grand Teton National Park
Rudolph W. Edmund
Geology of Manning Reservoir, Ringwood Pool, Major County, Oklahoma
Joseph A. Kornfeld
Geology of North Buffalo Oil and Gas Field, Harper County, Oklahoma: Abstract
Joseph Alton Kornfeld
Geology of Our National Parks
Earl A. Trager
The Geology of Shelder Field, Dimwitt County, Texas: Abstract
Thos. D. Barber
Geology of Southwestern United States
Lowell R. Laudon
The Geology of the Amazon Basin of Brazil and Case History of Exploration, 1954-60: Abstract
Walter K. Link
The Geology of the Aquitaine Basin, France: Abstract
Joseph Alton Kornfeld
Geology of the Arbuckle Limestone in the Arbuckle Anticline
William E. Ham
Geology of the Arctic Islands: Abstract
John Woncik
Geology of the Colorado Basin
J. P. H. Kaasschieter
Geology of the Coral Islands
H. B. Renfro
Geology of the Forest City Basin
H. S. McQueen
The Geology of the Grand Canyon Province
D. W. Ohern
Geology of the Hull-Silk Oil Field, Archer County, Texas
E. I. Thompson
Geology of the Kinta Gas Field: Abstract
John Woncik
Geology of the Late-Paleozoic Horseshoe Atoll, West Texas
Donald A. Myers
The Geology of the Marmaton Group of Northeastern Nowata and Northwestern Craig Counties, Oklahoma
Cassius M. Cade III
The Geology of the Marmaton Group of Southern Nowata County, Oklahoma
James Robert Faucette
Geology of the Mississippi Valley Region
H. N. Fisk
The Geology of the Northwest Sulphur Pool, Murray County, Oklahoma
R. P. Swirczynski
The Geology of the Osage Country
R. P. Clinton
Geology of the Ouachita Mountains: Abstract
Lewis M. Cline
The Geology of the Potato Hills, Pushmataha and Latimer Counties, Oklahoma
B. W. Miller
The Geology of the Region of the Gulf of St. Lawrence
W. H. Twenhofel
Geology of the Rift Valleys of Eastern Africa
C. T. Jones
Geology of the Schuler Oil Field, Union County, Arkansas
Warren B. Weeks
Geology of the South Burbank Pool
E. O. Markham, L. C. Lamar
The Geology of the South Polar Region
C. G. Morgan
Geology of the Southwest Antioch Field, Oklahoma
R. M. Swesnick
Geology of the Strang Area, Mayes County, Oklahoma
I. D. Simpson Jr.
Geology of the Tri-State District
George M. Fowler
The Geology of the Wauhillau Area, Cherokee and Adair Counties, Oklahoma
Norman Bruce Degraffenreid
Geology of the White River Uplift in Northwestern Colorado
N. Wood Bass
Geology of the Yonkers Area, Wagoner and Cherokee Counties, Oklahoma
H. Marvin Douglass
Geology of Washington and Oregon and Its Relation to the Possible Occurrence of Oil and Gas
Charles E. Weaver
The Geology of Water and Its Importance to Our Industrial Civilization: Abstract
George B. Maxey
Geology — Science or Profession?: Abstract
Ben H. Parker
A Geophysical-Geological Study of the Owasso Dome, Tulsa County, Oklahoma
V. L. Jones
Geophysical Background of Arkoma Basin Tectonics
Paul L. Lyons
Geophysical History of the Golden Trend of Oklahoma
John R. Hill
Geophysical Investigations of Continental Borders
Maurice Ewing
Geophysics and Stratigraphic Problems: Abstract
G. H. Westby
Geophysics and the Exploration Team: Abstract
John A. Taylor
Geopolitics and Oil Development in the Middle East
H. Andrew Ireland
Geoscience Research in the Oceans: Abstract
John M. Hunt
Geosynclines in Continental Development
Marshall Kay
Geothermal Energy Exploration: Abstract
Merrill J. Reynolds
Geothermal Resources: AAPG Distinguished Lecture: Abstract
James R. McNitt
The Gilsonite Deposits of the Uinta Basin, Utah
A. N. Murray
Glimpses of Our Southwestern National Monuments
N. N. Dodge
Granite and Limestone Velocity Determination in Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma
R. L. Harding
Graphical Method for Calculating Dip and Strike from Continuous Dipmeters
B. Osborne Prescott
Gravimetric Exploration for Reefs and Fracture Zones in the Michigan Basin: Abstract
Richard A. Pohly
Gravity and Magnetics for Geologists and Seismologists: Abstract
L. L. Nettleton
Gravity Interpretation of Major Crustal Properties: Abstract
Paul L. Lyons
A Gravity Map of the United States
Paul L. Lyons
Guard Electrode
H. K. McArthur
Habitat of Some Oil
G. M. Knebel, Guillermo Rodriguez-Eraso
Hilight Oil Field, Campbell County, Wyoming: Abstract
Tom Sprinkle
History, Geography and Geology of the Bermuda Islands
A. R. Denison
History of Natural Gas in Oklahoma
Terry Koontz
History of Petroleum Development of Mississippian Oil and Gas
Rick P. Clinton
History of the Petroleum Industry
Paul Hedrick
How to Evaluate Exploration Prospects: Abstract
Ben F. Rummerfield, Norman S. Morrisey
How to Organize a Strat Trap Search Program: Abstract
Roger M. Matson
How to Select Correct Logging Method
C. K. Ruddick
The Hugoton Gas Field, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas
L. C. Morgan
Hunton Oil and Gas Fields, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Panhandle Texas
Howard S. Kunsman
Hydraulic Fracturing Methods of Well Stimulation
J. C. McCormick
Hydrodynamics — A Practical Exploration Tool
Jack W. Knight
An Hypothesis of Diastrophism
R. C. Tuttle
Identification of Geological Formations by Growing Vegetation
A. N. Murray
The Igneous Geology of Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona
Harold E. Enlows
Igneous Geology of the Wichita Mountains
Jack L. Walper
Harold E. Enlows
Implications of Paleogeologic Maps of North America: Abstract
A. I. Levorsen
The Importance of the Structural Interpretation of Seismic Data
R. A. Weingartner
Indigenous Pleistocene Production in Offshore Louisiana: Abstract
Donald I. Andrews
Indigenous Precambrian Petroleum?: Abstract
Grover E. Murray
The Influence of Bacterial Activity on Petroleum Deposits and Products
Claud E. Zobell
Insoluble Residue Study and Correlation of the Arbuckle Group in Southern Oklahoma
Hubert Dale Winland
Interim Report on the Use of Steam to Increase Oil Recovery: Abstract
C. H. Keplinger
Interpretation of Electrical Well Logs in the Mid-Continent Area
Clyde E. Davis
The Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies
E. V. McCollum
The Interpretation of Structure in the Exploration for Oil and Gas
Clyde G. Strachan
Interpretative Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks
Gordon Rittenhouse
Jurassic Formations of the Gulf Region
Ralph W. Imlay
The Kelsey Dome—Upshur County, Texas
A. R. Denison
Keystone Field, Winkler County, Texas
Karl A. Mygdal
Kinta Gas Field, Haskell County, Oklahoma
John Woncik
Late Paleozoic History of Northeastern Nevada
Robert H. Dott Jr.
The Laterolog
R. D. Ford
Laverne Gas Area—Four Story Stratigraphic Trap, Beaver and Harper Counties, Oklahoma
J. Durwood Pate
Laverne Gas Field — Four Story Stratigraphic Trap: Abstract
J. Durwood Pate
Life in Old Mexico
Carroll H. Wegemann
Limestone Facies and Stratigraphic Traps: Abstract
Ralph W. Edie
Limitations of Methods of Drilling and Testing Wildcat Wells: Abstract
Parke A. Dickey
Location of Water Flows and Gas-Oil Contacts
W. B. Steward, B. L. Delleney
Logging and Interpetation Technique in the Arkoma Basin
B. F. Irvin
A Look at the Oil Possibilities of Cuba
Dollie Radler Hall
Looking Forward in Petroleum Geology
H. T. Morley
Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy of Oklahoma East of the Meridian and North of the Arbuckle Mountains
Shepard W. Lowman
The Lower Mississippian in the Mississippi Valley
E. B. Branson
Lower Permain Reef Bioherms of West Texas Basin
Joseph A. Kornfield
Lower Permian and Pennsylvanian Correlations in North Central Oklahoma
L. H. Lukert
Magnetometer Results and Silicious Residues in Missouri
H. A. Buehler, H. S. McQueen
Major Controlling Factors in the Accumulation of Oil and Gas in the Anadarko Basin: Abstract
Donald C. Swanson
Major Divisions of Permian in Oklahoma and Southern Kansas
Darsie A. Green
The Making and Use of Topographic Maps
Kent K. Kimball
Map of Arbuckle Pools of Oklahoma
Ralph Akin
Map of Arbuckle Pools of Osage County
Ralph Akin
Mapping the Missouri-Virgil Boundary in Northeast Oklahoma
Malcolm C. Oakes
The Maracaibo-Falcon Basin—Venezuela
R. E. McMillen
Mathematically Derived Prospects: Abstract
John P. Dowds
Means of Recognizing Source Beds
Parker D. Trask
Mechanics of Basin Evolution and Its Relation to the Habitat of Oil in the Basin: Abstract
Karl F. Dallmus
Mechanics of Crustal Deformation
Walter H. Bucher
Mesozoic Igneous Activity in the Northern Gulf Coastal Plain: Abstract
A. L. Kidwell
The Mesozoic of Western Oklahoma
J. Willis Stovall
A Method for Determining Formation Dip and Strike in the Drill Hole
H. G. Doll
A Method for Evaluating Drillable Oil and Gas Prospects
D. Allen Mabra Jr.
Method of Measuring Distortion of Primary Stratigraphic Thicknesses Due to Flowage and Folding
Ernst Cloos
Microfossil Zonation of the Mancos Group
Roberto Sarmiento
R. D. Ford
Middle East Oil
John H. Murrell
Middle East Oil — Today and Tomorrow
C. O. Willson
Middle Permian Evaporites in Southwestern Oklahoma: Abstract
William E. Ham
A Midwestern Province: Abstract
Paul Lyons
Migration and Accumulation of Natural Gas: Abstract
Frank B. Counselman
Migration of Oil in Recent Sediments of Pedernales, Venezuela
A. L. Kidwell
The Milroy Field of Stephens and Carter Counties, Oklahoma: Abstract
Fred P. Schweers
Mineral Diversification in the Oil Industry: Abstract
L. C. Raymond
The Mineral Industry in Oklahoma
R. W. Disney, B. O. Andress, P. A. Chenoweth, M. W. Schramm Jr.
Mineralogy and Geology of the Green River Formation of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming: Abstract
Charles Milton
Mineral Resources in Oklahoma Other Than Oil and Gas
Robert H. Dott
Mineral Resources of Oklahoma: Abstract
Charles J. Mankin
Mineral Resources Other Than Oil and Gas in Oklahoma
Charles N. Gould
Mining of the Sea
C. M. Shigley
Mississippian and Lower Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy of Portions of Stonewall and Atoka Quadrangles, Oklahoma
Milton H. Kuhleman
Mississippian Boundaries and Subdivisions in Mid-Continent
Carl C. Branson
Mississippian Production Within the Kansas Portion of the Hugoton Gas Field With Special Emphasis on the Pleasant Prairie and Eubank Pools: Abstract
F. O. Bennett
Mississippian Rocks in Northern Oklahoma
Louise Jordan, T. L. Rowland
Mississippian Rocks of Southwest Kansas
Victor J. Veroda
Mississippian Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Oklahoma Ozark Area
George G. Huffman
Mississippian Stratigraphy of Iowa and Missouri
L. R. Laudon
Mississippi Delta Sedimentation
P. C. Scruton
Modern Carbonate Sediments of South Florida: Abstract
Donald Bears
Modern Evaporite Deposition in Coastal Peru
Robert C. Morris, Parke A. Dickey
Modern Geology Requires Modern Technology: Abstract
Edward L. Dillon
Modern Mapping Methods
Gerald FitzGerald
Modern Methods of Field Sample Testing to Improve Acidizing
P. E. Fitzgerald
Modern Sedimentation and the Search for Petroleum
W. C. Krumbein
The Morrow of Northeastern Oklahoma
Carl A. Moore
Mountain-Building Chronology and the Nature of the Geologic Time Scale
Edmund M. Spieker
Muddy Sandstone Development in the Recluse Field, Campbell County, Wyoming: Abstract
John Woncik
Nationalism in Substitute Motor Fuels
Gustav Egloff
Natural Asphalt and Its Relation to Oil Deposits
E. G. Woodruff
Natural Gases of North America: Abstract
B. W. Beebe
Natural Gas in Oklahoma
Leland E. Moore
Natural Resources in Post War Planning
C. W. Tomlinson
Nearshore-Marine Sandstones, Rocky Mountain Cretaceous: Abstract
D. G. McCubbin
New Concepts in Oceanic Sedimentation: Abstract
Norman J. Hyne
A New Dip Logging Method
F. G. Boucher
New Light on the Earth's Interior
R. A. Daly
New Recovery Methods — Their Prospects and Limitations
Gerald D. Ortloff
New Work Pertaining to Structural and Stratigraphic Problems of the Ouachita Mountains: Abstract
Donald R. Seely
The Next Ten Years in Oil: Abstract
Panel of Experts
The Non-Fuel Minerals and National Defense
William O. Hotchkiss
North American Exploration Frontiers
John Woncik
Northeast Butterly Field, Garvin County, Oklahoma
W. Baxter Boyd, E. C. Parker
The Northern Shelf of the Anadarko Basin: Abstract
Arnold C. Hayden
North Madill Simpson Pool, Marshall County, Oklahoma
Joseph A. Kornfeld
North Pauls Valley Field, Garvin County, Oklahoma
Gerald A. Northrip
Northwest Lake Creek Area, Hot Springs County, Wyoming
Thom H. Green, C. W. Ziemer
Norway's Ekofisk Field—A Landmark in North Sea Basin Exploration: Abstract
Jack H. Lewis
Notes on East Texas Oil Field with Estimates on Total Recovery
R. B. Whitehead
Notes on the Bighorn Basin — Yellowstone Valley Tectonics Field Conference, August 3-5, 1937
C. W. Tomlinson
Notes on the Eighteenth International Geological Congress
W. B. Wilson
Notes on the Geology of the Gulf Coast Region
H. C. Vanderpool
Notes on the Rocky Mountain Trench
J. V. Howell
Number of Oil Wells, Gas Wells, and Dry Holes, Drilled as Wildcats in 1940
Observations on Oklahoma Gravel Deposits
Ed. Bloesch
Observations on the Geologic History of the Gulf of Mexico
C. L. Moody
Occurrence and Origin of Chert
W. A. Tarr
Occurrence of Oil and Gas in the Arbuckle and Ellenburger Formations
John G. Bartram, W. C. Imbt, E. F. Shea
Oceanographic Investigations of Submarine Canyons
Francis P. Shepard
Offshore Sedimentology, Northwest Gulf of Mexico
Fred B. Phleger
Ohio's Petroleum Development and Geological Occurrence: Abstract
Warren L. Calvert
Oil and Gas Development in the Denver-Julesburg Basin
Harry L. Thomsen
Oil and Gas Exploration in the 1970's: The Changing Oil Business
William B. Cleary
Oil and Organic Matter in Source Rocks of Petroleum
John M. Hunt, George W. Jamieson
Oil Creek Truncation Traps in Cooke and Grayson Counties, Texas: Abstract
Gary E. Henry
Oil Depletion Allowance
Mike Monroney
Oil Exploration from the Research Standpoint: Abstract
James F. Johnson
The Oil Fields of Great Britain
A. R. Denison
Oil Field Waters
L. C. Case
The Oil Industry in Argentina
Harry L. Baldwin
Oil in the Limestone Cycle
John Emery Adams
Oil Is Found with Ideas
Parke A. Dickey
Oil Occurrences in Relation to Regional Geology of the Middle East
F. R. S. Henson
Oil Production in Israel: Abstract
Daniel A. Busch
Oil Reserves and Trend of Oil Discoveries in West Texas and Southeast New Mexico
Ed. W. Owen
Oil Reservoirs
F. B. Plummer
Oklahoma's New Geologic Map
Hugh D. Miser
Oklahoma City
R. W. Brauchli, L. L. Foley
Oklahoma Geological Survey and the Oil and Gas Industry: Abstract
Carl C. Branson
Old Structures Never Die
Robert R. Wheeler, Norman C. Smith
Omega of Hydrocarbons: Abstract
Merrill J. Reynolds
On Economic Cycles and Permanent Decline: Abstract
Leo R. Newfarmer
On Researches of the Mississippian
L. R. Laudon
Opposed Thrusts on Scissor Faults in Southern Oklahoma
C. W. Tomlinson
Ordovician Formations in the Illinois River Valley of Northeastern Oklahoma
James H. Montgomery
Origin, Geometry and Production of a Sandstone Reservoir: Abstract
Charles H. Hewitt
The Origin and Development of Graben Structures Associated with Salt Domes
John B. Currie
Origin and Development of Limestone Caverns
James H. Gardner
Origin and Development of the New Volcano, Paricutin, Mexico
Fred M. Bullard
Origin and Distribution
N. W. Bass
Origin and Environment of Source Sediments
Parker D. Trask
Origin and Significance of Glauconite in the Geologic Sequence: Abstract
D. M. Triplehorn
Origin of Mobile Belts—Ouichitas Emphasized: Abstract
Ed Barrett
Origin of Oil: Abstract
A. L. Kidwell, Parke A. Dickey
Origin of Petroleum
Roy L. Ginter, C. L. Case
Origin of Porosity and Permeability in Carbonate and Chert Reservoirs
Samuel P. Ellison Jr.
Origin of the "Bartlesville" Shoestring Sands of Greenwood and Butler Counties, Kansas
N. W. Bass
The Origin of the Earth
Malvin G. Hoffman
Origin of the Hydrocarbons of the Uinta Basin: Abstract
Parke A. Dickey
Orogeny in the Appalachian Highlands of New England
Marland P. Billings
Ostracoda and Stratigraphy of the Henryhouse and Haragan Formations in Southcentral Oklahoma
Robert F. Lundin
Ouachita Facies of Texas and Oklahoma
August Goldstein Jr.
Outline of Talk Given
David M. Logan
The Ozark Uplift and Midcontinent Silurian and Devonian Stratigraphy
John W. Koenig
Palaeomagnetism: Abstract
S. K. Runcorn
Paleoecological Reconstruction of Depositional Environments—Some Techniques of Possible Exploration Interest: Abstract
Francis G. Stehli
Paleogeography and Correlation of Appalachian Province Lower Devonian Sedimentary Rocks
A. J. Boucot, J. G. Johnson
Paleogeologic and Quantitative Lithofacies Analysis, Simpson Group, Oklahoma: Abstract
M. W. Schramm Jr.
Paleogeology of Ouachita Geosyncline, Oklahoma and Texas: Abstract
August Goldstein Jr.
Paleotectonic History, Western North America: Abstract
L. R. Laudon
Paleotectonic Map Project of the U. S. Geological Survey
Edwin D. Mckee
Paleotopography of the Precambian Surface of Northeastern Oklahoma
Allan Charles Francis Dille
Paleozoic History of Southeastern Colorado and Adjacent Areas
John C. Maher
Paleozoic Sand Trends Defined by Dipmeter Data: Abstract
R. L. Campbell Jr.
Paleozoic Stratigraphy of "The Four Corners Region", Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico
William Wyman Mallory
Palynological Fossil Response to Low-Grade Metamorphism in the Arkoma Basin
L. R. Wilson
Palynology - The New Frontier: Abstract
John F. Grayson
Paricutin, Mexico's Newest Volcano
Fred M. Bullard
Paricutin, Mexico's Newest Volcano
Fred M. Bullard
Peculiarities in the Distribution of Oil and Gas in Fields of the Rocky Mountain Region
R. Claire Coffin
Pennsylvanian-Atoka Producing Sands, Red Oak-Norris Gas Field, Arkoma Basin: Abstract
David A. Six
Pennsylvanian-Atoka Producing Sands: Red Oak-Norris Gas Field, Brazil Anticline Latimer and Le Flore Counties, Oklahoma
David A. Six
Pennsylvanian Cycle of Illinois and Its Significance
Rex McGehee
Pennsylvanian History of Northeastern Oklahoma
Carl C. Branson
The Pennsylvanian of Northeast Oklahoma
Malcolm C. Oakes
Pennsylvanian Paleogeography of Southern Oklahoma
C. W. Tomlinson
Pennsylvanian Plant Microfossils of the Croweburg Coal in Oklahoma: Abstract
William S. Hoffmeister
Pennsylvanian Reef in Lawson-Chapman Area, Haskell County, Texas
Walter L. Ammon
Pennsylvanian Sediments on the Northerly Flank of the Pauls Valley Arch
Lon B. Turk
Pennsylvanian Strata of the McAlester Basin
Carl C. Branson
Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy and Structure of the Velma Pool, Stephens County, Oklahoma
William Wyman Mallory
Pennsylvanian System in Wyoming: Abstract
William W. Mallory
Pennsylvanian System of the United States: Abstract
Carl C. Branson
Peoria Field, Arapaho County, Colorado: Abstract
George D. Ecker
The Permian of Southwestern Coahuila, Mexico, and Its Ammonoid Fauna
A. K. Miller
Permian Problems
Ronald K. DeFord
Permian Rocks of the Southern Guadalupe Mountains
Philip B. King
Petroleum Developments and Prospects in Western Canada
G. S. Hume
Petroleum Exploration: Abstract
William C. Gussow
Petroleum Exploration in Mexico
B. W. Beebe
Petroleum Exploration in the Amadeus Basin, Australia: Abstract
Duncan McNaughton
Petroleum Exploration in the Canadian Arctic: Abstract
Jack L. Walper
Petroleum Geochemistry: Abstract
E. W. Biederman Jr.
The Petroleum Geology of Colombia, South America
J. L. Anderson
Petroleum Geology of the Arabian-Persian Gulf Area: Abstract
Richard Hester
Petroleum Geology of the Simpson Group, West Texas and Southeast New Mexico
W. Floyd Wright
Petroleum Geology of the United States: Abstract
Thomas A. Hendricks
Petroleum Hydrogeology
Parke A. Dickey
Petroleum on the Continental Shelves
Wallace E. Pratt
The Petroleum Potential of the Undrilled Areas of the USA: Abstract
A. I. Levorsen
Petroleum Potential of the United States: Abstract
Ira H. Cram
Petroleum Supplies Through the 1970's—Summary of Department of Interior Symposium: Abstract
Lloyd E. Elkins
Petroleum Technology in Russia: Abstract
John M. Hunt, Parke A. Dickey
Petrology of the Post-St. Peter Ordovician, Northern Arkansas
Tom Freeman
The Petrology of the Viola Formation, El Dorado Field, Butler County, Kansas
Edwin W. Biederman Jr.
Laurence Brundall
Photography and Geophysics: Abstract
Edward F. Haye
The Physical Evolution of the Rocky Mountains
S. H. Knight
Physiography and Structure of the Western Andes, with Notes on the Oil Fields of the Mendoza District of Argentina and of Northern Peru
John L. Rich
Pinnacle Reefs, Their Gravity Response
Edward F. Haye
Pioneer Geology in Oklahoma
Charles N. Gould
Pioneer Geology of Texas Panhandle
Charles N. Gould
Porosity in Limestone and Dolomite Petroleum Reservoirs
William C. Imbt, Samuel P. Ellison Jr.
The Position of the Geologist in the Oil Industry Today: Abstract
H. T. Morley
Possibilities for Oil Production in the Illinois Basin
W. V. Howard
Possible Pre-Springeran Unconformity in Southern Oklahoma: Abstract
W. A. Beckman Jr., L. L. Sloss
The Potential of Radar in Geological Exploration
Louis Field Dellwig, Harold C. MacDonald, J. Norman Kirk
Practical Interpretation of Electric Logs
Robert J. Hamilton
The Practice and Applications of Pressure Coring
J. J. Mullane, R. W. Sewell
Pre-Cretaceous Rocks in the Northern Part of the Mississippi Embayment
Kendall E. Born
Pre-Desmoinesian Isopachous and Paleogeologic Studies in Central Mid-Continent Region: Abstract
George G. Huffman
Pre-Pennsylvanian Channeling in Western Kentucky and Its Connection with Oil Accumulation
C. G. Strachan
Pre-Pennsylvanian Geology of Southwestern Kansas, Southeastern Colorado, and the Oklahoma Panhandle
John C. Maher, Jack B. Collins
Pre-Pennsylvanian Rocks Along the Front Range of Colorado
John C. Maher
Pre-Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy of the Hollow Pool and Adjacent Areas of the Central Kansas Basin
Leslie A. Johnston
Pre-Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy of Western Nebraska
G. S. Dille
Pre-Permian Stratigraphy and Oil Possibilities in West Texas
Taylor Cole
Preliminary Observations on the Geological Use of Aerial Photographs
Frank A. Melton
Present Status of Geologic Mapping in Oklahoma
Carl C. Branson
Presidential Address: Structural History of the Arbuckle Mountains
Robert H. Dott
Prince Edward Island, Canada and the Drilling of Hillsborough No. 1—With Comments on General Geology of the Area
J. V. Howell, E. R. Albert Jr.
Principles of Biostratigraphy: Abstract
Robert M. Kleinpell
Problem of the "Mayes" in Oklahoma
E. L. Selk
Problems in Exploration for Natural Gas
B. W. Beebe
Problems in Reflection Seismology
G. H. Westby
Problems in South American Geology as Suggested by an Aerial Traverse
John L. Rich
Problems of Carbonate Rock Classification: Abstract
William E. Ham
Problems of Oil Migration
William C. Gussow
Problems of the Mayes-Boone
R. A. Brant
Problems of the Pennsylvanian of the United States
H. R. Wanless
Producing Characteristics of the Ellenburger Formation of North Texas
Frank W. Cole
The Production, Transmission and Utilization of Natural Gas
Frank H. Dotterweich
Production Data
Professional Certification and Registration and the AAPG: Abstract
J. C. Sproule
Progress Report on the Geology of the Edmond Field
L. W. Jones
Project Rulison and Other Underground Nuclear Technology: Abstract
G. W. Frank
Promising Recent Developments in Geological Exploration Technology. Can They Help Find Oil?
William R. Walton
The Proposed Barnsdall and Tallant Formations in Oklahoma
Malcolm C. Oakes
Prospecting for Oil in the Northwest Territories, Canada
John M. Parker
Prospecting for Petroleum
E. De Golyer
Prospecting for Stratigraphic Traps: Abstract
Daniel A. Busch
Prospects and Structural Problems in Exploration for Natural Gas in the Appalachian Area: Abstract
John C. Ludlum
Pruitt Ranch, New Member of Oil Creek (Simpson) in Criner Hills, Oklahoma
R. W. Harris, Reggie W. Harris Jr.
Punch-Card Calculations of Detailed Stratigraphic Correlations
Charles W. Oliphant, Paul Fullerton
Putting Square Pegs into Square Holes
Alfred Dean Trembly
Quartz Veins in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas and Oklahoma
Hugh D. Miser
Radiation Surveying for Oil and Gas
John W. Merritt
Radioactivity in Petroleum Geology
Clark Goodman
Radioactivity of Sedimentary Rocks
W. L. Russell
Rate and Continuity of Deposition of Sediments
W. H. Twenhofel
A Reasonable View of the Seismic Anomaly
R. W. Dudley
Recent Advances in Carbon-14, Potassium-Argon, and Rubidium-Strontium Geochronometry: Abstract
W. R. Eckelmann
Recent Coral Reefs
J. Edward Hoffmeister
Recent Developments in Dewey and Custer Counties, Oklahoma: Abstract
John Woncik
Recent Developments in Eastern and Central Kentucky: Abstract
William H. McGuire
Recent Drilling Activity in Cook Inlet, Alaska: Abstract
John Woncik
Recent Expeditions to the Antarctic: Abstract
Daniel Linehan
A Recent Interpretation of the Structure of the Coast Ranges
Ralph D. Reed
Recent Investigations of Pre-Atokan Rocks in Northeastern Oklahoma
George G. Huffman
A Recent Log Evaluation Technique—Synergetic Systems: Abstract
K. G. Kemp
Recent Oil and Gas Developments in the Shreveport Area with Special Reference to Cotton Valley
C. L. Moody
Recent Oil Prospecting in India and Pakistan: Abstract
E. V. Corps
Recent Studies in the Ouachita Mountains
C. W. Tomlinson, William D. Pitt
A Reclassification of the Pennsylvanian System in the Northern Mid-Continent Region
Raymond C. Moore
Reefs and Stromatolites: Abstract
William E. Ham
The Reflection Seismograph
Eugene V. McDermott
Regional Clay Petrology of Permian Shale in Southwestern Oklahoma: Abstract
C. J. Mankin, W. H. Bellis, R. L. Kerns Jr.
Regional Correlation and Subsurface Studies of the Arbuckle Group of Rocks in Oklahoma
H. Andrew Ireland
Regional Correlations of Pennsylvanian Rocks
M. G. Cheney
Regional Depositional Basin and Correlations of Simpson Group
H. A. Ireland
Regional Depositional Basins and Correlation of Siluro-Devonian Beds Using Arenaceous Foraminifera and Acid Residues
H. Andrew Ireland
Regional Discussion of Pennsylvanian Reefs of Texas
Carl B. Richardson
The Regional Geology of the Dakota Basin
W. Norval Ballard
Regional Geology of the Hugoton Embayment: Abstract
Glenn F. Thomas
Regional Geology of the Pennsylvanian
John G. Bartram
Regional Investigations, Oklahoma and Kansas
T. C. Hiestand
Regional Structural Types in the Cordilleran System of North America: Abstract
Peter Misch
Regional Structure of the Mid-Continent Area
Ira H. Cram
Relation of Cyclic Depositional Units to Classification of the Pennsylvanian and Permian of the Northern Mid-Continent Area
R. C. Moore
Relation of Earth Temperature to Geologic Structure
John A. McCutchin
Relation of Physical and Geochemical Factors to Porosities in Sandstones of the Bromide (Simpson) of Oklahoma
Carl A. Moore, Lorenzo Luis Albano
Relation of the Exploration of Petroleum to Reserves in the United States: Abstract
Graham B. Moody
Relationship of Crude Oils from the Mississippi Lime and the Shoestring Sands of the Cherokee Shale in Osage County, Oklahoma, and a Part of Southeastern Kansas
N. Wood Bass, Harold M. Smith
Relationships Between Reservoir Petrography and Reservoir Behavior of Some Appalachian Oil Sands
J. C. Griffiths
Renewed Activity of Anak Krakatau: Abstract
Robert W. Decker
Reserve Study of Cottage Grove, Northeast Waynoka Field, Woods County, Oklahoma
B. G. Barby
Reservoir Engineering in a Fieldman's Language
L. E. Elkins
Resume and Setting of Middle and Upper Ordovician Stratigraphy, Midcontinent and Adjacent Regions
H. A. Ireland
Resume of Silurian and Devonian Strata in the Subsurface of Oklahoma
Thomas W. Amsden, T. L. Rowland
Resume of Simpson (Ordovician) Stratigraphy
Martin W. Schramm Jr.
Resume of the Oklahoma City Field; A Study of Minor Folds, Ultimate Production and Production Problems
Lon B. Turk
Review of Geology and Activities in the Uinta Basin
A. M. Current
Review of Geology and Recent Developments in Illinois
R. J. Riggs
Review of Hydraulic Fracturing and Its Effect on Exploration
George Roberts Jr.
Review of New Concepts Based on Information from Joides (Joint Oceanographic Institutes, Deep Earth Sampling): Abstract
Thomas L. Thompson
Review of Petroleum Developments in Alaska: Abstract
Alex W. McCoy III
Review of the Lower Paleozoic Rocks of Northern Arkansas
Robert J. Lantz
Review of the Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma
Joseph L. Borden
A Review of Wildcatting During 1934, in the Mid-Continent, Gulf Coast, and Rocky Mountain Areas, as of January, 1935
E. F. Shea
Rhythm of Permian Seas—A Paleogeographic Study
John M. Hills
The Rocks That Crop Out in Tulsa County, Oklahoma
Malcolm C. Oakes
Role of Carbohydrates in the Formation of Bituminous Coals, Asphalts, Oils and Natural Gas
Ernst Berl
The Role of Isostasy in Mountain Building
Malvin G. Hoffman
Role of Sedimentology in the Discovery and Development of Cardium Oil Fields, Western Canada: Abstract
Eric R. Michaelis
Round Table Discussion the Origin and Time of Accumulation of Oil in the Granite Ridge Pools
Ira Cram, F. R. Clark, E. F. Shea, F. A. Bush, W. B. Wilson
Sand-Making Processes—Normal and Abnormal: Abstract
William R. Walton
San Jorge Basin, Argentina: Abstract
Clyde S. Deal, Willard J. Cramer
San Juan Basin
James H. Gardner
Schlumberger Method of Well Surveying
E. G. Leonardon
Secondary Recovery — A New Challenge to Geologists: Abstract
C. R. Johnson
Sedentary Processes and Their Role in the Formation of Future Source and Reservoir Rocks: Abstract
Donn S. Gorsline
Sedimentary Basin Development and Its Bearing on Oil Occurrence
L. G. Weeks
Sedimentary Facies and Stratigraphic Analysis
L. L. Sloss
Sedimentary Facies and Their Importance in Oil Finding: Abstract
Howard R. Gould
Sedimentary Structures in Modern Carbonate Sands of the Bahamas: Abstract
John Imbrie
The Sedimentation and Petrography of the Lower Calvin Sandstone of Hughes County, Oklahoma
Laddie Burl McDade
Sedimentation of the Gulf Coast
Carl B. Richardson
Sedimentological Studies of Recent and Old Sediments, A Comparison: Abstract
D. J. Doeglas
Sedimentology of Some Mexican Coastal Lagoons
Fred B. Phleger, Gifford C. Ewing
Seeking Oil in Arctic Alaska
C. O. Willson
Selected Bibliography of South American Geology
Howard Ross Cramer
Shelf Principle of Oil Origin, Migration and Accumulation
T. E. Weirich
Shore Processes and Aerial Photographs
F. A. Melton
The Significance of Deltas in Subsurface Exploration
Daniel A. Busch
Significant Exploratory Developments of 1953: Abstract
Phillip C. Ingalls
Significant Exploratory Events of 1956
Frank J. Gardner
Silurian and Devonian Rocks of Northern Arkansas
O. A. Wise, W. M. Caplan
Silurian and Devonian Strata in Oklahoma
Thomas W. Amsden
Silurian Outcrops of Southcentral and Southwestern New Mexico
Frank E. Kottlowski, Lloyd C. Pray
The Siluro-Devonian of West Texas and Southeast New Mexico
E. H. McGlasson
The Siluro-Devonian Rocks of the Ouachita Mountains
Robert T. Sellars Jr.
Simpson Group in Northeastern Oklahoma
George G. Huffman
The Simpson Group of the Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma and Arkansas
F. T. Holden
The Simpson Play—Some Notes and Reminiscences
L. Murray Neumann
Simultaneous Gamma Ray — Resistance Logging as Applied to Uranium Exploration
R. A. Broding, Ben F. Rummerfield
Some Applications of Pure Seismology to Geological Problems
L. Don Leet
Some Aspects of Simpson Anticlines in Central Oklahoma
Thom H. Green
Some Aspects of Subsurface Geologic Correlations: Abstract
Carl A. Moore
Some Basic Aspects of the Oil Industry in Venezuela
R. E. McMillen
Some Features of Stratigraphy in the Arkansas-Oklahoma Coal Basin
T. A. Hendricks
Some Frontiers of Petroleum Geology
A. I. Levorsen
Some Highlights on Early Geological Exploration in the Mackenzie River Area of Northern Canada
Theo. A. Link
Some Inter-Relationships Between Ideas, Dollars, and Good Dialogue
Melba W. Murray
Some New Concepts in Geophysics: Abstract
R. A. Baile
Some Notes on Geology and Geologists: 1907-47
Hugh D. Miser
Some Principles of Petroleum Occurrence: Abstract
Lewis G. Weeks
Some Problems of the Ouachita Mountains
Hugh D. Miser
Some Stratigraphic Studies of the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Rocks of the Ouachita Mountains Oklahoma
L. M. Cline
Some Thoughts of the Structural Evolution of Southern Oklahoma
Jack L. Walper
Sources of Lower Eocene Sands in Central Texas: Abstract
Robert L. Folk
South Canyon Creek Field, Osage County, Oklahoma
L. E. Kennedy, L. B. Peters Jr.
Southeast Ceres Field, Noble County, Oklahoma
E. P. Neal
Southwestern Oklahoma, the Hollis Basin
Joe M. Sears
Springer and Related Rocks of Oklahoma
Allan P. Bennison
Springs, Tunnels, and Karst Topography of the Ozarks: Abstract
Joseph M. Clark
SSC Optical Analog Computer: Abstract
Stanley W. Wilcox, R. W. Baltosser
The Status of Geological Education in the U. S. Today: Abstract
V. Brown Monnett
Status of Sidelooking Radar Imagery for Earth Resources Studies
Allan N. Kover
The Status of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Geology
A. R. Denison
Strategic Weapons Bring the Next War to Your Front Door: Abstract
Robert E. Fearon
Stratigraphic Analysis and the Search for Oil: Abstract
L. L. Sloss
Stratigraphic Classification in Relation to Facies
Raymond C. Moore
Stratigraphic Convergence Problems in Oil-Finding
Robert M. Swesnick, Robert R. Wheeler
The Stratigraphic Correlation of the Wewoka Formation
Raymond H. Swanson
Stratigraphic Correlations and Depositional Environments Indicated by Ammonoid Occurrences in the Texas Pennsylvanian
Gayle Scott
Stratigraphic Dolomitization in Arbuckle Rocks in Oklahoma
William J. Burgess
The Stratigraphic Position of the Pre-Marmaton Producing Horizons of Oklahoma
Robert M. Whiteside
Stratigraphic Possibilities of the Dakota Side of the Williston Basin
John Paul Gries
Stratigraphic Prospecting by Soilane and Eltran
E. E. Rosaire
Stratigraphic Study of Pennsylvanian and Permian Rocks in the Western Mid-Continent: Abstract
Bailey Rascoe
Stratigraphic Summary of the Ellenburger Group of North Texas
Leo Hendricks
Stratigraphy, Sedimentation, and Seismology: Abstract
H. M. Thralls
Stratigraphy and Its Role in Petroleum Exploration with Special Emphasis on the Gulf Coast: Abstract
E. H. Rainwater
Stratigraphy and Structural History of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: Abstract
Ray Thorsteinsson
Stratigraphy and Tectonics of Washita, Beckham, and Roger Mills Counties, Oklahoma
Robert P. McNeal
Stratigraphy in the Ardmore Area
F. W. Floyd, D. C. Nufer
Stratigraphy of Oklahoma
Robert H. Dott
Stratigraphy of the Arkoma Basin
Arkoma Basin Study Group
Stratigraphy of the Bendian of the Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma, and a Discussion of the Stanley and Jackfork
Bruce H. Harlton
Stratigraphy of the Mississippian Formations of the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico
L. R. Laudon, A. L. Bowsher
Stratigraphy of the Moon: Abstract
Daniel J. Milton
Stratigraphy of the Pre-Carboniferous Rocks of Black Knob Ridge, Oklahoma
T. A. Hendricks
Stratigraphy of the Simpson Group in Oklahoma
Anthony T. Statler
Stream Channels Applied to the Arbuckle of the Central Kansas Uplift
J. A. Mull
The Strength of the Earth
M. King Hubbert
Strike-Slip Faults: Abstract
Mason L. Hill
The Structural and Stratigraphic History of the Chandler Area of Lincoln County, Oklahoma: Abstract
Clyde G. Strachan
The Structural Framework of the Caribbean Region
K. W. Barr
Structural Geology and Petroleum Production Methods in Moreni Gura-Ocnitzei Field, Roumania
John P. Klep
Structural Geology in the Canadian Shield as Revealed by Air Photographs
J. M. Harrison
Structural Geology of the Ouachita Mountains: Abstract
George W. Viele
Structural Geology of the Southern Arbuckle Mountains
William E. Ham
Structural Geology of the Yellowstone-Bighorn Region
William T. Thom
Structural Geophysics and the Simpson in Oklahoma
John J. Rupnik
Structural History of the Billings Field Interpreted in Terms of Isostasy
Malvin G. Hoffman
Structural History of the Criner Hills
C. W. Tomlinson
Structural Interpretation of Gravity Data
W. R. Sype
Structural Patterns of North-Central Texas
M. G. Cheney
Structural Problems Pertaining to Petroleum Exploration in Wyoming
D. L. Blackstone Jr.
Structural Relations on the East Flank of the Anadarko Basin, Cleveland and McClain Counties, Oklahoma
Lynn Jacobsen
Structure and Sedimentation of a Wolfcamp Bioherm — Adair Oil Field, West Texas Basin
Joseph A. Kornfeld
Structure of Mississippian Rocks in Southeastern Kansas
Daniel F. Merriam, Edwin D. Goebel
Structure of the Continental Margin of Northeastern North America: Abstract
Charles L. Drake
Structure of the Frontal Belt of the Ouachita Mountains: Abstract
Thomas A. Hendricks
Structure of the Middle Rocky Mountains
Rollin T. Chamberlin
Structure of the Western Part of the Ouachita Mountains
T. S. Hendricks
Studies in Paleogeology
A. I. Levorson
Studies of Cyclic Sedimentation in the Late Paleozoic
E. T. Benson
A Study of Subsurface Faults in Oklahoma
Ira H. Cram
A Study of the Aldrich and Arnold Oil Producing Trends of Northwestern Ness County, Kansas: Abstract
Alfred James III
Subaerial Deposits as Illustrated by Permian, Triassic, and Cretaceous
E. B. Branson
Submarine Canyons Related to Salt Domes
Francis P. Shepard
Subsurface Conditions in Texas County, Okla.
C. C. Hemsell
Subsurface Geology of the North Flank of the Wichita Mountains
Clark Millison
The Subsurface Ouachita Structural Belt in Texas: Abstract
Peter T. Flawn
Subsurface Stratigraphy of Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and Georgia
Horace G. Richards
A Subsurface Study of the Fernvale and Viola Formations in the Oklahoma Portion of the Arkoma Basin
Tom Mairs
A Subsurface Study of the Lower Pennsylvanian Rocks of East Central Oklahoma
Neil A. Jackson
A Subsurface Study of the Sholem Alechem Oil Field, Stephens and Carter Counties, Oklahoma
Harold R. Billingsley
Subthrust Production from Springer Sands on the North Flank of the Wichita Mountain Complex: Abstract
Suszanne Takken
Sulphur Producing Salt Domes of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast
L. O. Wiringa
Summary of Recent Development in Illinois
Clark Millison
Summary of Rocky Mountain Geology
John G. Bartram
Surface and Subsurface Subdivisions of Cambro-Ordovician Carbonates of Oklahoma
Bruce H. Harlton
Surface Mapping by Gamma Ray
John W. Merritt
The Surface Relationships of the Carrizo Sand of Texas
H. B. Stenzel
A Survey of Guatemalan Geology
Jack L. Walper
Sycamore and Related Formations of Southern Oklahoma
Phillip A. Chenoweth, Jordan C. Braun, Steve C. Champlin, Jeff D. Prestridge
Symposium on Pennsylvanian Sands of Northeastern Oklahoma and Southeastern Kansas
Committees of Tulsa Geological Society, Shawnee Geological Society
Symposium on the Arkoma Basin: Foreword
Bill O. Andress
Synopses of Talking Picture Films
Earl A. Trager
Synthesis of Gem Minerals
Harold E. Enlows
The Tatums Pool
Glenn Grimes
Tax Treatment of Retained Overriding Royalty Interests
Leroy Gatlin
Tectonic and Environmental Factors in Sedimentation: Abstract
Dan E. Feray
Tectonic Divisions of North America
A. J. Eardley
The Tectonic Framework of the Rocky Mountains: Abstract
D. L. Blackstone Jr.
Terrestrial Dynamics
Bailey Willis
Tertiary Geology and Principal Oil Fields of Burma
H. R. Tainsh
Tertiary History of the Wyoming Basin (A Black-Board Lecture)
S. H. Knight
Theory of Transgressive & Regressive Reef (Bioherm) Development and Origin of Oil Within Them
Theo. A. Link
Three Critical Environments of Deposition and Their Paleogeographic Implications
John Lyon Rich
Time of Oil Accumulation
A. I. Levorsen
Tips and Advice on How a Geologist Should Testify Before the Corporation Commission: Abstract
W. E. Robertson
The Tobias Field, Rice County, Kansas
R. K. Waller, John Brewer
Trap Barriers—Hydrodynamic, Stratigraphic, Wettability: Abstract
Gilman A. Hill
Travelogue of the Caribbean Area Including Lake Maracaibo Oil Fields
John M. Hunt
Trends in International Petroleum
Allan Cree
Trenton Extent in the United States: A Regional Study
Paul L. Lyons
The Triassic and Jurassic Formations of the Colorado Area
A. N. Murray
A Trip to Nicaragua
Carroll H. Wegemann
The TXL Field, Ector County, Texas
C. D. Cantrell
W. P. Mason
Unconformity Analysis: Abstract
Philip A. Chenoweth
The Upper Koyukuk, Alaska
Robert D. Ohrenschall
Use of Combined Gravity and Magnetics as Oil Finding Tools: Abstract
Richard A. Geyer
Use of Computers by Geologists: Abstract
Daniel F. Merriam
Use of Dipmeter as an Aid in Integrating Subsurface, Structural, and Depositional Features: Abstract
J. H. Gilreath
The Use of Fossil Spores in the Resolution of Mississippian Stratigraphic Problems
L. R. Wilson
The Use of Insoluble Residue for Correlation in Oklahoma
H. A. Ireland
Use of Photogeology and Geomorphic Criteria to Locate Subsurface Structures: Abstract
Walter W. Doerningsfeld
The Utilization of Natural Gas for Chemical Products
Harold M. Smith
Utilizing Geological-Geophysical Cooperation for Successful Exploration: Abstract
Lawrence Y. Faust
Valuation in the Oil Fields
Paul Paine
Valuation of Oil Reserves
Harry F. Wright
The Velma Field, Stephens County, Oklahoma
Richard B. Rutledge
The Velma Oil Field, Stephens County, Oklahoma
Richard B. Rutledge
Viola Limestone Production in Southern Oklahoma
Everett Skarda
Viola Oil and Gas Fields of the Mid-Continent
Philip A. Chenoweth
A Visit to Scandinavia
C. G. Carlson
A Volcanic Cycle as Exhibited by Italian Volcanoes
Fred M. Bullard
The Wapanucka Formation
E. D. Luman
Warm Marine Carbonate Environments and Dolomitization
Rhodes W. Fairbridge
The West Duncan Field
D. M. Putman
The West Edmond Field
William H. Atkinson
Western Canada's Oil Lands
F. G. Bird
Western Oklahoma
Frank C. Greene, Charles Ryniker, Glenn S. Dille, Fanny C. Edson, Clyde M. Becker
The West Frederick Field, Tillman County, Oklahoma
Tom Herndon
The West Odell Field, Wilbarger County, Texas
John C. Freeman
What's Down There?
R. W. Wire
What Is Our Geologic Image?: Abstract
W. M. Haas
Whitecliff Dome Field, Osage County, Oklahoma
L. E. Kennedy, L. B. Peters Jr.
Whither the Ouachitas?: Abstract
Peter T. Flawn
Why Geologists Should Know About Mud Used in Rotary Drilling
George R. Gray
Why Geologists Should Understand Computers: Abstract
John P. Olson
Wider Well Spacing — Panacea or Delusion?
Stuart K. Clark
The Williston Basin: Structure and Stratigraphy in Relation to Recent Oil and Gas Discoveries
A. Rodger Denison
Wolfcamp Stratigraphy, Western Delaware Basin: Abstract
W. W. Tyrrell Jr.
Women in Exploration: Abstract
Dollie Radler Hall
Zenith Pool, Stafford County, Kansas: An Example of Stratigraphic Trap Accumulation
W. C. Imbt